Half Life 2 Not For Xbox?

I hope Valve sticks to their real fans, and their real virtues ((Modifiable, fun games)) and doesn't do ANY consoles.
CookieCuttah said:
I hope Valve sticks to their real fans, and their real virtues ((Modifiable, fun games)) and doesn't do ANY consoles.

:LOL: "real" fans? Why shouldn't console gamers enjoy HL2? What makes them so inferior?
They use consoles, and not PCs. That makes them inferior. Duh. :rolling:
Why rule out consoles? Hl2's ownage should cover all systems. Think about it... whos gonna play Halo 2 when Half-life 2 comes out for the Xbox? If they include CSS as multiplayer, Halo 2 will be owned as well as all other games... and halfl-life 2 will get Console Gamers' full recognition.
I don't understand this entire "Console gamers don't deserve HL2" mentality. Nor do I understand how Valve developing a console game would be an indication of them abandoning their "real" fans.
I would rather play Halo 2's MP on Xbox over HL2 or CSS MP on Xbox.

I am pretty sure I am not alone. The drivable vehicles make that much of a difference, especially on a console.
DreadLord1337 said:
lmfao @ xbox2

when will the nubs at MS learn.

I see nothing wrong with Xbox2 (codenamed Xenon?).
Have you seen screenshots for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? They look sweet! Those are screenshots from either Xbox2 or PC. (They are releasing it for both)
Here's something to chew on: does the Xbox have the hardware capacity for Half-life2? I'm pretty sure that it has enough to run the game, but the question is how powerful could you crank up the graphics without dropping below, say, 20fps?
Well, as with any PC to console conversion, it would be at a much lower resolution (smoothed out by most people's fuzzy TVs!) and on a dedicated system without Windows running in the background, so I think they could do a reasonable conversion to Xbox. It wouldn't look as good as the PC version but the machine to run it costs considerably less so it would be a good trade off. I haven't seen any effects (yet) in Half Life 2 that haven't been done (some way or another) in Xbox games either.

But I think they should hang out for Xbox 2. As you all know, Halo is considered responsible for some of the success of the 'box, as a decent launch console FPS. As it stand it sounds like Xbox 2 might have Halo 2.5 at launch, which sounds a bit lame and probably won't offer anything new over Halo 2 apart from mulitplayer maps and slightly better graphics. Microsoft would do well to pay Valve (or whoever) a lot of money to get Half Life 2 as a console exclusive as soon as possible, I reckon.
KagePrototype said:
:LOL: "real" fans? Why shouldn't console gamers enjoy HL2? What makes them so inferior?
PC gamers made them famous, made all the mods...They can keep it, console gamers have their games..
CookieCuttah said:
PC gamers made them famous, made all the mods...They can keep it, console gamers have their games..

How does that make console gamers undeserving? Get off your high horse.
semi-psychotic said:
Here's something to chew on: does the Xbox have the hardware capacity for Half-life2? I'm pretty sure that it has enough to run the game, but the question is how powerful could you crank up the graphics without dropping below, say, 20fps?

it can be done, I bet. Just set stuff to medium/reflect world, or optimize it so it works correctly on the xbox. there are some great looking games on the xbox that play well.
semi-psychotic said:
Here's something to chew on: does the Xbox have the hardware capacity for Half-life2? I'm pretty sure that it has enough to run the game, but the question is how powerful could you crank up the graphics without dropping below, say, 20fps?

The xbox has been around for abit now and developers are getting better and better with what they can do with all the 'hacks' they've come up with.

They can also optimize it like hell because there's no hardware conflicts to worry about.

Bring it to console, means more money for valve :p and i'm sure they want that.
Consoles have significantly inferior hardware, so hl2 would likely look like crap on xbox. And this isn't about high horses - Half-life was made and modded for PC; you console guys have SC:Ghost and halo, be happy. But hands off of Half-Life. Besides, it would be a pain to play with a controller.
ForZeN said:
Consoles have significantly inferior hardware, so hl2 would likely look like crap on xbox. And this isn't about high horses - Half-life was made and modded for PC; you console guys have SC:Ghost and halo, be happy. But hands off of Half-Life. Besides, it would be a pain to play with a controller.

haha if it goes to console, good on valve. It's all about money... If they think they can make some more, they'll do it.

Nothing to do with 'deserving' it.

who really gives a hoot if it goes to console?
HadouKen24 said:
They use consoles, and not PCs. That makes them inferior. Duh. :rolling:
and the PC fanboys call they self mature people :LOL:
thanks good I am not one
KagePrototype said:
How does that make console gamers undeserving? Get off your high horse.
let them alone

they cant accept that mor people play on consoles,also cant accept that are good games on consoles
StAtiC said:
Why rule out consoles? Hl2's ownage should cover all systems. Think about it... whos gonna play Halo 2 when Half-life 2 comes out for the Xbox? If they include CSS as multiplayer, Halo 2 will be owned as well as all other games... and halfl-life 2 will get Console Gamers' full recognition.

