Half-life 2 runs already on Xbox


Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
CVG.com interviewed Gabe Newell.
His comments are:
XBox version of HL2 runs already. It all up to Microsoft.
The game will be identical to the PC version, but graphics will be slightly inferior. Remember Unreal 2.



Why is it up to Microsoft, if the game will be released? Do they hold back the PC version for the XBox's advantage?
it must really go out before on pc or i will flame up bill gates :devil:
i might have mis-read, but they cant hold back the PC version.
The article means it's all up to Microsoft before the XBox version is released. Maybe they're publishing it for Xbox or maybe Microsoft have some input before any game is released.
nope they will release the pc version first then the xbox version.... so who knows.. maybe there close to releasing it :D
I'm going to be so F*CKING PISST OFF if the Xbox version will be released first, though I don't think it's going to be like this!!

Edit: Ok, I just had to led some air out of my balloon :D
Valve hopefully wont do that, I remember in the first days of HL2 news, Gabe said something along the lines of

Our biggest fanbase is on the PC, so we are staying there.

Then he gave some numbers showing that DC and PS2 sales couldnt even touch the PC sales of HL
Surely it wont be, very few games go to consoles before making it to the PC...and if they do almost all of them were being made for the console in the first place and they end up doing well so they make them for PC. HL2 will be out to PC well before Xbox version.
I am buying the pc version. thats it...............in your face Bill
It will come out on the PC first, becasue valve want to give it to all there great fans :) No X-box people will buy it :/
Tadashi said:
CVG.com interviewed Gabe Newell.
His comments are:
XBox version of HL2 runs already. It all up to Microsoft.
The game will be identical to the PC version, but graphics will be slightly inferior. Remember Unreal 2.



Why is it up to Microsoft, if the game will be released? Do they hold back the PC version for the XBox's advantage?

Heh, slightly inferior graphics. Yeah, right. Expect huge cutbacks.
Would MS ever concede, that it will never reach the niveau of the PC version? ;)

At least, this news is a now hint, that HL2 will be shipping soon :D
I don't care for Xbox, because I own a gamecube(and the cube owns me XD), but it is HL2 related ;)
Tadashi said:
Why is it up to Microsoft, if the game will be released? Do they hold back the PC version for the XBox's advantage?

Because Microsoft is publishing the XBOX version of the game. Therefore, they have the final say on release and distribution.
Is MS reallythe publisher of the XBox version? Wasn't it also Vivendi, like the PC version?
So if the XBox version is definitly coming after the PC version, so why have MS the final word?
It doesn't really make sense to me.
MS has the final word on everything that gets published for XBOX. When Bethesda was trying to get Morrowind out for the XBOX, Microsoft kept sending it back to them telling them to fix bugs. Since you can't patch singleplayer XBOX games, all the kooky version 1.0 bugs had to be squashed before MS would accept it. Console games have a much higher standard of quality than PC in terms of bugs simply because console users cannot/will not deal with them.
Nah, the XBox isn't really that strict for bugs, because they fix it with LIVE, but this isn't the right way for consoles(I don't believe, the XBox is actually a console ;) ).
morrowind was released far before live and they would actually depend on whether or not the game is actually live enabled to download patches, but then again most patches fix obvious bugs and compatibility with certain types of hardware. This isn't needed on games consoles as the game should have been playtested enough to ensure bugs don't get through.
Why on earth would anyone want this type of game for console? Granted I own an xbox and for sports games, consoles are the way to go, but not for shooters. Biggest advantage over a pc for hl2 in one word, "MODS" o_O
Why would you guys be pissed off if it comes on XBox first? I dont own an XBox but I just dont understand how it could upset you :confused:
iamaelephant said:
Why would you guys be pissed off if it comes on XBox first? I dont own an XBox but I just dont understand how it could upset you :confused:

Well, spoilers from X-Boxers would be inevitable.

