Half Life 2 Screenshot Competition



I thought we could have a competition on who could get the absolute best looking screenshot _EVER_.

Here are my initial entries:
Here are the settings I used:

  • From the command prompt:
    "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 220 -heapsize 890000 +map_background none -novid +exec tweaks.cfg
  • Contents of tweaks.cfg (in your cfg folder)
    jpeg_quality 100
    r_lod -8
    cl_ragdoll_collide 1
    mat_compressedtextures 0
    r_fastzreject 1
    cl_detaildist 5000
    cl_ejectbrass 1
    cl_show_bloodspray 1
    lod_transitionDist 5000
    mat_bloom 1
    mat_bumpmap 1
    mat_clipz 0
    mat_diffuse 1
    mat_drawwater 1
    sv_cheats 1
    mat_dxlevel 90
    mat_fastnobump 0
    mat_filterlightmaps 1
    mat_filtertextures 1
    mat_mipmaptextures 0
    mat_showlowresimage 0
    mat_specular 1
    muzzleflash_light 1
    r_decals 50000
    r_drawdecals 1
    r_drawflecks 1
    r_drawmodeldecals 1
    r_maxmodeldecal 50000
    r_drawparticles 1
    r_DrawRain 1
    r_drawropes 1
    r_drawskybox 1
    r_drawtranslucentrenderables 1
    r_dynamic 1
    r_maxdlights 500
    r_occlusion 1
    r_WaterDrawReflection 1
    r_WaterDrawRefraction 1
    sv_robust_explosions 1
    fog_enable 1
    fog_enable_water_fog 1
    r_waterforceexpensive 1
    gameui_hide 1
    cl_drawhud 0
  • From the console (in HL2)
    map d1_trainstation_02

Lets see what you can do! I'm almost convinced this is the best I can do with my 6800GT. These screenshots are with all the game settings up as high as they can go on 1600x1200 resolution--and of course using the settings in tweaks.cfg. I would have to get a 7800GTX or 7800GT to get any better Anti-Alaising (and better texture filtering too).





Okay so I cheated.
I could take some wide screen shots on my alienware laptop later , the things a beast, I can crank it all upto max on everything and see what i can get...
WhiteZero said:
if your taking the shots at anything higer than 1024x768 you dont really need AA.
that doesn't make them the absolute best looking screenshots _EVER_

@samuraisam: FSAA = Full Screen Anti Aliasing. turn it on and come back here
Heres my best screenshot. This was actually taken in the course of playing through the singleplayer.

Taken in the highest possible resolution of 2048x1536, you can see the entirety of City 17 in this screenshot, as well as the completely drained waterways underneath an old City 17 bridge, the truly awe inspiring size of the towering Citadel, and even the top of the old museum building which contained the Supressor. Even The Crowbar makes an appearance, and if you listen carefully, you can actually hear the wind blowing through the dismal silence...

Nevertheless those are cool screenshots sulkdodds, garrys mod is a great tool for such a thing. Also, darkstar and NJspeed, those shots look great!

On the side... maybe if a few of you little ****s actually showed me how to turn the AA on... instead of simply saying my shots suck or 'lol.' How the hell do you get to Senior Membership by doing that? Jesus.

You can change it in the video options, click on the 'advanced' button.
Beerdude26 said:
You can change it in the video options, click on the 'advanced' button.

In my advanced options everything is set as high as possible. [6xAA/16xAS]

DarkStar said:

Heh, that looks extremely cool. You can just imagine the Nazi-esque marching- rhythmic footsteps occasionally interrupted by a passing drone's buzz.

Sulkdodd's rebel assault also looks great, especially with the mysterious, foreboding glow throught the doorway :E

Unfortunately, there can't really be a clear winner, because you've all posted so many entries. It should be limited to one per person.
samuraisam said:
Nevertheless those are cool screenshots sulkdodds, garrys mod is a great tool for such a thing. Also, darkstar and NJspeed, those shots look great!

On the side... maybe if a few of you little ****s actually showed me how to turn the AA on... instead of simply saying my shots suck or 'lol.' How the hell do you get to Senior Membership by doing that? Jesus.


Actually I think your shots are fine.....it just looks like the image resolution of the jpegs is a little low for some reason.

Not quite sure why.
The first one and second to last are awesome BrimStone!

gettn' me all hyped up again
ill work on some more, but yeah i deleted a crap load of em, what i did is beat the game and everytime there was a good picture or scenery i would get rid of the hud/crosshair and take some pics, i would get in different location usinc noclip, its fun.

btw the one with the wooden floor and shadows that DEVIL posted, i think thats one of my fav rooms, cuz the shadow looks so sick.



Had to dig these up on the forums, because as I said, I lost all my screen shots in an unexpected reformat.

Anyway, those are all I could find, but the first one is my fav (out of all the shots i've taken).
found a CD with a couple more, but i dont think i like em more then my first set, but here they are:








Why'd my post have to be the first before the next page!
I've got a new background, thx Brim!



o i had much better ones, ill play through hl2 again and get em all back, i actually was so bored one weekend i took like cinematic screenshots telling the entire hl2 story and put em in a slideshow, i formatted and lost em but i have no problem redoing it, just gimme a few days :)
didnt u post these 2 already? i thought i saw them in your very first post.

yes u did, lol
How do you get the HUD to disappear when taking Sc.Shots ?
cl_drawhud 0 will make the hud disappear and impulse 200 will make the gun disappear.