Half life 2: The 7 hour war


Feb 18, 2004
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Gman: Welcome back captain shepord (or whatever his rank is), some old friends of mine decided to stop by, and i am sure you can find a.... *pause* sutable way to welcome them.... your abilities give me full confidance in you, be sure not to dissapoint...


*you teliport onto an army base, soldiers are running around, tanks are driving out of the gate*

you cant tell me that wouldnt be cool as an expansion pack.. :)

(not fan fiction, just a thought, dont move it to fan fiction please)
be cool if that carried on flashing to see the army fight the combine, then the ombine slaughtering people and taking over plus a strider or two :p, then showing the citadel and feeble attempts of the rebelers. And then the g-man say 'it looks like u got your work....(pause).... cut out for you mr shephard. he then grins evily.

well thats my two cent :)
that would be cool. Bring a totally different gameplay than HL2 sp. Something more CoD like, big battles. Although it would be hard to have a convincing objective considering that we know the humans lose in the end. Maybe round up survivors and set up the resistance. Shepard could become one of the leaders of the resistance.
Both of you made excellent cinematic proposals on how to start off from! I'm sure Mr. Laidlaw will come up with something as cool, if not cooler if we get to see Corporal Shepard again.
it would not only be cool, but would make sense if you think about the different official mod's driving idea. play the same facts through another character is basically what made the mods attractive

and i'm not even talking about the story. something GOT to happen to our beloved shephard
Shepard HAS to come back. They can't just let him drop off the edge of the world.
Maybe you could try and stop Breen from surrendering the world to the Combine as the goal of the game.
Well I can imagine it a little something like this:
Gman pulls some strings to get you back in the military as some sort of officer and tasks you with resisting the invasion. This is before the invasion takes place, when the army's main job is trying to clean up the xen wildlife all over the place. You helicopter in to some location to clean up a xen outbreak and that's when you make first military contact with the combine. Everything goes to shit and your first goal is just to survive. After that the military tries to organize a response and you fight some big battles war of the worlds style but as the comine invade you start to lose the chain of command and eventually are completely cut off. I dunno how the rest might go, maybe you have to become irregulars and fight a guerilla warfare style as resistance leading up to some climactic battle
So do you guys think the seven hour war is to be taken literally? No word-wide war can be won in 7 hours, right?
Yea, Combine had to be superior to that current earth weaponry = present while HL2 takes place in the future.

That would seriously kick ass. More than anything.
Plus if you listen to Mossman (i think its her) she says they have portal tech that lets them come from their universe. I think maybe the combine is a huge empire consisting of many species (which explains the striders, etc, as well as alot of the things seen on the ride in the citadel)... so they could land a strike force at strategic objectives, and take ou the command structure VERY quickly.

I think if they had the tech, the firepower and experience (they have probably done this before to incorparate new species into the combine) they could concievably take over the world in 7 hours. Especially since we surrendered.

What really interests me is the news clipping above the 7 hour war... "Portal Storm Continues"... That would be quite a cool place for a prequel/expansion. A world with portals opening nearly constantly, dropping xen aliens everywhere.

Which might explain why the combine uses headcrabs as a weapon, if the world was being filled up headcrab shelling would A) scare the populace in getting to the Cities and B) maybe help contain the Headcrabs (since it would be known where the highest concetrations are).

Still, can't wait to see how Valve continue the story.
Is the seven hour war against the humans?
and and and,

it would only have to be 7 hours of game play!!!!!! because then we lose!
Yeah but you have to lose at the end =S. How does that work?
No word-wide war can be won in 7 hours, right?
Let's think about this for a sec.
If all human population had run and hidden in major cities such as New York, Tokyo, Moscow, etc., and completely shut themselves in with barbed wire and barricades, they'd be sort of stuck, right? This is what the Combine wanted. It was at this point where the Citadels appeared, releasing their deadly machines of war against the trapped human populace. In a simultaneous assault, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did, considering how advanced the combine are.
LOL. I sent this idea off to valve like, yesterday. :D
I'd say start off with the G-man talking to Shepperd about plans and this and that...and have him fight his way back OFF Xen (cammios of some old friends of ours from HL1) and finding a portal back to Earth, but when he gets there, the 7 hour war is about to begin. Life is happy, enjoayble, then the portal appears. Shepperd, being a greedy military man, strives to live. Not helping either sides unless it gets him to safety. In the end, he gets captured/teh G-man leads him to get captured, and is turned into a stalker..........woah!
quoted from my post on an other thread in this forum
EVIL said:
seriously, I doubt the 7 hour war was againt the humans, it does not make sence. an inteligent lifeform doesn't come blasting on a planet ala independance day. They come in pease to help suppress the content that the portal storm brought: hazardus creatures on eart (wich makes sence why the antlions are so adapted). and stab humanity in their backs (finding a back door) it seems more logical the combine helped us to fight the xen aliens, also makes more sence why dr breen is on their side, he is ignorant, he believes in forcing the next a colabiration with an alien force on humanity to be a good thing. he obviously does not see why the combine are bad. valve also said in the more recent interviews that dr breen is not really evil. he just believes in his own things, both eli and breen is wrong. but the combine have an obvious hidden agende, that is enslaving humanity and depletinh earth from their recources (explains the dried seabed and the stranded ships)
EVIL said:
quoted from my post on an other thread in this forum

