Half-Life 2 review


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
We have now added a review of Half-Life 2 on the site, written by our very own
Chris_D. The review goes into detail from the final hours until the release and contains
reactions throughout the game, screenshots, comments from other Halflife2.net staff and
more. You can find the review here.
I noticed that one of the staff members used the term "spoonfed." Honestly, can someone telle me what the **** is going on, here? Everyone uses the same terms, the same arguments, the same everything.
Spartan said:
I noticed that one of the staff members used the term "spoonfed." Honestly, can someone telle me what the **** is going on, here? Everyone uses the same terms, the same arguments, the same everything.
What exactly are you going on about? :o
Spartan said:
I noticed that one of the staff members used the term "spoonfed." Honestly, can someone telle me what the **** is going on, here? Everyone uses the same terms, the same arguments, the same everything.

I used it in regards to the way the story is told....like Chris said, what are you on about?
Well, I've seen dozens of people use the exact same word. Then they use the exact same arguments using the exact same words as everyone else. It's scaring me.

But I'm leaving now, this has been covered elsewhere.
Great write-up. I would honestly say its the best Half-Life 2 review I've read so far. Two thumbs up.
Today I spent a great deal of time explaining HL2 to some people. They were talking about just how Godly Halo 2 was, and after I got done talking with them about HL2, they realized and admitted that Halo 2 is only mediocre at best. It was fun to see their jaws drop when I explained just how phenominal (of which is an understatement) Half-life 2 is. Great review for what is, to me, the greatest game I've ever played. There just isn't any competition that comes close to it.
Bandages said:
Today I spent a great deal of time explaining HL2 to some people. They were talking about just how Godly Halo 2 was, and after I got done talking with them about HL2, they realized and admitted that Halo 2 is only mediocre at best. It was fun to see their jaws drop when I explained just how phenominal (of which is an understatement) Half-life 2 is. Great review for what is, to me, the greatest game I've ever played. There just isn't any competition that comes close to it.

Here we go again... :sleep:
The same criticisms from me, as usual. You need to work on the pace, sometimes you just keep diverging off track and occasionally a sentence or paragraph will go on for too long. I sort of chuckled when I read this:

So what about the game play? The game play is so much more varied this time around than it was for Half-Life. This is probably one of the main reasons I'm toting it as being better than Half-Life, simply because there's so much more variety in the game play.

It's almost as if you repeated the last sentence, only worded it differently. :) You could have easily condensed that into one short, concise sentence. Otherwise, it's fairly well written. I don't agree with the final score by any means, but at least you backed it up instead of repeating "just how bloody brilliant" the game is. :)
thank you Chris_D for another informative article (or as the case may be, review)

as always it is a pleasure reading your work :)

great job and keep em coming.
Spartan said:
Here we go again... :sleep:

Nah, didn't mean to start another war or whatever, just had it on my mind because of the review. No intentions, I in fact thought the "vs" ordeal was rediculous, but just saying that its by far the best game I've ever played.

still a good review. cheers.
Yes, I was just wondering if Valve suported the fan sites thats all, no point getting all emotional.
Adrien C said:
Yes, I was just wondering if Valve suported the fan sites thats all, no point getting all emotional.
I'm afraid we all had to purchase the game ourselves :)

Pi Mu Rho didn't mean anything by the comment, it's just that because we're a fan site people expect us to get millions of perks. Indeed Valve have been good to us in the past (if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be on such a stable and respectable host) but Valve will help us out wherever necessary and they're cool in our book. We don't have that celebrity "Do you know who we are?" kinda attitude - we get what we're given and we're thankful of anything they do give us.

In terms of the review (who asked if I was biassed), if you mean biassed in the sense that I was already a big fan of the series then yes, I guess you could tote me as that. But as there would be no benefit for me rating this game greater than it is (it's not gonna boost sales of a magazine or get me a pay cheque that's for sure) I have reviewed based on the actual experience and views and opinions I have about the game.

