Half Life 2: Raising The Bar



Hey does anybody know where I can download half life 2: raising the bar ebook or .pdf file? Even if I could download it as a word document I would be satisfied. Thakyou in advance.
So you just have to steal Cargo Cult's copy!
I just bought the book, so I dont need your help anymore.
holy god triplepost. there's an edit button, use it

cheers on getting RTB though, fantastic bit of work there ;)
Great book one of the very few i ever read :p
You don't want RTB as a darn .pdf-file, you must get the book itself!
It's a fantastic peace of art
I did get the book. The hardback book from amazon.com. For like 25$. It comes in August 1st - 3rd.
I can't wait!!
I bought RTB and I'm glad for every penny I spent. Lots of great information, plus some awesome pictures.
some of the concepts in it are mindblowing. the wasteland concepts make me wet.
i actually got it at EB....after trying barnes and noble and like 5 other book stores
i actually got it at EB....after trying barnes and noble and like 5 other book stores
Hope I'm not stepping on any toes, but I didn't like RTB. It wasn't what I was hoping for. I really wanted to know the story behind the story of HL2, but there's virtually nothing about it in the book. Instead it's lots (and LOTS) of pages of creature sketches, and info about how the creatures/NPCs evolved and were selected for the game. Might be interesting for some people, but I was bored stiff. IMO the most interesting thing was a set of side-by-side images of Barney, Alyx etc next to the people who were used as their prototypes. E.g. had no idea Scott Lynch (Valve's Chief Operating Officer) was used for Barney.
Hope I'm not stepping on any toes, but I didn't like RTB. It wasn't what I was hoping for. I really wanted to know the story behind the story of HL2, but there's virtually nothing about it in the book.
Fair enough. Raising the Bar was actually originally billed as a proper Making of Book, but in the end it became a simple art-book with little nuggets of information. I think one of the main reasons is that Gamespot got the opportunity to make a comprehensive making of Half-Life 2 feature for their website. Either Prima Games wasn't licensed to create such a book because of Gamespot's effort, or they simply felt that the existence of a freely available online version would entirely undermine the commerical potential for their product.

So what we got instead is a book that is bursting with artwork. Sure they could have added some more details (though to be fair, they DID include a lot of nice insights not available in the Gamespot article), but having a high-quality, beautiful book isn't bad going either. I'm a sucker for such books anyway (*hugs art of Ghibli collection*).
I didnt expect too much info on hl2's story. I just wanted to see how they implemented their ideas into the game. It is faily interesting to see all the stuff they never put in the game though
Somehow I felt like I got jipped on the price. I paid $50 canadian for it at Chapters. Still, more than worth the money I spent just to get those full-page artworks alone.
It had nothing to do with a bar though, what gives

In fact this book is a bit frustrating, when you see what the game could have been. If only they had enough time to make it as it should have been. So many great things have been scraped. Almost all aliens monsters have been replaced by human monster with masks. In this way you don't need to make complex animation and you can use standard human animations, and by using masks you don't need to make the facial animations!! So you can save a lot of work and deliver the game "almost in time", only 14 months late. If they had implemented all we can see in that book we would surely still wait.
We have waited more than a year to get Episode 1, with only a few new maps and using all the stuff we had already seen before.
Hl2 was a great game, but modern games need so much work for a few minutes of gameplay that painful choices have to be made or you end up like DNF.