Half-life 2 slowdown

Death Spike

Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I got a new computer, and I installed Half-life 2. However, when I play it (and SMOD) it is very slow and laggy.It also tends to crash and gives me a message about DX8 mesh or something. I don't understand since this computer is much better then my old one. Any ideas on what is causing it?
New Computer:
Intel Core 2 duo processor-E6400
2 gb ram
Geforce 7300
Do you have the latest directx version installed? Directx9c I believe.
Try downloading the latest version of Direct X from Microsoft and drivers for your graphics Card cause i don't see why you should get a DX8 error cause your card supports DX9.
Thanks, it seems that my drivers were outdated. Half-life 2 works fine now. However, when I play SMOD it crashes, and I get an error message-Failed to lock vertex buffer in CMesh DX8::LockVertexBuffer. Anyone know what that means?
Well Steam Support says it happens when you Alt-Tab out of the game but try right clicking on the game in steam then properties then on set launch options then put this in -dxlevel 90. Make sure you have Downloaded the latest version of Direct X