KagePrototype, thanks for the comments I'll take them on board :)
I think the final score of "99%" is a bit absurd. After completing the game, I can say that the storyline is not exactly a pro, but I hope it's leading into a HL3 or something. The game also seemed shorter than what I was expecting and the majority of enemies were not very engaging.
Although pointing and shooting is a little arbitrary, HL2 does it better than ever; but that's beside's the fact that the characters, story and acting are what really make it excellent and incredible. The ending could be consdiered more of a semi-cliffhanger than rushed, I can't wait to see what happen's next. Hope Alyx is ok. :D

On to Vampire Bloodlines = possibly incredible, how will it compare? Can't wait to find out.
Like I said, I reviewed it from my point of view. I would score Half-Life at 98% and I honestly think Half-Life 2 is better than the original. So basically it loses a point for the AI not being quite so groundbreaking as it was originally thought to be and the storyline lacking in some places.

I blame some of the storyline laxes leading into something much bigger in Half-Life 3.

Considering my views on the original, and my views on this game, the game is worthy of 99% - but that's just my opinion :) I wanted it to be a little bit more objective which is why I included comments from other staff members. Unfortunately they seemed to agree with me :o
Got conflict of interest? Only kidding, nice write up :D
Nowadays I'd much prefer a review done weeks after a game is out after the Doom 3 scenario but it doesn't really matter.
Chris_D said:
Like I said, I reviewed it from my point of view. I would score Half-Life at 98% and I honestly think Half-Life 2 is better than the original. So basically it loses a point for the AI not being quite so groundbreaking as it was originally thought to be and the storyline lacking in some places.

I blame some of the storyline laxes leading into something much bigger in Half-Life 3.

Considering my views on the original, and my views on this game, the game is worthy of 99% - but that's just my opinion :) I wanted it to be a little bit more objective which is why I included comments from other staff members. Unfortunately they seemed to agree with me :o

Well that blows you trying to get someone who disagrees with you :)
I disagree with 99% totally..

The game seems more like a "small preview of what you can do with the source engine", and not a full story game. IMHO it feels lite.

I had more "this feels creepy" in Doom 3, and "wow nice open landscape for battle" in Far cry, then "intens battle with the combines".
What happend to traptown?<---this one of the main reasons i wanted the game. Yeah there are some traps in Raven, but again so god damn lite.

The only large maps there is, are maps where you drive a water bike or a buggy (now i dont like driving games, i like FPS, and god knows i thought i bought one), to much driving for my taste.

As a game i´ll give it 86%, as for what it could have been 95%... If you got laser sight for the rocket launcher, why not slap a laser sight on a colt or Uzi, and have a map in a smoke filled zone? (this would be the talk of the year, when thinking of the source engines light props).

seems lite to me...dissapointed i am, very.

IMO it was owned by Doom 3 and Far cry (neither of which i liked all that much). And if i am to play Half life again....I´ll play the 1. one... It is still the best of the series, no not engine wise, but game wise it still rulez as the best FPS i played to date.
RRunner said:
If you got laser sight for the rocket launcher, why not slap a laser sight on a colt or Uzi, and have a map in a smoke filled zone? (this would be the talk of the year, when thinking of the source engines light props).

Colts and Uzis are way overused. The laser sight in the RPG is for target designation. The missile locks onto the laser beam.
Spartan said:
Colts and Uzis are way overused. The laser sight in the RPG is for target designation. The missile locks onto the laser beam.

yes........ but the combine snipers has them, why not have it as an option for the player?
was an ok review, however I thought the sentence "But when you do play the game you'll find that this is the first ground-breaking title for well over six years - the last one being, of course, Half-Life." was terribly out of place.
Games like Deus Ex broke grounds story and gameplay wise, ID software has been breaking grounds technology wise (Doom 3 did beat HL2 afterall) and there are other games that have been braking ground multiplayer wise like the unreal series and mods like counterstrike. Not to mention that the above statement wasnt in particular reference to FPS, so saying that theres been nothing ground breaking is a bit off id say.