Half-Life 2: Revelations


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Sep 20, 2003
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An attempt at some fan fiction. I don't write novels and stories that much so I'm a little rusty, I appreciate any comments. :)

Half-Life 2: Revelations

Chapter 1: New Arrival

The awakening was painful. The only memory that remained was a brief, chaotic kaleidoscope; images and impressions of terribly painful surgeries. To go through such a series of horrid and dismaying alterations to the mental and physical limits of the human body was something he had not expected when he enlisted in the civilian aegis. However, in the present moment, the pain remained but in his memories as all his senses had left him. He attempted to reflect on what in the world was going on, but his brain routes were inhibited to such a degree that all he could achieve was seeing the painful images of the surgical adjustments over and over again.
He innately wanted to go back into the void from which he had been woken up.

A few concise stings crawled upwards what he imagined was his spine, and the senses appeared to slowly return... He could feel his muscles again, albeit they appeared to be decrepit and he couldn't move any limb at all. The cerebral functions sped up; he started feeling inertia from swaying back and forth. His eyelids began to twitch, and he slowly opened them. What first was complete blindness slowly changed into a big blurry mixture of various nuances, but he could distinguish that he was floating in some sort of fluid, green if he didn't suffer from any color blindness.

His senses increased further; the fluid was warm, and he felt a cold metallic object covering his face. His back, particularly his spine, seemed to be attached to the same kind of object. He made another attempt to open his eyes and focus on his nearest vicinity. His face was indeed partly covered by a black metal object, assumably something that allowed him to breath in the surrounding liquid.

More brief stings passed through his nervous systems, and his arms started to move. At first they seemed to have a life of their own, randomly twisting and turning, but he eventually gained control of them. He slowly and rigidly moved them up to his face, trying to grasp the metal object on his face. While moving his hands over the upper part of his body, he encountered a number of very sharp metal objects inserted in a line from the spine up to the back of his head. They seemed to be attached with cables leading upwards. His vision increased somewhat; he saw that he was trapped with the liquid in a vertical glass tube. He tried to focus beyond the thick glass, unfortunately in vain.

These simple tasks were surprisingly very tiring for his weakened muscles, he decided to close his eyes and try to rest in this strange position.

Just as he was experiencing the increasing familiar numbness of sleep, a muffled beeping sound reached his ears, and suddenly the tube began to shake violently. The sharp objects in his back rapidly detached and the glass container was slowly emptied of its liquid. He was not able to stand upright as the fluid decreased below his hips, and leaned towards a corner of the glass tube. The breathing device on his face disentangled, and the glass piece he was leaning on suddenly slid upwards causing him to fall out of the tube. He smashed into the hard metal floor below.

He wanted to open his eyes, but he barely had enough strength to focus on breathing on his own. His entire body was aching from the fall.
As he managed to take a quick glimpse upwards, he saw a shape floating above him. He tried to say something, but his vocal chords were stiff and unresponsive. He coughed, and kept staring at the shape. Suddenly, his thoughts were replaced by other thoughts.

The shape above him seemed to communicate with him non-verbally, from within his own brain...
"Do not be afraid. You are ready now. Rest."

He coughed up the liquid that had entered his lungs, and lost consciousness.
I'm sorry man, but I couldn't get passed the second paragraph. It sounds promising, but you have terrible diction :p. Sometimes it just seems like you try to use to many wierd words and you put them in the wrong place. A common newbie mistake is using lots and lots of complicatd words. Stick to simple words! Unless another word is ABSOLUTELY necessary, do not use it! And don't use passive voice!

For example, one of the most bizarre, cluttered, and confused sentences:

"To go through such a series of horrid and dismaying alterations to the mental and physical limits of the human body was something he had not expected when he enlisted in the civilian aegis"

Can be transformed into:
"He did not expect undergoing such horrid alterations to the physical and mental limits of the human body when he enlisted in the civilian aegis."

As you can see, I made it into active voice, removed excess words "to undergo -> undergoing", "series of horrid and dismaying" -> "horrid".

All of this creates a much more understandable, elegant sentence. Writing isn't about making long complicated sentences with lots of vocabulary, it's about making short and conscise sentences that communicate an image to the reader. Of course, I don't want to discourage good vocabulary, but you have to know when to use it or not.

Another sentence to correct for more tips:

"A few concise stings crawled upwards what he imagined was his spine, and the senses appeared to slowly return"

In this sentences you use 3 words in the wrong context. "Consice" means precise, and precise stings don't really exist, "upwards his spine" is not a correct phrase, "up his spine" is the correct version, "he imagined was his spine" is awkward, you don't really "imagine" something to be your spine you think it is. And avoid verbs like "seemed to, appeared to" at all costs. They are unnecessary and clutter your work. So the sentence with all the changes is:

"Sharp stings crawled up what he thought to be his spine, and his senses slowly returned"

Please don't take my criticism personally, take it professionaly.

