Half life 2 supreme court!


Oct 19, 2006
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If this is a fan fiction furum thing im gonna make this up. Todays case Dr breen vs alex Ok dr breen tell us what happend DR: thAT MECHANICAL mut threw a combine strider into my office window I WANT THAT WINDOW REPLACED AND THAT MUT DESTROYED!. alex what happend Alex: well dog was playing fetch and he saw a strider on the ground so he picked it up and tossed it around. I thought it was cute awwwww. Ok now after dog played Alex: he got bored so he threw it threw the air and it went shooting up into the sk/ DR: AND THATS WHEN IT WENT TROUGH MY WINDOW HE AIMED FOR ME! AN/ DR BREEN STFU and sit down ok after hearing both sides of the case I gordan stop useing the gravity gun to pick up my gravel. I have desided to have charge alex for letting dog break dr breens window $20 dollers and dog will not be destroyed. BRing in the danceing combine *combine come in and start danceing* do any of u people have half life court things u wanna make up? if u think this was stupid just tell me.
I just can't stop this...

It's Alyx not Alex. It's Gordon not GordAn.

But yeah, the idea is poor. No offense.
Elite Combine? You're FIRED.
This is quite old. Why did I ever revive it? It's an entire 24 days old!
You forgot to put "To be continued?" at the end. Oh and where the heck are teh backflips?! >:/
This doesn't even make enough sense for Vegeta to make a humorous flash animation.