Half Life 2 SMG



OK first of all I have to say im a huge fan of Half life series troughout from 1 to 2 to episodes , but I still have a slight complain about the SMG , why in god's name did they do a machine gun that sucks like crap, I seriusly don't understand why they did this , I swear the normal pistol is more accurate and deadly than the SMG , nobody said they should make it really great but in half life 2 its complete crap and im sure you will agree with me , it has no sense how can a PISTOL be deadlyer than a SMG , look at how it was in half life 1 , or counterstrike..
You got no good weapon for longer ranges except the crossbow ( which reload time is no comment , and hard to find a lot of ammo ).
Does anyone know why they made the SMG complete crap in HL2?
Not to mention the grenade that fires out of a chamber that's clearly way too small to fit it in... spinning... and trailing smoke. I expect the desicion about its effectiveness was too keep the arsenal balanced. If they gave players an overpowered weapon, it would make the game too easy, or at least desuade them from using the other weapons available. They want you play the game using as versatile a range of techniques as possible, rather than falling back on the same gun all the time. I do agree that it's not accurate enough; I wouldn't have minded that much if the overwatch rifle was more accurate instead, but having both automatic weapons useless at anything other than short range is simply annoying.
Granted the SMG does have it's inaccuracies, but it's a good weapon if you know in what conditions to use it. Also, think about it. These weapons are probably the only ones around after the Combine took over. They could have easily destroyed all the weapons on Earth, the ones they missed is what the resistence uses. Thats just a guess, but whatever.
Not to mention the grenade that fires out of a chamber that's clearly way too small to fit it in... spinning... and trailing smoke. I expect the desicion about its effectiveness was too keep the arsenal balanced. If they gave players an overpowered weapon, it would make the game too easy, or at least desuade them from using the other weapons available. They want you play the game using as versatile a range of techniques as possible, rather than falling back on the same gun all the time. I do agree that it's not accurate enough; I wouldn't have minded that much if the overwatch rifle was more accurate instead, but having both automatic weapons useless at anything other than short range is simply annoying.

The Overwatch Rifle is significantly more accurate than the SMG. Whilst granted it could be slightly more accurate, you can take out medium range targets with ease, and long range targets if you have the ammo to spare.

The SMG on the otherhand is purely good at shortrange. However it holds more ammo, and I do believe it is the easiest gun in the game to get ammo for. It's just a case of, as you say, using it effectively.

My personal complaint is with the Magnum. It doesn't hold nearly enough shots to make it worth while - and it's become a lot less powered down from the first game also. I'd say it either needs more shots, or more power. That's not to say I do not enjoy kicking arse with it when possible.
SMG is a good weapon against standard Combine soldiers and against regular antlions. At short range, especially when there are 2-3 enemies close together, the SMG is ideal. You can easily press the trigger and make short "left-rights", guiding your bullets to all your enemies at once.

SMG sucks big time against zombies and headcrabs. Do not try, ever, to kill headcrabs with the SMG, you will empty half of your magazine and you will loose hit points while he jumps several times on your face. Zombies are tough, the shotgun deals with them perfectly. With that being said, enjoy your game, I do. And I love SMG when fighting Combine.

Back in the original Half Life, the SMG was the best weapon in the game. Since I played the demo on its time (almost 12 years ago) I loved the sound of firing and especially the sound of the empty bullet shells falling on the floor. It was amazing! Not even Half Life 2 SMG gives me that feeling. The original SMG fires more bluntly, it roughly shakes Gordon's arm when used. Sooooo cool! The SMG is the second gun in my "top guns from all games" if I can so, the first being the asskicking Smartgun from AVP2.
I do agree that it's not accurate enough; I wouldn't have minded that much if the overwatch rifle was more accurate instead, but having both automatic weapons useless at anything other than short range is simply annoying.

The Overwatch Rifle is incredibly accurate and very powerful. You just have to not suck using it.
The Overwatch Rifle is incredibly accurate and very powerful. You just have to not suck using it.

And when do you get the overwatch rifle huh????
You got no weapon for medium range till the end levels since u get the overwatch very late in the game , the crossbow is good but slow reload time , the magnum is a bit good but very few bullets , only a sub machine gun should be accurate on medium range like in real life but for some reason its crap at medium range which gives you no good medium range weapon except the two I mentioned that have its own issues , funny I find it easyer to kill someone from medium range with a shotgun than a machine gun lol.
Very late in the game? The end of Ravenholm? That's just before halfway through and before you get the crossbow.
funny I find it easyer to kill someone from medium range with a shotgun than a machine gun lol.

Seriously i'm wondering when Valve decided the shotgun could be used at like long range, i know thats not how it's supposed to be used but usually it gets me the kills anyway. Actually i just plainly think it's kind of overpowered.
Shotgun wins. The only weapons I used HL2: Episode 2 was the shotgun and pistol.
I like using the SMG when I'm fighting opponents that are overpowered and just want to have fun spraying them with ammo. The alt fire is a killer though - it's a good thing they kept the ammo sparse.
2 words for you all.



That is all.

And, Hobo, the AR2 is nothing. I have an AR3.

By the way, when is someone going to finally make a weapon mod with an AR3 in it?
Seriously i'm wondering when Valve decided the shotgun could be used at like long range, i know thats not how it's supposed to be used but usually it gets me the kills anyway. Actually i just plainly think it's kind of overpowered.