Hahahaha, I couldn't thank you enough for that post! :D
This is really the kind of stuff I need to know.

Alot of these things seem to be related alot to the difference in swedish and english language usage, and yeah I've gotten a bad habit of using excessive words and especially more complex terms since I tend to discuss subjects like psychology and philosophy with others online.

Though I really enjoy using english language this way since swedish is a very limited language compared to it,
but I'll try my best to keep this in mind for the next chapter. :)

One thing though, I don't see how "imagine" is used wrongly as a conjecture, like "I imagine you're right".
:) Didn't know you spoke another language.

CrazyHarij said:
One thing though, I don't see how "imagine" is used wrongly as a conjecture, like "I imagine you're right".

That's a bizzare expression :p

I guess it really is a context problem. You could use "imagine" if you really want to give the impression that he's picturing stings rushing up his spine, or use "think" if he feels the stings and he thinks they're going through his spine.
Or he could be in such a state so as to not know whether the stings are actually there, whether his spine is still attached, etc.
But yeah, tone down the words just a tad, and you may want to explain 'aegis'.

EDIT: Like the cruiser?
TheSomeone said:
:) Didn't know you spoke another language.

Well, that "other" language is my mothers tongue, so it's quite dominant. :)

That's a bizzare expression :p

I guess it really is a context problem. You could use "imagine" if you really want to give the impression that he's picturing stings rushing up his spine, or use "think" if he feels the stings and he thinks they're going through his spine.

Yeah, you're right I guess :p

Or he could be in such a state so as to not know whether the stings are actually there, whether his spine is still attached, etc.
But yeah, tone down the words just a tad, and you may want to explain 'aegis'.

It means protection.

I think I'll get started on Chapter 2 soon, stay tuned. ;)
Okay, part 2 here, let me know what you think :)

Chapter 2: New Arrival (cont'd)

When he woke up the following morning, he was lying in a small wooden bed in a two-man tent.
It was as if the previous experience had been but a dream. However, when he put his feet on the floor he noticed the gasmask, the weapons and the military gear seated on a cupboard on the opposite side of the bed. The memories slowly returned to him. The 7-hour war. His application to the Civil Protection. City-17. The surgeries. His name. James Brunner.

He opened a locker right next to the cupboard and peeked inside, discovering a black thick suit. The chest piece had a small sticker with the text "UNIT #307-G". His unit number. The other side of the tent had the same items, but for someone else. James felt surprised by the lack of information and training given to him prior to this as he stepped out of the tent.

The area was a wide dried out ocean floor, with several other tents.
He was still feeling weak from the previous night.
A man, dressed in a suit identical to the one he had in his locker, approached him.
His gasmask was hanging on his back.

"You're the new guy, aren't you?" the man asked. "Yeah, I guess." James replied.
"Alright. I'm Robert Kelsing. My unit name's #306-F. I suppose you just had a pretty rough day?"
"Um.. Yeah.. It wasn't that nice."
"Okay, heh-heh. Won't bother you about that anymore, but I've been there myself and I know what it feels like." Robert continued. "Well, yer' gonna have to get used to a few things 'round here. Come with me, it'll make your legs better."
Robert started walking, with James closely following.

"This is basecamp. I've been here for a few months, It ain't that bad, we get good food and the nights are very calm 'round here.
To your right are the tents, two troopers in each. I'm sleeping in the same tent as you. The rules are simple, just stay in camp in weekdays and don't leave your tent during night. But it's all good, we get to go out during weekends and we're given all the money we need."
Robert scratched his black beard.

"That's about it, they're not that rough on us CP's. The only bad thing is that you can expect to be called in at any time, but don't worry, you'll be prepared for it whenever it happens. You've got that amnesia thing going at the moment, right? Don't worry, it'll let go soon and you'll know all you need for the missions."

James looked up. The cloud-filled sky was tainted red by the early morning sun.
"So, what do we do now?" He asked.

Robert stopped, and said "For a start, you need to get yer'self changed. Get back to the tent and put on that fancy suit of yours. Bring the gasmask and a pistol."

Later on, James returned, completely masked by the suit and the gasmask. Robert helped him tighten some of the belts attaching his items to the suit, and they proceeded to a concrete landing platform.

Robert informed James about the situation: "Good news, we've already got something to do. There's a bunch of rebels hiding in a bunker, and they're sending us to flush 'em out. They'll come to pick us up soon."
Haha, I've never seen so much improvent in between two chapters. Great job Harij! Still a few awkward sentences, but much more readable and enjoyable.
Agreed! I'll admit to being slightly uncomfortable when reading your first attempt simply because the editor in me kept saying "he should've done different!"- still a few small grammar/context issues as said but they're about as minor as the mistakes of an average writer here, and they don't have the excuse that they're multilingual ;)

All in all, it's pretty good :D Interesting angle on the Civil Protection services...