Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
This just in from Doug Lombardi:
Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday[br]
Tomorrow at 11 am PST, the Half-Life 2 Steam offers will be ready for purchase. Details and pricing for these offers are pasted below. Those who purchase via Steam, will receive the final version of Counter-Strike: Source immediately. Half-Life 2 and other games in the Steam offerings will be made available to purchasers upon their release.[br]
ATI/Half-Life 2 bundle owners may redeem their product key for the Bronze offer or apply their key toward the purchase of either the Silver or Gold offers, receiving a credit equal to the price of the Bronze offer.[br]
Also tomorrow, the Counter-Strike: Source beta will close. Valve would like to thank the thousands of gamers who participated in the beta and helped make it a success. [br]
For more detailed information, please visit www.steampowered.com[br]
Half-Life 2 Steam Offers[br]
1. "Bronze" -- $49.95[br]
-- Half-Life 2*[br]
-- Counter-Strike: Source[br]
*(To be made available upon product's release.)[br]
2. "Silver" -- $59.95[br]
-- Half-Life 2*[br]
-- Counter-Strike: Source[br]
-- Half-Life 1: Source*[br]
-- Day of Defeat: Source*[br]
-- Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam *(To be made available upon products' release.)[br]
3. "Gold" -- $89.95[br]
-- Half-Life 2*[br]
-- Counter-Strike: Source[br]
-- Half-Life 1: Source*[br]
-- Day of Defeat: Source*[br]
-- Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam[br]
-- Complete Half-Life 2 Strategy Guide from Prima Games[br]
-- 3 different Half-Life 2 posters[br]
-- Half-Life Collector's box[br]
-- Half-Life 2 hat[br]
-- Half-Life 2 postcard[br]
-- Half-Life 2 stickers[br]
-- Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD[br]
-- Chance to win a trip to Valve! (1 trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased).[br]
*(To be made available upon products' release.)
nice! 90 bucks for all that isnt bad. When you compare it to 80 for the CE, thats really good deal! :bounce:
OMG I just made juicy in my pants. \o/ How come no "raising the bar". Is this to be sold in bookstores? Does this mean we should be hearing "gold" any second now?
Woo! $90 is greatfor the Gold package.

*gets the money ready*
WO HO, i need and i will have finished my work for the day by then too :D that has made my day, im gunna dance like a monkey, plus its my b-day on monday so the moneys not a problem, £50 in UK is really good for that much stuff, yay :D
WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *creams pants* CS:S Tomorrow .. Holy shit, I haven't been this psiked since christmas 1986.
-- Half-Life Collector's box

whats in the box with the gold edition??
fun fun, hope cs:s will become as popular as cs is..
The wait is soon over. Who could have guessed year ago that some remade of counter-strike in hl2s engine would be released before hl2? ;)
YEAHHHHHHH **** ME OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woow 59 USD= 48 EUR thats ok!
Yeah, the gist was "get it when you pay".

I better have all my work done and a doctor's note for Friday :D
Do they ship the gold edition extras outside the US?
Hooray! As underwhelming as this may sound... I AM VERY PLEASED!
AHH!!! I'M SOO HAPPY NOW!!! But tomorow is my most busy day of the week! I have freakin school then play practice, then I have Piano then I might be going out to eat!!! ARRGGGHHH!!!!! I won't be able to play till like 11PMEST!!! GRR VALVE! haha
I think I'll buy the silver and just convert the audio tracks to CD from the files on my PC.
Ouch. At current exchange rates, that's $113.29 Canadian for the Gold package. That is a bit rich for my blood, however...

There's no way I'd ever purchase this in stores. Valve has the chance to set the new industry standard with their content delivery system. There's nothing I'm missing out on by picking it up in stores, other than a mad rush at EB on release day. Hell, they're even sending us a copy of the box we would have received in stores.

Count me in for the gold package. Looking forward to kicking ass and taking names later come HL2's final release date.

:: marc
I don't have any change in my pocket, I'm just really happy to see this.

THE FUTURE IS NOW :bounce: TADALIDATATA!!!! :bounce:

edit: anyone knows about the shipping of the gold package stuff to Europe? What's the deal?
Since the gold is available over steam, I guess all the extra stuff has to be shipped to you...?
Im curious as to what does the "Half-Life Collector Box" mean. Is it the HL2 collectors edition box? or another thing?
What does it mean when it says "Valves back catalog"?
I e-mailed them and got this reply. I've replied asking how much it will cost.
Doug Lombardi said:

Yes, the Gold offer is available worldwide.

Thanks for your mail and your interest in our games.

There's nothing I'm missing out on by picking it up in stores, other than a mad rush at EB on release day.

A hard copy of the game?

power cut while downloading, system crash, system failure, virus, steam being gay and banning cd keys (happened 3 times to me for no reason)

basicly all of those and you gotta spend time re entering information and trying to remember your steam information.

plus theres the whole staring at your Half life 2 box on the trip back home and laughing at people for not knowing what it is...

*points at the people with lives*
"you chumps!"
*runs from the angry people with lives*
Jumpy up and down me go woot woooot. HELL YA>!
Sounds good to me :E

Does this not just show the hate between VUG and Valve? I bet alot of people that was going to buy this in the shop have changed their mind after seeing Valve are offering to give you CS:S early if you buy HL2 over steam. Evil but they deserve it :p
There's nout in there about the international shipping costs....incoming mail I think?!?!

definitely buying off steam and i urge others to do the same :D

reasonably priced, great package.
so you're saying with my HL2 voucher, I can take 50 dollars and put it towards any other? awsome
$50 for HL2 and CS:S?! :(

It makes sense though, it's instant! I really want the Gold, but I need my $500 check first!
soundstruck said:
There's nothing I'm missing out on by picking it up in stores, other than a mad rush at EB on release day.
Dougy said:
A hard copy of the game?

power cut while downloading, system crash, system failure, virus, steam being gay and banning cd keys (happened 3 times to me for no reason)

basicly all of those and you gotta spend time re entering information and trying to remember your steam information.
  • Hard Copy of the Game - Burn my SteamApps directory to DVD and toss it in the collector's box when I get it.
  • Power Cut/System Crash/System Failure - That isn't a problem for most people, nor something that directly reflects the quality of the Steam product.
  • Steam/VAC Banning Accounts - This also isn't a problem for most of the people who play with a legit copy of the game.
  • Remembering Information - For the love of god, just write it down somewhere.
I know how to take a joke Dougy, but they weren't very solid reasons to consider buying it through retail instead of over Steam. Sorry.

Although I must admit, I would be pretty ticked off if VAC banned my account in error, and I had absolutely no chance of recourse other than re-purchasing the game. I haven't heard of that happening too many times so I'm not losing any sleep over it. Still, it just takes one accident for someone to lose faith in the system.

EDIT: This is also a win-win situation for Valve. If VUG decides to announce a release date, then we all get to play the game that much sooner. --- If they delay and delay, more and more people will buy the game over Steam so that they can kill time playing CS:S (and indirectly give a big F-off to Vivendi for delaying the release beyond what is absolutely necessary).

I'm sure what I'm saying is nothing new and has already been debated in these forums countless times. I just really don't feel like studying right now.
yeha man this ROXXX .now i have to be nice to dad ah f it im gettin Silver by the way