Well.. I believe the Shotgun's awesomeness depends on what level difficulty you're playing on. Moderate, and Easy difficulty, and the shotgun is quite simply one of the best weapons in the game. On the Hard setting however, the enemies become too tough to make the shotgun worthwhile - it quite simply does not hold enough ammo, and is too slow on the pump action. Headcrabs, unless one is at point-blank range, take two shells to take down. When the shotgun only carries 36 shells, you find you can only target zombies with it - and even then only single zombies as opposed to groups of them.

Though this isn't to say that the Shotgun should carry as many shells as it did on HL1. Even on the Difficult setting I find myself shooting windows, crates and whatever else with it due to the sheer excess of ammo. However, ordinary Marines take so long to take down with the Shotgun even at close range (on Difficult setting) that it is only worth while for shooting down Xen creatures.

Back in the original Half Life, the SMG was the best weapon in the game. Since I played the demo on its time (almost 12 years ago) I loved the sound of firing and especially the sound of the empty bullet shells falling on the floor. It was amazing! Not even Half Life 2 SMG gives me that feeling. The original SMG fires more bluntly, it roughly shakes Gordon's arm when used. Sooooo cool! The SMG is the second gun in my "top guns from all games" if I can so, the first being the asskicking Smartgun from AVP2.

I am almost tempted to agree completely - if the Magnum in Half-Life were not the best gun. That aside the SMG is undoubtably a very useful weapon. There's more than enough ammo lying around for it, and even on the difficult setting it's quite easy to take down Marines. It's accurate, and hard hitting. I always found it quite amusing how Gordon was always pictured with his Shotgun, when the weapon of preference tended to be the SMG.

The HL2 SMG was a huge dissappointment after the original game. But, as has been mentioned many times, it does have its uses. Partically on levels such as Highway 17 where ammo is in surplus thanks to the buggy.
SMG was my FAVORITE weapon in HL2 due to the abundance of ammo and just the raw power it has at short-range, which is my favorite range to fight at. The SMG grenade is killer and was good for a exterminating large groups of enemies bunched close together. I considered the ammo crate in the back of the buggy in Highway 17 to be a blessing from the HL gods.

Just throwing in my opinion on the gun.
OK first of all I have to say im a huge fan of Half life series troughout from 1 to 2 to episodes , but I still have a slight complain about the SMG , why in god's name did they do a machine gun that sucks like crap, I seriusly don't understand why they did this , I swear the normal pistol is more accurate and deadly than the SMG , nobody said they should make it really great but in half life 2 its complete crap and im sure you will agree with me , it has no sense how can a PISTOL be deadlyer than a SMG , look at how it was in half life 1 , or counterstrike..
You got no good weapon for longer ranges except the crossbow ( which reload time is no comment , and hard to find a lot of ammo ).
Does anyone know why they made the SMG complete crap in HL2?

I know what your saying exactally man. Other than the rapid fire on the SMG it pretty much sucks, bad damage, that is why I use the Magnum! It is accurate and pretty good damage, though it is bad when reloading.
The SMG is the same model as the Heckler and Koch MP7. A high-accuracy, high-ROF, armor-penetrating round.
That thing should be nailing them and killing them in like 5 shots with torso hits!
As to how the rebellion has got a hold of so many high-quality, high-cost firearms made by H&K I must wonder but that's another thread.
Does anybody use this technique I call "Magnum-scoping"? What you do is you zoom in on a Combine/zombie and shoot right as you zoom out. I find it very effective and use it often.
Does anybody use this technique I call "Magnum-scoping"? What you do is you zoom in on a Combine/zombie and shoot right as you zoom out. I find it very effective and use it often.

That's so off topic it's not even funny, but yes i try this, not too hard unless it's a moving target. But it doesn't even have to be aimed at the head since the magnum can pretty much kill anything not made of metal in a single shot.

Back on topic, i prefer the shotgun, but the smg is my secondary. I mostly use it for when i end up getting myself surrounded and i cant kill that many people with a long as hell reloading shotgun.
I find the SMG suitable for its intended task. Whining about how it sucks at long range is like complaining that you can't throw the crowbar at people.
I'm just hoping that they will be replacing the MP7 with a different weapon, so I don't have to contend the idea of having the SMG with a Grenade Launcher
The Overwatch Rifle is significantly more accurate than the SMG. Whilst granted it could be slightly more accurate, you can take out medium range targets with ease, and long range targets if you have the ammo to spare.

The SMG on the otherhand is purely good at shortrange. However it holds more ammo, and I do believe it is the easiest gun in the game to get ammo for. It's just a case of, as you say, using it effectively.

My personal complaint is with the Magnum. It doesn't hold nearly enough shots to make it worth while - and it's become a lot less powered down from the first game also. I'd say it either needs more shots, or more power. That's not to say I do not enjoy kicking arse with it when possible.

I agree. The Magnum is my favorite because it's so sexy and awesome, but I find that I never use it because I'm afraid of running out of ammo. To me, it's just my back-up for when I run out of ammo for the shotgun.

That said, my absolute favorite moment in Ravenholm was using the Magnum to headshot a fast zombie IN MIDAIR as he was jumping across the rooftops at me. It was beautiful. And the Magnum's sexiness just made it even more beautiful.

Toaster Chan, I hate to disagree, but if it held any more ammo the most it would be able to hold is 7, and you always need to get a headshot, otherwise you could just consider it a wasted bullet.
Half the joy of using a revolver is pushing the bullet down a well-greased cylinder.
You have to manage the ammo well, otherwise you're screwed.