Half-Life 2 is NOT Gamespot's best PC Game 2004

thats so ****ing sad. so glad i switched to ign.
The cool thing is, 5 of the 10 game of the year contenders are PC games, the most of any platform. And they say PC gaming is on the decline!

I hope Half-Life 2 walks away with the big prize, but there's some pretty tough competition.
I think Gamespot will give the overall Game of the Year award to World of Warcraft. It wouldn't be logical from them to give the award to Half-Life 2, since it's not their best PC Game of the year.
They'll give overall game of the year to GTA:San Andreas.
GTA will win, it's just too obvious. What I find interesting is that Halo 2 didn't win best Xbox.
This is all playing out just how everyone expected it to, it seems. (Except for Burnout 3, though - that's a shocker.)

Gamespot is so predictable in its unpredictability.
who the hell cares about gamespot?
is there really anyone for whom they are not the gheyest gaming site around since they gave halo2, a shit game, higher ratings than half-life 2, the closest thing we have ever seen to perfection?
I play WoW and I agree, it is a better game. But it will always be WoW while HL2 will be thousands of different games. Hence the purchase.
CriYam said:
I play WoW and I agree, it is a better game. But it will always be WoW while HL2 will be thousands of different games. Hence the purchase.
you made no sense, die before you spread your stupidity.
I played WOW, it is freakin' boring. I don't understand why it got a high score. It feels just the same as all the other MMORPGs.
Hey, at least you don't have to spend money every month just to play HL2 and all its mods.

Besides, when's the last time I've ever trusted gamespot? Oh, it's too long ago to remember.

BTW I'm sure these morons will give GOTY to San Andreas or Halo 2. I wouldn't mind a great game like UT 2k4 or Riddick getting it, but I'm almost 100% sure it will be GTA:SA or Halo 2
This is one time that I agree with Gamespot. Half Life 2 is a phenomenal first person shooter. Best I have played. I am really loving World of Warcraft. The game can be slow, but I find myself playing for hours. Maybe FPS' don't hold the same allure or maybe the replayability isn't there for me. I am waiting for the stutter patch to replay HL2. For now, I am a bit hooked on WOW...
I don't think that a GOTY award should ever be given to a Pay to Play game. Just my opinion, but I can't say I value Gamespot's opinion anymore anyway: HL2 FPS of the year? I can't say I disagree, but when their own ratings say exactly the opposite, you get the distinct impression that the Gamespot corporate beast talks out of the hole most of us reserve for dangling over the toilet.
MGS3 is the GOTY as far as I'm considered, but it didn't even get nominated.
Screw Gamespot. PC-Gamer's the shiznit, yo!

HL2 guaranteed GOTY from PCG.

And yes, MMORPGs are boring, repetitive and for people with actually LESS of a life than me.
I don't care what some gaming site says. IT GETS MY GAME OF THE YEAR AWARD!!! :thumbs: :bounce: :thumbs: :bounce:
trizzm said:
who the hell cares about gamespot?
is there really anyone for whom they are not the gheyest gaming site around since they gave halo2, a shit game, higher ratings than half-life 2, the closest thing we have ever seen to perfection?

Oh noes, their opinion differs to yours! GAMESPOT R TEH GHEYEST!! :O :O :O
Pathetic... I bet any site/mag that dosent hive HL2 GotY, people are going to call the entire company ghey.
Some fanboys make me sick.
Gamespot likes games with lots of stuff in it. HL2 had no chance of winning unless it took place in a fully (if not aimlessly) populated environment with fully drivable vehicles, open ended mission structure and hundreds of secrets and items.

More than a question of how good a game is, ratings like these show off what the reviewer wants to see in the future-- Gamespot is not on the side of the story-focused FPS games (Halo2, Doom3 most dissappointing? HL2 not best PC?) but prefer non-linear, lots-of-things- to-do games. Can you really hold this opinion against them?
KagePrototype said:
Oh noes, their opinion differs to yours! GAMESPOT R TEH GHEYEST!! :O :O :O

It is true. I mean they gave TH3 a 10/10. Sorry but some one who says that is "teh gheyest". Considering the fact that TH1 was better due to the originallity of it TH3 was just the same with added bits on, nothing that special.