Also: Jealousy! :p
iamaelephant said:
Why would you guys be pissed off if it comes on XBox first? I dont own an XBox but I just dont understand how it could upset you :confused:

we have been waiting for this game for our PC's for longer than any XBOX fan has been waiting for it and it would be a disgrace to the people who played the first one on PC to have to wait to get it and not get the satisfaction of playing it first just because it is only on XBOX at the moment, besides Valve will want the game at full strength on release and the XBOX cant deliver that graphics wise.
Well, WE are the HL players, why should they get it first? They didn't do anything to earn it :p
Tadashi said:
XBox version of HL2 runs already. It all up to Microsoft.
Half-Life 2 on Xbox. It's good to hear good news once in awhile. :)
I gotta question though: Any chance that HL2 will support Live?
Gorgon said:
I am buying the pc version. thats it...............in your face Bill

Bill Gates to Gorgon: And what operating system will you be using to play HL2, hmmmm? Could it be a *MICROSOFT* operating system? [ Insert evil Bill Gates world domination laugh]
dscowboy said:
MS has the final word on everything that gets published for XBOX. When Bethesda was trying to get Morrowind out for the XBOX, Microsoft kept sending it back to them telling them to fix bugs. Since you can't patch singleplayer XBOX games, all the kooky version 1.0 bugs had to be squashed before MS would accept it. Console games have a much higher standard of quality than PC in terms of bugs simply because console users cannot/will not deal with them.

they didn't do a very good job of squashing those bugs out....

daedric super stats anyone??
Tadashi said:
CVG.com interviewed Gabe Newell.
His comments are:
XBox version of HL2 runs already. It all up to Microsoft.
The game will be identical to the PC version, but graphics will be slightly inferior. Remember Unreal 2.



Why is it up to Microsoft, if the game will be released? Do they hold back the PC version for the XBox's advantage?

Im sorry for asking this but what does inferior mean?
and I dont think the XBox will have good controls for the game.
Iamaelephant said:
Why would you guys be pissed off if it comes on XBox first? I dont own an XBox but I just dont understand how it could upset you :confused:
The same reason people got irked when Halo was ripped from the Mac scene and slapped on the Xbox? Halo, iirc, had a different feel when it was destined for the Mac, but was changed to suit the Xbox. MS stepped up with cash & bought Bungie to put it on the Xbox and also took control. Now, in the case of Valve and HL2 I don't see that happening - but some might think that because Gabe worked for MS, he'd like to see his product on their platform. Personally I think it's an easy choice considering the hardware in the Xbox is a PC of sorts, especially when that target machine is identical across the board. I will buy the PC version, as it simply will give me a more satisfying experience.
So wait the games done then? If it is totally up to microsoft that means the game is done at least on xbox.... so they should have it done for pc as well if it is exactly the same besides graphical tone downs right? Some one email gabe and ask him if its done.... i dont have his email address heh.
when halo was pc... i remember watching the vids... 4 or so years ago, in the midst of a break from tfc, and thinking "Two People In A bUGGY!?! the zenith hath arrived."........ bastards.

oh, btw, h2l has been cancelled for pc and moved to xbox to support the xbox 2 sales. look for a bulky-playing-system-hog version to be released 3 years later.
Oh my god, anyone who has a PC isnt going to buy it on the X-Box. Why waste money on a watered down version of HL2 when they can buy it in all its glory on the PC?

During our recent Access All Areas tour of Valve Software's US offices, we uncovered some white-hot Half-Life 2 news that's more exciting than Stacey Keibler calling us up and offering to do a naked centrefold.

umm, no :p
Hey man, Halo looks really really good on the xbox. It only looks slightly better on pc.... but actually never mind it doesnt because even the new x800 gets only 60 fps on halo pc when its at full settings :).
Grimresfa said:
Hey man, Halo looks really really good on the xbox. It only looks slightly better on pc.... but actually never mind it doesnt because even the new x800 gets only 60 fps on halo pc when its at full settings :).

the port for halo to PC was a very shoddy job, it was not a good coding job and if they had done it properly it would work better, everyone was referring to before it was moved to xbox, and a PC will always be superior to the XBOX, you just have to get a properly done version of halo on PC to acuratly compare the systems.
Well, its nice to know that it will run okay on a geforce card (XBOX- modified geforce3)
Resolution of a television: 800x600
Resolution of a computer monitor: depends on the monitor.
Max settings on X Box won't be the same as max on PC.
the X800 only gets as low as 60 fps when running AA/AF, trilinear filtering and a host of bells and whistles not even available on the X Box at 1024x768(If I remember correctly)
If you can't see the difference, you need thicker glasses.