Half-life 2 = Halo 2



The endings both suck and set you up for the next chapter of the series and both games have great gameplay. When you think about it though in HL2 we learned nothing throughout the game, no questions were answered, only more were posed. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! I am so upset right now, that ending was complete horseshit. Halo 2 at least told an interesting story while we were playing, in HL2 I was looking for answers to the questions that were being posed only I got none. Very disappointed gamer here.
I cannot believe I actually saw "Half life 2 = Halo 2". Let me correct this:

Half Life 2 > Halo 2.

The storyline for half life 2 is way more in depth and original than that of Halo 2.
I didn't mean that the story that they told was worse then Halo 2 what I meant was that the disappointment for me for the endings was equal. Absolutely horrible.
Unlike Halo 2 you aren't spoon fed the story. Try playing through again and listen some more, look around some more. Many questions are answered, but it's up to you to find the answers.
Answers are not provided for the important questions, yes we find out how long it has been and we see members of the mesa team and we learn what people are up to since mesa, but we still don't know what we really want to know.
I was a bit disappointed that virtually we got no answers regarding the first half life.
Compairing Half-Life 2 to Halo 2 is like compairing fine art to being poked in the eye.

Ok, Halo 2 isn't that bad,. but lord, it aint good.
The millions of people who bought the game disagree. HL2's ending was absolutely horrid, it gave no answers and posed only questions. Halo's ending while not providing many answers or solutions, at least capped off the story of the single player campaign which helped flesh out covenant ideals and government systems... we got nothing of that kind from HL2. who are the combine? why are they there? what made dr. breen do what he did? who/what was he talking to and where was that teleport going? what happened to vance and alyx? this sucks
HL2 craps allover the overrated Halo 2, dont even insult HL2 by mentioning it together with Halo 2.
Not a Halo2 vs. Half Life 2 thread again. Don't you guys get it? Both are good games but have nothing to do with each other...comparing them is doing nothing good but a few ppl flaming. Grow the **** up.
NateDogX said:
The millions of people who bought the game disagree. HL2's ending was absolutely horrid, it gave no answers and posed only questions. Halo's ending while not providing many answers or solutions, at least capped off the story of the single player campaign which helped flesh out covenant ideals and government systems... we got nothing of that kind from HL2. who are the combine? why are they there? what made dr. breen do what he did? who/what was he talking to and where was that teleport going? what happened to vance and alyx? this sucks

It surprises me people actually feel this way. I dont know why but it does.

Persoannly I LIKE when there is mystery to things and liked the HL ending. I came right to the boards and wanted to read all I could about what people had figured out about the storyline.

And while I agree Halo 2 had some good parts to its story as you mentioned I thought the whole thing still seemed kinda PG-13 to me. And although it was less so than the 1st one and the convenant politics was interesting it was still all wraped in this PG-13 plastic-purple-nerfball-laser-beam feel with a craptastic ending of master cheif (what kind of name is that anyways?) saying "I AM GUNNA KIK SUM BOTTOX IN TEH NEXT GAME".
maybe the game didnt answer your questions natedogx.

plus the ending fitted quite well and all the way through the game if you listen carefully and interpret the information found youll see that the story has the perfect ending.
HL2's ending is absolutely perfect. True to the spirit of Half-Life, another iconic G-man moment, revealing enough for you to speculate about, but saving the series' biggest mysteries for HL3. I couldn't be happier with it. Plenty of questions are answered if you poke around and do some thinking.. there are only a few key mysteries left to be solved.
I got many of my questions answered. And I'm absolutely thankful that the ending of HL2 was left mysterious and that the MAJOR questions weren't answered. I honestly don't think that HL2 was ready to address them.
hl2 a perfect story ?
admit it. although the gameplay etc were good , the story sucked bigtime. i dont say this because i cant handle a cliffhanger or some big questions unanswered , i do say so because there simply was NO story told.
OK, there was this strange post-apocaliptic city 17 setting (which was great) but story wise there were ONLY questions , no motives , no intruigue , no sense ... only some new lame questions on top of the unanswered questions we started with.

