Half Life 2 is going to own Doom 3

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After playing the final version of Doom 3 I can easily say that Half Life 2 will be a much better game all around, yes Doom 3 is very nice and all but its not as perfect as ID made it look, even tho I havent played the final HL2 version, I have no doubt in my mind that HL2 will blow Doom 3 out of the water.
I also think the AI and the graphics in HL2 will be far superior.
YES, In some aspects. :)

watch the two vids at he DOOM3 leaked thread and you will see why HL2 will own doom3 in SOME bits such as the story.
Do we need any more Half-Life 2 vs Doom 3 threads?

Its not HL2 vs Doom 3 thread, its MY OPINION, dont like it ? dont read it.
Seeing as how you've only had time to play a few hours of DOOMIII at the most, and HL2 isn't even out yet this is one of the most pointless threads I've seen.
Im on level 5 on Doom 3, ya retard, stop trolling in my thread, and I also "played" enough of HL2 to come to this conclusion.
Not only that, I had Doom 3 since saturday.
Doom 3 is already owning Half-Life 2 in my opinion. Doom 3 has much better looking environments and the sound and atmosphere is way better than anything I've seen so far from HL2. And what proof do you have that HL2 has such a fantastic story?
Considering how 70% of the HL2 leak doesn't work right or has been changed since the leak was out, that is a bad way to go and decide upon a game.

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