Half Life 2 HD Remake?

Jul 18, 2013
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I've been think for a while that I should make a remake of Half Life 2 in the source 2 engine when it get released. It would include, Half Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode 1, and Half Life 2: Episode 2. There will be remastered voice acting and visuals to give it a very new feel. It will feature extra story missions to expand on the universe and a ton a extra content like new weapons, new locations, new enemies, and much more. But I don't know how to make a mod, so I need some help. Let me know if I should do this or not because I think it's a good idea.
I think they're fine as they are already.
The closest you can get is HL2: Enhancement Mod. It's using the Alien Swarm engine.
So not only do you want to remake/enhance the assets of a professional studio-made game that took over 4 years to make, but you want to add "tons" of new content as well?
Start making some prototype now, with Unity3D 4.x. It's very capable DX11-engine, geared towards component-based development, suitable for any team size. It's very user-friendly and surpasses current Source version in many areas (but still lacks in some too). It's a great point to start with and build upon. Don't wait for Source 2 to be released, start making something NOW. For example, port your favourite HL2 map/scene to it, and try to make it better. Find out how much time did it take you and see what could be done with that.

The thing is, when I was young I was fascinated with game development too - my dream game was Resident Evil 3 (for PlayStation), and I thought that once I obtain all the tools required, I'll be capable of making my own super-RE in a whim. 10 years later, I still haven't released any RE killer, but I've made tons of other games instead, mostly web-based flash games, and some of them had over 50 million views worldwide. Start small, dream big.