and yes , when you go search every single inch and talk to every npc u can possibly find , you might get some plot-hints. but you dont built a solid story merely on some vague hints.

btw : its a shooter for ****sake ! when taking out hordes of antlions and combine troops , players really dont pay much attention to subtle messages on bulletinboards etc. they expect the main story to unfold through cutscenes. and dont call this "spoonfed"! we arent 'fed' at all !! :flame:
NateDogX said:
who are the combine?
Apperently they are an alien race that waged war with earth and forces us to surrender only after 7 days of fighting, those combine you fight are the combine overwatch, humans who has since the surrender joined the combine and is apperently assigned to keeping earth in check.
why are they there?
See above
what made dr. breen do what he did?
Power, immortality, simply the promise of becoming similiar to the true combine (Biomechanical)
who/what was he talking to and where was that teleport going?
He was most likely talking to a member of the true combine race and teleport was most likely taking him to some alien world
what happened to vance and alyx?
You will know in a sequel or expansion pack.
Post what you actually want to know.. much of the story is not told by main npcs. If you listen closely to breen you get a LOT of information, the vortigaunt also provide a lot of answers. Although if you don't want to play through again just post your questions and have a look around, I'm sure most of your answers will be answered :)
SupahFly said:
hl2 a perfect story ?
admit it. although the gameplay etc were good , the story sucked bigtime. i dont say this because i cant handle a cliffhanger or some big questions unanswered , i do say so because there simply was NO story told.
OK, there was this strange post-apocaliptic city 17 setting (which was great) but story wise there were ONLY questions , no motives , no intruigue , no sense ... only some new lame questions on top of the unanswered questions we started with.

and yes , when you go search every single inch and talk to every npc u can possibly find , you might get some plot-hints. but you dont built a solid story merely on some vague hints.

btw : its a shooter for ****sake ! when taking out hordes of antlions and combine troops , players really dont pay much attention to subtle messages on bulletinboards etc. they expect the main story to unfold through cutscenes. and dont call this "spoonfed"! we arent 'fed' at all !! :flame:
Here we go again. Another person claiming HL2 has "no story" simply because the story is revealed in an uncommon way. I'm not going to post paragraphs and paragraphs on why there IS a story, over and over again, but you can read my thoughts in this thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=52887&page=1&pp=15, where a few other people took the "no story" argument you're presenting.
Halo 2 looks crap. Please stop comparing these 2 games. HL2 deserves more than this ridiculous comparison. I mean Jedi Knight 2 > Halo 2. Or even Halo PC > Halo 2
Actually, most people liked the ending, it's just instead of coming here whining like a cry baby about it, they are trying to put the peices together and figure out what is going on.
It seems you need a little more brain tissue than the average Rambo-blow-it-all gamer to enjoy the ending.

In general. I myself loved it, such a mystery.
Don't know about you, but most of my questions were answered, maybe you should try to pay attention the next time.

There should always be a bit of mystery, especially because the series hasn't ended yet. I wouldn't wanna know who the G-Man is, he should always be shrouded in mystery.
I'm tired of people saying we got no answers.

We actually did get many answers regarding various things. They weren't directly told to us scripted by a main character NPC, you had to go find out if you really wanted to know.

There ARE some unanswered questions, but you can NOT disregard the amount of information we learned on some of our lingering questions about Black Mesa/ HL1

SupahFly said:
hl2 a perfect story ?
admit it. although the gameplay etc were good , the story sucked bigtime. i dont say this because i cant handle a cliffhanger or some big questions unanswered , i do say so because there simply was NO story told.
OK, there was this strange post-apocaliptic city 17 setting (which was great) but story wise there were ONLY questions , no motives , no intruigue , no sense ... only some new lame questions on top of the unanswered questions we started with.

and yes , when you go search every single inch and talk to every npc u can possibly find , you might get some plot-hints. but you dont built a solid story merely on some vague hints.

