Half-Life 2 Guide


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Having trouble beating Half-Life 2? never fear. The chaps over at HL Fallout have sent word about a Half-Life 2 walkthrough they are producing, which looks very promising.
The released portion includes an in-depth walkthrough of the first 10 chapters of the HL2 single player (these first ten chapters’ span over 44 pages) including hundreds of accompanying screenshots.[br]
In a few days, the remainder of the guide will be completed and released including the remaining chapters, secrets, easter-eggs and cheats, single-player tips, a story guide and more.
Head on over to HL Fallout for the guide.
make a pdf/downloadable version. preddy pleaseeeee =)
If it's better than the offical, I'm gonna be mad :)
The Dark Elf said:
What did I just say? I said ask Chris_D not me :p
lol i read, i wasnt askin you but, just a general request that i hoped Chris may read.
hl2 fallout beat you guys to it. You should just quit now. :)
i think gamespot has one too, if any of you guys even visit it anymore after that nice little hl2 review scandal.
gforce811 said:
i think gamespot has one too, if any of you guys even visit it anymore after that nice little hl2 review scandal.
What scandal are you talking about?
ooooh walk through, too bad i beat it. but imma check if there are things i missed i can go back to
Interesting but its not something i would use :)

I would like a gman list tho. Just to know if iv seen all the gmans.
johnnypoopoopant said:
ooooh walk through, too bad i beat it. but imma check if there are things i missed i can go back to
I want to check it too, but I don't do tat because I haven't finished it yet (that's not because I'm not good at fps games but I'm very busy atm with school :( ). And I don't check it because I think it contains spoilers :P. I don't even wanna know how many levels it has exactly, but I know I'm close to the end (I'm in the part of City 17 with the striders).
LOL do halflife 2 need a walkthrough? I mean ffs, I never got stuck more than 10 minutes in one place.
Wolfy Snackrib said:
LOL do halflife 2 need a walkthrough? I mean ffs, I never got stuck more than 10 minutes in one place.
a whole 10 minutes... omgz jo0 suxx0r!!!1

(just kiddin'), the guides a good thing... no easter eggs ive missed though. I suppose they have to be careful not to sound like the Official Guide, Plagurism(sp?) and all that.