KagePrototype said:
:LOL: "real" fans? Why shouldn't console gamers enjoy HL2? What makes them so inferior?

i don't have a problem with them porting the game over to the consoles...tho i just hope theres no exclusive content just for the console gamers like there was with HL: Decay.

if anything, the PC gamers who supported the HL series deserve exclusive content :p
Dr. Freeman said:
i don't have a problem with them porting the game over to the consoles...tho i just hope theres no exclusive content just for the console gamers like there was with HL: Decay.

if anything, the PC gamers who supported the HL series deserve exclusive content :p
I hope they made a mode like that in the xbox version

anyway that mode cant be create by a MOD team?
KagePrototype said:
How does that make console gamers undeserving? Get off your high horse.

While consoles are fine, I would prefer Hl2 staying in the glory of hl2 , modifiable, graphicly beautiful, high resolution. Can consoles offer that? no. So please no porting, it would be way better if people saw it in its full beauty and not some half-assed port of half of what it should have been.
All those Xbox users are dumbasses that think Hlao 2 "Pwnzors" half life 2....

thyat's my main problem with that. they will probably end up toning the game down for the console, and then people will think it sucks.

One of the dumbasses at school thinks HL2 has block pixelated bad looking textures, because he played in low detailk everything at hios friends house.
I don't care if they port it to Xbox or Xbox2. I got my copy for PC and its excellent.

This is all about bragging rights. Or the whole "my dick is bigger than your dick" thing. People want their machines to be superior to anything else out there. Grow up and stop being so selfish. :|

What do you care that its being ported anyway? You already played the game and enjoyed it. Its not like its going to stop people from making maps or mods. If anything, it'll bring more fans to the Half Life universe. So once again, quit being an idiot, ass, blockhead, boob, booby, cretin, dimwit, donkey, dork, dumb ox, dumbbell, dunce, dunderhead, fool, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, kook, meathead, mental defective, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, pointy head, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit, and yo-yo.
I don't think they are being selfish as much as they are afraid of another Dues Ex 2.
TheAmazingRando said:
I don't think they are being selfish as much as they are afraid of another Dues Ex 2.

Again, what do you care if the console world ends up with something like that? Do you really care what others think about a video game? Uh oh, someone might bad mouth HL2!!! Come on.
I'm not defending anyones position I was just saying they are not being selfish but instead do not want another great game being made into a piece of crap.
Xbox is not a piece of crap compared to some of the computers you people have.
TheAmazingRando said:
I'm not defending anyones position I was just saying they are not being selfish but instead do not want another great game being made into a piece of crap.

Sorry that I directed my comments at you. I should have focused it more on those that make up the community.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of games have been ported unsuccessfully. Thats just how it is. How would it hurt us, the PC gamer and HL fan? That's what I want to know. It wouldn't change the fact that Valve got my money and support. Nor would it change the fact that I enjoyed HL2.
The problem with porting games over to console is that the devs assume that console gamers are somehow completely different from PC gamers so the games must be dumbed down. This was the case for Dues Ex 2.

I just hope that TES: Oblivion is ported successfully as Morrowind was. Then again Morrowind was dumbed down by the devs to because of the stereotype I ranted about above.
TheAmazingRando said:
The problem with porting games over to console is that the devs assume that console gamers are somehow completely different from PC gamers so the games must be dumbed down. This was the case for Dues Ex 2.

I don't think that they dumbed it down as much as some would like to believe. It was more due to technical limitations of the system. We all know that high-end PCs right now are a lot more powerful than the Xbox or any other console out there. Due to that fact, some features had to be stripped from the console version. They can't force all the same things from the PC version into the Xbox version. There's limitations.
TheAmazingRando said:
Hopefully the next generation of consoles will allow porting to be much easier.

Well, the next generation of consoles will make it a more level playing field. Im guessing that for a short while, consoles will have a few graphically superior games out that rival the best on PC. Therefore, porting won't be as difficult because the power of the console will have shot up dramatically.
I think that the real problem is not porting or not a game to console. The real danger would be that as the console market is far bigger than the PC one and that the average console player is more a casual player, the game quality could suffer a lot.
We already saw that with Deus Ex 2 for example. I don't mean that every console game is a bunch of crap, but console games become more and more an industrial product, with a standard flavor and developers don't want to take any risk.
Fortunately there are still very good console games that are ported to PC with success. I would give Escape from Butcher bay as example. I just played the PC porting and i can say that it's a great game. If there was a physics engine like in HL2, i would say that this game is much more interesting to play than HL2.