btw : its a shooter for ****sake ! when taking out hordes of antlions and combine troops , players really dont pay much attention to subtle messages on bulletinboards etc. they expect the main story to unfold through cutscenes. and dont call this "spoonfed"! we arent 'fed' at all !! :flame:

I thought we already went over this in your 'dejavu' thread (which is on page 2 as I write this)
HL2 isn't any shooter. It never has been about mindless killing, even in the first/expansions. Half L-fe 2's (I have to edit the I to avoid it being unreadable and changing to a blue font) selling points always have been A: The story for the fans, and B: The technology for the mod makers.
i think most of the fan made answers are merely speculation, not cold hard fact. Some of the answers brought up could have been made before half life 2 was even released (ie. why are the combine in c17).

I'd rather not speculate, but rather know the real answer. Speculation does no good for me.

There's a poster in eli's lab that explains a lot (7 day war, breen's motive), and the evolution picture that says combine are robots, plus when you are in the citidal, it explains that those figures are deprived humans. Talking to the vortigons can give you clues. The list goes on.
Look guys ,

I won't argue or discuss about these "open questions"
I did so after the matrix 2 , and the discussions were fun , with lots of interesting theories and speculations. I was a believer than , I KNEW that the matrix 3 would bring answers ans I KNEW people who flamed matrix 2 would have to admit they missed all those "hints" ... But at the end matrix 3 totaly ****ed up the story. :|

I do believe you when you say that "I have to look closer / deeper" and that "I'm missing the subtle hints" etc ... but imo that's the very essence of the story-telling problem.

I DO like movies or games that include that kind of "information-rewards" when you start to analyse them to the bone ; BUT only so if the main story stays SOLID without those detail clues.

And although I'm a big fan of the hl series (and mods) I do have to say that for casual players , who dont flesh out the game , or who dont visit forums like these afterward , the story remains rather skinny.

Face it : you're dropped in a world you don't know , clueless about your own motives or about what exactly is going on out there , and although you learn tiny bits about the world around you as you progress through the game , THERE-JUST-ISN'T-ANY-PLOT-DEVELOPMENT !!!

Some half-hidden side information doesn't compensate that.
Au contraire. In seems like a smoke curtain to me. To cover the lack of real plot (just like the matrix series did) :|

Some people in here seem to confuse "great atmosphere" & "a handfull of hints" with "great storytelling".
Imo telling a good STORY is all about solid character development , solid premises & solid plotdevelopment. And I'm afraid I did'nt found any of that in hl2 ...

Great game , poor story ... and some smoke to cover the second. :farmer:
NateDogX said:
The endings both suck and set you up for the next chapter of the series and both games have great gameplay. When you think about it though in HL2 we learned nothing throughout the game, no questions were answered, only more were posed. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! I am so upset right now, that ending was complete horseshit. Halo 2 at least told an interesting story while we were playing, in HL2 I was looking for answers to the questions that were being posed only I got none. Very disappointed gamer here.

wow, someone who preferred Halo? Filled with buildings that look the same. Comic book / kid cartoon storylines? There's NOTHING intriguing about halo....
Halo grabs you by its story, yes the geometry and graphics are not as advanced but expecting anything different is just plain dumb. The level design is indicative of a console FPS so you can get over that. Both ending were absolutely a waste of my time.
NateDogX said:
Halo grabs you by its story, yes the geometry and graphics are not as advanced but expecting anything different is just plain dumb. The level design is indicative of a console FPS so you can get over that. Both ending were absolutely a waste of my time.
I guess it's a matter of taste, but it's a shame to hear people disliking HL2's ending so much... I love it. I'm extremely glad it's not any different. It could have deviated from the spirit of Half-Life very easily, but instead, it's practically the quintessential 'Half-Life ending'. It left me grinning like a madman, I only wish everyone got the same enjoyment out of it.
NateDogX said:
Answers are not provided for the important questions, yes we find out how long it has been and we see members of the mesa team and we learn what people are up to since mesa, but we still don't know what we really want to know.

