Half-Life 2 Rating


May 22, 2003
Reaction score
If Half-Life got a Mature rating does that mean that you have to be 18 to buy it? I know they havnt released the rating yet. My parents dont support video games so I hope its not Mature. What do you guys think it will get? Sorry if its already been posted.
it will get mature no doubt, looking at how in the E3 video he sliced some zombies in half with a huge fan. And the first one was mature as well. I expect about the same ammount of gore as the first one.
Any senator that try's to ban HL2 wont be elected again, thats for sure.
Here's some people in the government that are against games.....

Representative Joe Baca (This guy thought that you could play DOA beach volleyball with the characters fully nude and have complete camera control to zoom in on the boobies)


Senator Joe Lieberman (Can you believe they made an expansion for this guy for "The Dums")


Senator Sam Brownback


These bastards make me so mad. They think that just because you can shoot a guy in a videogame that you are actually going to go out and do this in real life. What idiots. If you can't discern real life from a videogame, then you shouldn't be playing videogames at all. Did you know they tried to blame the Maryland Sniper shootings on Counter-Strike???? For Columbine, they tried to blame DOOM!!
"They become the character and consciously make choices to kill people, have sex with prostitutes, and use drugs. Some games even allow children to watch naked strippers and watch acts of sodomy and oppression. Our kids are being brainwashed and I will not stand by and allow that to happen. I thank Chairman Wolf for joining me in this effort."

Joe Baca is on crack. In what video game can you "use drugs" ?! WTF is this guy talking about!?

He has never sat down and played a video game...he's just old
He never took in any account as to why children are buying these games...BECAUASE THEY ARE ****IN FUN DAMMIT! He's treating video game as if they are drugs.

Asked to have video games to be banned from stores with "ultra" violent content. Isn't that a violation of the freedom of speech??

WEhat does he expect us to do?! Play pokemon with retarted 4 year olds??
No, he would probably come up with something like, "Pokemon contains sexual references"...

But hey, only positive thinking... we can only hope :eek:

ooooohhh i feel so, aggresive, when someone says video games makes a person aggresive :p

Seriously though, i've checked out those senators, and the last 2 are only trying for more restriction on selling games to minors, which is understandable.

Ratings are a good thing, but trying to ban a game is just so stupid. Also trying to blame violent actions on video games is very short sighted. grrr it irritates me!

(oh and I think HL2 will have the same rating as HL1 :) )
Im happy I'm living in Canada. Those stupid senators have no power over here. Unless for some reason they do the same thing anyways. Games should be for everyone! K, that sounded g@y...
I would be very happy if HL2 is rated M :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Think of it this way: how many good R-rated movies do you know?

Now how many good PG-13 movies?

See the difference. It's the same with games. If you don't like blood and stuff or your grandma is playing you can also disable it in content settings.
halflife was MA here (australia)
that just means you have to be older than 15 to buy it.
if HL2 is MA i got no problem with that, hell even R18+ would be ok, ill be 18 by the 30th of september.
To the Honorable James P. McGovern,

I think you are trying to do what is best for the "younger generation" but honestly, please don't blame video games because they are violent.

I think that you have never sat down and played a violent video game. For if you did, then you would say, "God damn! This is the most entertaining thing I have ever had the pleasure of seeing!" Well, your probably saying to yourself right now, "I'm an adult, I don't need to worry about how it will affect me because I know it is not real." Well I hate to say it to you James, that's how KIDS see it too. Kids know that these games are made to entertain us, just like a movie and it has no impact on how we mentally develop.
I hate it how you senators always think that the younger generation is feeble and weak and our minds are easily ensnared by evil corperations that have the intent of making us act out in violent behavior. STOP SPEAKING OUT FOR THE "CHILDREN" BECAUSE YOU NEVER PLAYED A VIOLENT VIDEO GAME WHEN YOU WHERE A YOUTH. We know this is entertainment and kids that are 5 know it too, so get a grip on the real world, we don't need lecturing from senators who are just trying to get the support of the parents so they can run another term in office.
Banning video games from stores that contain sexually explicit material or violent content is pointless and stupid. Hell, Every parent I know buys their children MATURE video games because they know it's not twisting their childrens "health." LET THE PARENTS DECIDE WHAT'S BEST FOR THEIR CHILDREN. If you want to talk about sexually explicit material take a look at MTV you f***ing idiots. Thats the most sexually driven tv show I've ever laid eyes on. So please, if you want to get votes, leave video games alone because kids LIKE THEM BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!! And we will keep buying them no matter how many restrictions you try to put on them.
It's a lost cause to ban video games and kids love em so try to stop making it sound like "we don't want to buy them, but the entertainment industry pressures us to do it!"

Thank you for considering my opinion,
16 years of age
There is content check, so it should not be too high.

It will probably be whatever HL1 was.
I think it was Gabe who said in an interview that it will have a content restricition thing inside the game, and that will also be used for countries with stricter laws. Check that sticky thread for it.

csmighty just so you know if you want people to take you seriously you shouldn't swear in your letter to them lol
Heh, it's funny. I play just about as many violent games as humanly possible, and yet I'm still the most non-violent person I know. Ah well. Senators will always have something to blame the disobedience of "Young America" on. Have you guys ever been to the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame? You see some of the things the Senators said back then, it's exactly what they're saying about video games today. It's just an endless cycle of the blame game.

csmighty, heres a hint, YOU DONT SWEAR AT A SENATOR. o well its not like its going to even get to him anyways (you think he checks his own email), but seriously never write to a senator again, we should of gotten some sudo-intelectual to write it. Anyways, im 14 and ive bought tons of violent games like CS, and i reserved HL2 today. good thing your crappy american politicians cant effect the free nation of canada!
Haha, I'm Canadian born, but live in the States now. Ah, how I miss the freedoms of Canada. Five years here now, and I'm still not used to it. Hail Canada!

Originally posted by scrayN
No, he would probably come up with something like, "Pokemon contains sexual references"...

But hey, only positive thinking... we can only hope :eek:


I think he would say Pokemon should be banned because it teaches children that they should catch small animals, stuff them into hollow red and white balls, and force the animals to fight each other for gambling ans profit.

what a dumbass senator.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
halflife was MA here (australia)
that just means you have to be older than 15 to buy it.
if HL2 is MA i got no problem with that, hell even R18+ would be ok, ill be 18 by the 30th of september.

When's your berfday? Mines Sept. 28 :)
Heh, I remember a little news post a little while back about an incident in Melbourne. Some security guard was killed, and people were blaming it on Half-Life. They claimed Half-Life encourages you to kill guards (all because Barney drops his gun when he dies...god, what idiots) and so people were all pissy with HL for a while. Ahhh, gotta love the blame game.

good thing your crappy american politicians cant effect the free nation of canada!

ever see south park : the movie? no one is safe from our politicians.... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
I used to live in Thailand for 11 years... No senator there gave a crap about video game violence whatsoever. ( Guess whats the most abundant resource in Thailand!) Btw, games cost 20 ( Almost or a *TAD* over a dollar) Baht there. Theres a major counterfeit problem over there with ps2 games and such.
lol combine did you thailand is starting a curfew on internet games? they shut down servers from between 10pm and 6am because they think people are becoming too addicted to the games, seems every country is unresonable about video games. ad it seems they are considering makeing players take breaks every 2 hours.
Animated violence,
killing, blood,
and gore. Language.

LOL, language? "Die you bastard!" is considered "language" these days? haha
Anthrax - Mine's sept 29th :D

If they try to chop anything out of HL2 (censor anything) in australia i will cry.
Good thing you guys never have lived in germany. Its just hilarious shooting robots in Hl1, instead of marines. i hope valve is just going to release a german version where the "more violence" option is simply locked. and then you could unlock it by editing some ini file. But please dont let them actually remove violent content (as godGames in Vietcong)
... i want to be my own boss. I played SoF1 with 13, i was only curious. Then came quake2, and so on. probably all fps shooters until today. And i aint a bit violent, nor am I bloodthirsty nerd...
I hate discontent politicians, i mean honestly just cause they lack and real skills or mental knowledge about anything that matters they have to make up things just to get elected cause they are greedy bastards.. you know most people who have no skills do something called unemployment or get a job, oh i'm too good for minimum wage I think i'll bitch and moan till I get noticed basically sums up most politicians. Honestly in my opinion everything is f'ing fine the way it is, i am perfectly content to sit the rest of my life working and filling the rest in with meaningless waiting for more videogames to be released, but when some lame ass senator wants to affect my pasttimes just cause their opinions are that it is violent really steps on the basis of my every right in the constitution, i'm sorry but if they ban them they will be right in one aspect.. videogames will make me violent, but only in defense of them against jackass senators.. and damn straight I would want to stab some of those senators, no not because I'm influenced by video games but because I know the difference between logical choices, stupid choices, right and wrong and I believe in fighting for causes that are right.. those lame ass senators are just communist bastards who want to take out all references of fighting from our youths minds so they don't recognize that as a valid option when they are all being prosecuted and put into labor camps.
The problem with politicians is that what they're good at is being politicians. A large number of them have no other area of knowledge or expertise and are therefore completely unqualified to legislate anything dealing with it.
Remember that senator who wanted the Sopranos banned because she thought it painted a bad stereotype of Italian Americans? I watched the interview on the news live when she crashed and burned because it turned out she had never even seen the show.
I do thank God everyday that theres a few sane ones in among the rest though. (McCain is my current favorite for that.)