half life 2 in europe on 1 DVD standard edition

Yup thats good news for the people who dont want to spend the extra cash for the CE in europe. Its sad how many people in the US dont have a dvd drive. :/ Thats why Far Cry was on 5 cds here. :/
F*ck f*ck, quick, need DVD drive :p
Oh, very nice, I prefer 1 DVD to 6 CD's :D
Delicious. Maybe we're getting a dvd because "they" don't give us packages here in europe (at least not in Sweden) any more.. we get the games in dvd-case nowadays :( Which sucks if you ask me. It just feels so cheap.
ohhhh that's my biggest wish for us in the states right now.

Just a standard DVD version where I don't have to spend $80 for things I don't want. If not, than Steam will get my purchase.
Why do publishers in the US have a fear of DVDs? Most gamers are chomping at the bit to get DVD versions of the games. It is rediculous.
This sucks, because I don't have a DVD-drive at the moment. ;( Guess I will have to wait for my new comp to arrive in December… Bah.
ShadowFox said:
Why do publishers in the US have a fear of DVDs? Most gamers are chomping at the bit to get DVD versions of the games. It is rediculous.

Because Americans are whiners... if they released a DVD version a whole gang of people would bitch and moan. American companies have to appeal to the masses... In Europe they are like **** you.. take the DVD or don't play the game! I wish American Companies were like that hehe :)
Yay, that's great! I agree that they probably couldn't stuff 6 cds in one of those cheap cases they use here. But in this case (no pun intended), there's a positive side to it: a dvd version.
ShadowFox said:
Why do publishers in the US have a fear of DVDs? Most gamers are chomping at the bit to get DVD versions of the games. It is rediculous.

It seems a lot of US gamers are afraid of spending $20 extra for their expensive rig to get a DVD drive. Just look around forums when people suggest DVD only games - there's a huge outcry from a lot of people.

The UK - thankfully, is seemingly going the way of the DVD. Of the last 7 games I've bought only 1 has been CD (Dawn of War).

This is a good thing.
ShadowFox said:
Why do publishers in the US have a fear of DVDs? Most gamers are chomping at the bit to get DVD versions of the games. It is rediculous.
Because they're not 52speed :LOL:
Stuff like this makes me glad I'm buying the game from Steam. Vivendi sucks.
Yep... those americans are a bit slow *running for cover, even though it was a friendly joke*
ShadowFox said:
Why do publishers in the US have a fear of DVDs? Most gamers are chomping at the bit to get DVD versions of the games. It is rediculous.
If not enough people buy DVD drives then publishers don't think anyone wants them yet and so they don't make anything on DVD. If nothing is made on DVD then no one will buy a DVD player.

"Whats the point in buying a DVD player if I can't use it for anything special yet?" Is the usual argument.
Yellonet said:
Yep... those americans are a bit slow *running for cover, even though it was a friendly joke*

Oh don't get me wrong I am American and proud of it.. but I know only 30% of the population have any freaking sense
The Mullinator said:
If not enough people buy DVD drives then publishers don't think anyone wants them yet and so they don't make anything on DVD. If nothing is made on DVD then no one will buy a DVD player.

"Whats the point in buying a DVD player if I can't use it for anything special yet?" Is the usual argument.

Hopefully this will bring us HL2 on DVD :)


Undetermined 43,219 6.64 % #######
CD-Rom 113,307 17.40 % #################
DVD 494,692 75.96 % ############################################################################
Undetermined 1 0.00 %
They're going to have to use DVD sooner or later. If next-gen game consoles use Blu-Ray for games, there will be no other option. Still nice to see they don't even make the option available in the largest market.

No reason to give a publisher money when I pay the developers directly and just back up the GCF files on a DVD-R.
theGreenBunny said:
Yay, that's great! I agree that they probably couldn't stuff 6 cds in one of those cheap cases they use here. But in this case (no pun intended), there's a positive side to it: a dvd version.

What cheap cases? The standard DVD Amaray cases? I like those cases alot better than the old cardboard cases. Much better, take less space, and are aestetically prettier :D
Yay! Go DVD! I was hoping that would happen...

Now to determine whether I'd end up buying the CE anyway :sleep:
This is very good news

HL2 DVD,s for Europa is the best thing what could happen to me because i hate cd,s and now i dont have too buy that Collecters edition thing :smoking:
L3onheart said:
What cheap cases? The standard DVD Amaray cases? I like those cases alot better than the old cardboard cases. Much better, take less space, and are aestetically prettier :D
One of the reasons why "They" could make the transition to DVD-case was that no one makes nice big manuals anymore. We just get a pdf on the disk and a 8 page folder... that's gaming evolution for you.
Edge said:
Hopefully this will bring us HL2 on DVD :)


Undetermined 43,219 6.64 % #######
CD-Rom 113,307 17.40 % #################
DVD 494,692 75.96 % ############################################################################
Undetermined 1 0.00 %
Still 1 of 6 that doesn't have a DVD-ROM...

But with so many customers why not make two versions, like UT2k4, 6 CD's or 1 DVD. Charge $2 more for the DVD.
yea i go to europe quiet a bit and i remember seeing everyhting in DVD cases as dvds

i wish they had it like that here in the states :-(
Yellonet said:
Still 1 of 6 that doesn't have a DVD-ROM...

But with so many customers why not make two versions, like UT2k4, 6 CD's or 1 DVD. Charge $2 more for the DVD.

Why charge more for the dvd version, you do know that its cheaper for them to put hl2 on 1 dvd then on 6 cd's.

1dvd= 25 cents
1 cd= 10 cents times 6 = 60

So the dvd version should be 35 cents cheaper!!! :smoking:
Grey Fox said:
Why charge more for the dvd version, you do know that its cheaper for them to put hl2 on 1 dvd then on 6 cd's.

1dvd= 25 cents
1 cd= 10 cents times 6 = 60

So the dvd version should be 35 cents cheaper!!! :smoking:
There's a difference in printing the dvd's/cd's than burning them.
Grey Fox said:
Why charge more for the dvd version, you do know that its cheaper for them to put hl2 on 1 dvd then on 6 cd's.:smoking:
Well, that's what they do :( Besides, that would be a reason for making a DVD version.
FISKER_Q said:
There's a difference in printing the dvd's/cd's than burning them.
Technically they're not burned though... just so you know ;)
Am I a whiny this evening?
Yellonet said:
Technically they're not burned though... just so you know ;)
Am I a whiny this evening?
What do you want me to call it, lasering it?