Half-life 2 Gold Edition Soundtrack



Hi there, I'm new to this forum and was wondering if anyone had the Half-Life 2 Gold Edition and would be willing to part with the soundtrack that came with it? I offer a fair price and/or trade!
Cheers guys
Dan (filmscoreking)
I have all the music, but not the CD, only an unofficial one that was titled 'Half-Life' by Doug Larrent, which I mistaken for a soundtrack.
I'm sure you can get it off places like eBay, Trademe, NewEgg and such.
That's a track that comes with the game, the Water Hazard chapter where you run from a chasing Helicopter. My point is it's included in the game and
does not require you to buy the CD. You only need to use GCFScape, or even buy Audiosurf that includes all the series music and bonus tracks.
That's a track that comes with the game, the Water Hazard chapter where you run from a chasing Helicopter. My point is it's included in the game and
does not require you to buy the CD. You only need to use GCFScape, or even buy Audiosurf that includes all the series music and bonus tracks.

Thanks, but I really am looking to get a hard copy of the original that came with the game. I don't believe in downloads or anything other than the real deal I'm afraid - call me old-fashioned!
An admirable stance, but I think this will be quite a quest. Try sites like eBay and such.
If you just use GCFScape and open up the source sounds GCF you can rip it out at full quality.
If you just use GCFScape and open up the source sounds GCF you can rip it out at full quality.

1 Up for you.

I see this the only rational move; you've already payed for the game, why pay more for the music.
Paying more for higher quality, bonus tracks and a hard physical copy, that's just what he said. :)

Thanks, but I really am looking to get a hard copy of the original that came with the game. I don't believe in downloads
or anything other than the real deal I'm afraid - call me old-fashioned!

Oh no, not at all. I admire you and really like hard copies myself. I'd much much rather buy a boxed game than download off Steam anyway.
But it's just hard to get a hand on them is all.

Well as it happens it would appear my efforts have struck gold as I've found someone willing to trade theirs!
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