I wouldnt put mmogs in these goty things because technically you could put them in every year because they are constantly worked upon adding large sections to the game which would be considered an expansion or addon for other games although if the extra content is so large they may sell it as an addon.
ViolenceJack said:
It is true. I mean they gave TH3 a 10/10. Sorry but some one who says that is "teh gheyest". Considering the fact that TH1 was better due to the originallity of it TH3 was just the same with added bits on, nothing that special.

I guess I'm ghey as well. ;)

I wouldnt put mmogs in these goty things because technically you could put them in every year because they are constantly worked upon adding large sections to the game which would be considered an expansion or addon for other games although if the extra content is so large they may sell it as an addon.

You could say the same thing about HL2. Remember HL2: DM? Or the constant CS updates after it's retail release? Who knows what else they're gonna add on to these things via Steam? There's also the huge amount of mods that could appear, requiring a copy of HL2. Surely this counts just as much as content added onto an MMORPG?
HalfLife2Addict said:
Gamespot are PS2 fanboys. They even put HL2 in the same league as Chronicles Of Riddick, an XBrick game, LOL.
if they are PS2 fanboys why all the latest PS2 games get under 9 in the review score exect GTA:SA?

I didnt played WOW and I didnt played HL2 so I will not say anything

but what I want to say is that you are becoming to be like the Halo fanboys that you all hate
GS and their forums are full of biased assholes who can't tell the difference between a rehash (Halo 2) and a worthy sequel (Half-life 2). :flame:
rooflecopter @ this thread!!!111one

All you need to know is that I win!
Honestly, gamespot is a joke. They are all opinion biased and media hyped. After reading the HL2 gamespot review, I was almost sick to my stomach. The guy didn't know there was to be a hl3....
smwScott said:
MGS3 is the GOTY as far as I'm considered, but it didn't even get nominated.

Wow, good thing you're not an official reviewer!
but what I want to say is that you are becoming to be like the Halo fanboys that you all hate
For a non-English speaker (primarily, at least), this is so eloquent, and so true.
StAtiC said:
Honestly, gamespot is a joke. They are all opinion biased and media hyped. After reading the HL2 gamespot review, I was almost sick to my stomach. The guy didn't know there was to be a hl3....

I'll just assume Media Hyped = influenced by hype. If they were media hyped, wouldn't they have given HL2 a 10/10? Also, how does a site pull off being opinionated, and media hyped, at the same time when it comes to reviews?

And aren't reviews supposed to be opinion based? Isn't that the whole point of a review? The reviewer thought it was one of the best action games of the year, and a faithful sequel. Care to explain how it made you sick to your stomach? Unless anything under GOTY isn't good enough for you.
what makes me sad is how little the pc gaming community cares about gamespot, mainly becuase their articles and opinions are so obviously biased, and their cheap excuses so lame, that their opinion is worthless.
Hyperion2010 said:
what makes me sad is how little the pc gaming community cares about gamespot, mainly becuase their articles and opinions are so obviously biased, and their cheap excuses so lame, that their opinion is worthless.
You are kind of saying diffrent things their, at first I thought you were supporting gamespot but then I thought you were against them...You have a Dissociative disorder or something?
No game is entitled to win anything.

The fact that Half Life 2 was not the GameSpot Game of the Year shouldn't prevent you from doing all you need to do - that is, enjoying the game for what it is. Have fun!
Seppo said:
I think Gamespot will give the overall Game of the Year award to World of Warcraft. It wouldn't be logical from them to give the award to Half-Life 2, since it's not their best PC Game of the year.

Well a bunch of winners of best for platform weren't even nominated for best overall.