Half-Life 2 SDK?


Dec 31, 2003
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When does the SDK for HL2 come out? I heard (though this was last year when the october release date was still thought to be true) that it was coming out before HL2, so modders could get started on their mods so they could have them out sooner.

modders... is that a 'word'?
Subscribe to the SDK newsletter list :)

I did, after talking to Chris Bokitch, and I have had an amazing lack of information delivered to me :p
mrBadger said:
Subscribe to the SDK newsletter list :)

I did, after talking to Chris Bokitch, and I have had an amazing lack of information delivered to me :p

Where can i subscribe on the newsletter? I cant find anything on valvesoftware.com (but then again... im not 100% working yet) :)
my mod got an email from valve after we asked something about the SDK. They told us to send them are desgin document and also that the SDK was very close to release. That was about 1 week ago.
IchI said:
my mod got an email from valve after we asked something about the SDK. They told us to send them are desgin document and also that the SDK was very close to release. That was about 1 week ago.

That's awesome. Perhaps I should draw up a design document for the mod I have in mind...
IchI said:
my mod got an email from valve after we asked something about the SDK. They told us to send them are desgin document and also that the SDK was very close to release. That was about 1 week ago.

I want to do that too, but im only like 20% (10 pages) done with my design doc (including the story/storyline)

Its a pain in the lower parts to write SP :)

Hey SidewinderX143

Write an email to [email protected] and ask him to add you on the list... worked for me :)
Majestic XII said:
I want to do that too, but im only like 20% (10 pages) done with my design doc (including the story/storyline)

Its a pain in the lower parts to write SP :)

Hey SidewinderX143

Write an email to [email protected] and ask him to add you on the list... worked for me :)
Naa mate, doing SP is the most fun, MP is pretty boring from a creative point of view, unless its one of those online RPG thingies.
Fenric1138 said:
Naa mate, doing SP is the most fun, MP is pretty boring from a creative point of view, unless its one of those online RPG thingies.

Yeah, its hella fun but you need more skills and more time to write SP, thats why i do it, silly :)
My design doc is in my head amigos. I have a warning for you all. My mod will be SCARY. You might soil your pants. I got scared thinking about my mod. I might post something here about the storyline later.
Most of my design docco is in my head. Apart from the bit that's on paper, of course.
Mine is in my head currently but not for long. It's fun at first to design MP but after that, teh technicalities and little things make it booooooring. Single player is tedious but a lot of fun to write ^_^.
WEll, the main differnece in writing a design doc for a SP and MP mod is that for a SP mod, it is more creative writing. for a MP mod, it's more Technical writing. IMO anyway.
SidewinderX143 said:
WEll, the main differnece in writing a design doc for a SP and MP mod is that for a SP mod, it is more creative writing. for a MP mod, it's more Technical writing. IMO anyway.

You still need to write how the game will work and all. MP dont need a good story to be good, just good gameplay. A SP mod needs a good story and a good gameplay.