Half-Life 2: Online Role Play Mod, Looking for Coders, etc



Hi, I'm DigitalFreedom, C++ Coder/Project Manger for Half-Life 2: Role Play,


The overall idea for a Half-Life 2: Online Role Playing type mod is not new, and it has been successfully pulled off in a few mod’s in the Half-Life 1 modding world. Most people know what a Role Play is, and even more people know what a Role Playing Game is (RPG), well HL2: ORP would be no different in the basic concepts of an RP. What HL2: ORP would do thou is create an environment more suitable to current rp’ers, getting rid of widespread problems such as unwanted DMing, problems of ownership, policing problems with lack of power and power abusing cops, and problems when a server is reset or crashes once a good rp has gotten going, what is needed is a better balance, a way to save basic info, a simple commerce system, and make it current rp maps feel more like a proper morpg (Multiplayer-Online-Role-Play-Game).


:: Simple Team System –– There would be 3 team types, Combine, Citizens, and an NPC team. Quite obviously only the Combine and Citizen teams would be playable. To keep a good ratio of CP’s to Citizens, there would be simple set limit on how many *on* duty cops there can be at any given moment, for example in a 16 player server a limit of 4-6 on duty cops would be enforced, and on a 24 player server, a limit of 6-8 CP’s would be enforced, this would be a server side setting. This also allows a CP to live out a normal Citizen Style life when not on duty.

:: Commerce System –– The commerce system would work like money, you would be paid in credits if you have a job (say a job at a store front, or as a Cop), in which you can exchange for goods and services, such as furni, buying apartments, whole homes, store fronts, even food, as to weather it will be required, or only used as a cheap way to regain heath if lost is open to debate. Will be explained more further down.

:: Purchase System –– If you buy/rent an apartment, you would be able to properly lock a door, such as the door would only open to the owner and other authorized citizens(on-duty cops) whether it will be thru an item (such a keycard) or simply a password, or some other way is still up for debate once again.

:: Taunt System –– A radio system basically like the one in CS:S for the cops, and civilians taunting CP’s back self explanatory

:: Unwanted/Wanted DMing –Basically cops would be given the power to literally arrest citizens, to keep Unwanted DMing down, but while giving planned RP Rebellions a chance still thrive, this ties into the Radio/Taunt System, as citizens who do not want to be part of the crossfire can be notified that a rebellion is going on, so they can stay out of the way *if* they want to.

:: Innovative NPC AI System –– Simple AI would be running around, with scanners buzzing around, a few head crabs here and there, and if the Police want, they can “Shell” certin areas, to balance Shelling thou, would be extremely limited, a once a month use type system, only to be used for planned rebellions, this also helps so that the police do not have too much power over the civilians, but still have a bit of an upper hand, thou not much.

:: Police Class System –– One interesting feature on the police side is that, there will be different classes, an example is like this, a cadet(in metro police uni) would only have a stun stick, a officer would have a stun stick and a pistol (metro unit), would be given an MP7 only during Riot Situations (Planned RP Rebellion), a Lieutenant Officer would have a Stun Stick, A Pistol, and a MP7 (Normal Combine Solider) and etc….

Other Stuff

:: Commerce System –– To finish what was being said above, here is an example of how a furni shop would work, a Citizen named Bob works at Furni’s-R-Us, Another citizen comes in named Rorbert, now Rorbert wants a chair, so he asks the store employee for a chair, Bob says Chairs are 25 credits, Rorbert says ok, and goes to the buttion that deposits (pays the owner) 25 credits for the chair, behind the counter there would be a light for each button, which turn green once someone has paid, now Rorbert has paid for his chair, Bob goes to the back and spawns a chair, the spawning of the chair costs the store owner 15 credits, so therefore the store owner makes a profit of 10 credits from the sale of the chair. Bob would be paid lets say 5 credits every 5 minutes he works there.

:: Thief System –– As long as there will people who don’t want to pay, there will always be thief’s, while if the cops do their jobs, and arrest you/catch you you’ll obviously be in trouble. But being a thief would still be possible, while it might be hard, it would only be possible thru acquiring stolen combine police passes, which basically while they will be deactivated keycards, they are “unlocked” keycards which can be programmed to open any door, but it can only be programmed at the door the thief would try to break into, and would take time (think defusing bomb in CS) so not getting caught would be a bit of an art.


Half-Life 2: ORP is currently looking for modders in only a few fields to create an unforgettable RPing experience.
So if you are a, or have experience in;

C++ Programmer/Source Coding
Concept Artist
2D/Texture Artist
Weapons Modeller
Weapons Animator
Weapons Skinner
Hammer Level Designer

or have any other skill, and are looking to join a promising modification, please PM me and I'll send you more information on the project and what sort've work you will be required to do.

Thankyou very much for reading,