Half-Life 2 Survivor


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

kotaku said:
Players control their movement by a combination of joysticks - one for each hand - and floor pedals. The console unit's screen is a HDTV widescreen liquid crystal display - the action unfolding from a traditional first-person shooter perspective. [...]
There is almost no story-telling element other than the G-man intro movie, and it's impossible to grasp the original Half-Life 2 story from this game. For example, after the g-man intro movie, players will find Gordon with weapons in Route Canal. There is no interactive cut scenes, and Alyx makes no appearance either. The lack of the gravity gun and physics-based puzzles should also be noted.

tons of screenshots

That's a little bit suck, but mostly a whole lotta rock \m/
So is that co-op they're playing in some of the screens, or are those Combine asassin modelled things AI allies?
I hate to say it, but that looks pretty shit.

I have to agree. From that one picture that was posted on the forum it looked good then when I started to look at more pics. it looked horrible.
Cool it has lots of hints for items and doors. Why is there a combine lady in my HL2?
She's the combine assassin. Axed from the game before release. No idea who/what she is in this strange asianic HL2 though.
Good for the arcades and things...Thats what its meant for so ya..
HL2: Survivor video


is that a baton gordon is carrying at one point? odd video
Great video Stern.

Are you guys kidding saying this sucks? (you can't put a mouse in an arcade, it will be broken in 5 minutes - besides, he looked like he was controlling it perfectly)

This has to be the new best arcade game ever made. What is this, link-system multiplayer co-op? They must be, I saw red team blue team didn't you?

These must be EXPENSIVE machines, but wow, get a couple of these machines linked up and everyone get in line with your bills for the bill changers. I bet they have built in upgrade space for new Episodes!

well, you can't expect much more from something thats been simultaneously arcadeafied and japanafied.
That looks great fun. Imagine playing that on a huge arcade screen :)

Score big points \o/
Oh, multiplayer coop? I'm interested :)