Valve has succeeded in creating another Gordon Freeman. Their goal was for you to become Dr. Freeman, and they passed. Gordon would be asking the same questions you are asking. Gordon knows exactly what you know, absolutely nothing. Do you really think Gordon knows who the G-Man is? Hell, do you think anyone knows? Do you think Gordon knows who the combine are? Hell, do you think anyone knows? The game is realistic in that no one is going to sit down with you and explain the entire storyline. Gordon does his job without questions, and succeeds. It is a genius ending, but it takes some brains to understand it. There are clues here and there that help Gordon understand little things, but like you said, the big questions still remain. Which is realistic.
zapper said:
Valve has succeeded in creating another Gordon Freeman. Their goal was for you to become Dr. Freeman, and they passed. Gordon would be asking the same questions you are asking. Gordon knows exactly what you know, absolutely nothing. Do you really think Gordon knows who the G-Man is? Hell, do you think anyone knows? Do you think Gordon knows who the combine are? Hell, do you think anyone knows? The game is realistic in that no one is going to sit down with you and explain the entire storyline. Gordon does his job without questions, and succeeds. It is a genius ending, but it takes some brains to understand it. There are clues here and there that help Gordon understand little things, but like you said, the big questions still remain. Which is realistic.
Exactly. If you're observant, you can figure out everything about the situation, other than the things that nobody knows anyway. I love it. It seems a lot of people are far too used to the storytelling of commercial cinema and television, which generally assumes the viewer is an idiot and explains everything far too obviously, which has somehow created the mindset that your time has been wasted if questions are left unanswered. Get your minds working, people. Fill in the blanks.. speculate. Use your imagination. The whole experience will be much more rewarding if you participate in that way, rather than demanding that answers are handed to you.

To be honest, I hope that when concluding the Half-Life saga, they leave some things open to interpretation and speculation. Obviously there are certain big issues that need resolving, but it would be a shame if nothing was left to the imagination. A series like Half-Life has great opportunity to be thought provoking.
If you truly pay attention in HL2 you will see some very deep parts of the story that aren't told with words.
I hope you at least enjoyed the whole game, don't base you're opinion of the game too much on the ending, although I havn't seen it yet. I know that what i'm playing right now is a wonderfully good game though.
Halo & Halo 2 suck. Those games are only good when you got 4 people, and maybe some dorritos.

Seriously, tell me what's amazing/revolutionary about those games?

HALO is so dumb....

HL2 is simply the best game ever made up to date. (following the GTA series)
well here is what i have gotten SO FAR! (having completed the game)


The combine are half humanoid half machine (we see this FOR SURE on a poster near that place with all the toxic sludge...and the stupid...ah well...) we see it anyways

The THINGS that breen is negociating with are like Lavi...you know the ones...loook like maggots. Near the end in the citadel, when ur behind his ass and he says "well hes behind me now" you see a massive picture of one on the screen. they are the "benfactors" and breen is simply handing over the earth to them. Maybe he is under some sort of mind control..we dont know, that is left for us to maybe find out later on.

The Gman as ever is as ever elusive..and very vague.. (god that did actually piss me off) I get what he means at the end..but the thing is, he manages to freeze time... one of the best effects ive seen that.....looked nice..anyways, then when he fades out again, like he did in the first episode, he walks through a door. Maybe we have been in "storeage" all this time...and never actually really left, i dont relly have the room or abailty to explain what im thinking, but i just think its all a big sharade or something. I mean there IS gonna be a hl3..i mean i will kidnap the whole team AND MAKE THEM do another if i have too....

you find out that the whole earth is being "refined" down to have a "better" gene pool; i think they refer to it as running out the impurities of humanity or something...

Theres LOADS of information there...its everywhere, just have to be sure to look

and saying the HL2 ending sucked?? obvously we all have our own opinions..its just the some are wrong LOL!! Seriously, i loved that ending, its only because it wasnt what you EXACTLY wanted, is why you dislike it, simply take it as it is... i mean.. cmon.....that ending OWNS YOU!! now H2 on the otherhand.......... :flame: