Half-Life 2: Episode Two "Three games. One box" trailer


Jul 18, 2003
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There are some new footage on Ep2, TF2 and Portal but not really that much to get all freaked out about. It's still pretty neat though, especially G-Man's voice in the end. :LOL:

Linkage. (Stream)

EDIT: If you have any problems playing the video, try using a different internet browser other than Firefox.

EDIT 2: The video can now be downloaded in Hi-res from here.
I wov u DigiQ8

Interesting. Some new footage mixed in with the old.
I'm pretty sure those aren't the new vids Lombardi was talking about.
The only new footage i noticed was some portal stuff and the MEDIC!



Still, looks like the Gman - misunderstood servant of the people as he is - has been reduced to hawking software. Quality software, true... but still software.
The scene with the car rolling while out of Gordonview was damn sweet.
meh, I wonder how they did that scene with the car...I mean, the camera chase looks SO dynamic- might there not have been a second player on the server? To do recording?! Omg, ep2 is coopable!
They call this edition The Black Box, nice name! Also voice of G-Man and cyber woman from Portal sounds awesome! :thumbs:
HD video can be downloaded HERE, some shots looks pretty cool. I'm outside US and I don't have problems with this video, but yeah MTv sucks.
Btw - "In physics, a black box is a system whose internal structure is unknown, or need not be considered for a particular purpose. Sometimes black box is used as a synonym for black body."
Its not just MTV it happens with a lot of this sort of stuff if you're outside the US.
thanks for the vid good to see some (not much) new footage and we now know the name of the package.
Sweet! The 3rd person car chase and the medic looked friggin awsome!
That high def kicks ass!
Man, the strider and the hunter really looked great in HD. But why did the car have a bathtub built in the rear? You can't even store anything there, since it's off-kilter. Is it for balance or summat?
I thinks its a fridge for Gordon's food, just for realism. Or amybe for balance as you said. Or both.
BTW nice name it owuld have to be a physics name eh?