Half-Life 2 Not Delayed!

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I dont know if this was posted before here , if it has tell me so i can remove it.


Half-Life 2 Not Delayed [Jul 29, 2003 : 08:41 pm]
134 Comments - Steve Gibson
A number of gaming sites out there are carrying word of an alleged Half-Life 2 delay according to some folks at Vivendi Universal who are publishing the title retail for Valve Software. However word doesnt seem to have traveled down to Valve according to an email pulled from the Steam forums. (We havent been able to directly confirm or deny with anyone at Valve yet) who might know a thing or two about that. timm of Shacknews comments fame already pointed out this Gabe Newell response:

First time I've heard about this.

So there you go, dont panic just yet as Valve Software decides when they ship, not Vivendi. Valve says there is no delay (that they are aware of, and well.. if anyone is aware of a delay it would be Valve), then there is no delay. Things are still on target for Sept 30th until/unless Valve says otherwise. This is of course assuming the email is legit. The bit about something like this coming down from Vivendi is a bit far fetched too given Valve's situation so what the hell. We'll have word here for you guys as soon as we hear from Valve.
Are you very very sure this site is 100% trustable. ?:dozey:



GABE READ MY WORDS: MAKKE THE 30Sep release date and we will love u!

If u do not make it, we will be very disapointed in u!
it would b nice to see valve realy making a release date for the 1 time whitout have to change it.
Use the topic that's already here! Closed.
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