But we know that humanity surrendered, so combine were fighting against humans.
-BIG spoilers, even if you finished the game-

according to raising the bar, the xen aliens more or less took over the world, humans shut themselves up in big walled cities, then the combine suddenly appeared everywhere at once, that big tower? one of them suddenly appeared in every major city (the one in city 17 had the teleporter tho, which is why it was the "capital") in the world, a giant tower appearing in the middle of the city and spewing gunships and striders,

Eli: "Oh we resisted alright, we put up a fight that lasted all of seven hours"

Breen arranged the surrender of the humans to the combine, who now protect the humans from the xen, and he is admin of the world
No, no! Everyone is wrong.

Cpl. Sheperd is in the game!! He is actually Father Gregory! Don't you remember when he says specifically, "I am teh Shepherd!!1 And these monsters are my congregation!"
Har Har Har

Anyways I think a Shepard Expansion could just be about Shepard being a resistance leader, you fight your way through some battles and objectives but are eventually captured and put into Nova Prospekt

You are later released due to an "Invader" (Gordon) who you don't actually come in contact with. I can't really think of anything after that but it may leave some room to answer a few more questions about the end of HL2
Dang man, thats a great idea for a pack, but do you think it should be in normal HL fashion? The Shit hits the fan, you start with just your wits, and as you progress you get your guns? Or should be it an al out battle? Or should it start as an all out battle for a bit, but THEN the shit hits the fan, and you have to start from scratch
Hyperion2010 said:
and and and,

it would only have to be 7 hours of game play!!!!!! because then we lose!
doing it in realtime would be great. and hl2 is barely twice as long as that

and yeah, I really want to see shepard back. they can't just forget him
My idea for the story based on the Raising The Bar explanation:

You start off in New York where you are placed by the G-man, and you help lead the battle against the Xen aliens.

At some point through the game, the United States is trying to help a combined force in Europe (explains why that British colnel is in City 17) so they send an experienced team of veterens. Just as you are getting to your drop point, the Combine blast in and you are stranded in City 17.

The combined Earth forces try to fight their way out from both the Combine and the Xen. This leads to some nice, three way battles that include some cool scenes, like tanks trying to resist Striders (with a few victories), intense air battles that include new Combine jets, and maybe a few points where you see human helicopters or jets win some small victories.

You and your ragtag band of veterens and European soldiers become a major part of the resistance in City 17. You become a pretty big leader, and lead a few major strikes against the victorious Combine (who have destroyed Earth's army and pushed the Xen aliens into the wilderness).

Just as you finish one strike, the G-man freezes time and detains you, telling you that you have done your job and will be held back until needed again. Just as he leaves through a door, you can see a train coming into City 17 with a strange passenger on it...

To explain why several Americans are in City 17, maybe there was a huge resistance movement in the United States, so they started mass nuking whole stretches and moving prisoners to Europe.
mrxskinny said:
No, no! Everyone is wrong.

Cpl. Sheperd is in the game!! He is actually Father Gregory! Don't you remember when he says specifically, "I am teh Shepherd!!1 And these monsters are my congregation!"
You made me laugh my ass off. That was gold.
The G-man could make Shephard work with the combine in the seven hour war. Now that would really shake things up on OMFG-What-r-teh-gman's-d333l-o-meter.
I think if Shephard is to return, and god I hope he does, It should be in a different city, but:
You start off Right before Gordon reaches Nova Prospekt, and you are in a different part of the world, maybe Asia or America. And you are meeting up with some old marines (medic guy, Engineer guy, etc but thier all aged and in charge of the rebellion). This is the first 1/4 of the game, doing small things kinda like the first level or 2 of HL2. Then you hear Gordon took out Nova Prospekt and the rebellion has begun, and you're launched into these crazy ass street battles, and you lead pacts of resisters agaisnt the combine and striders. You can steal the Combine Tanks and trip over striders. And you win a major victory when you take out the citadel in whatever city you turned up in... Then Gman grabs you, and tells you whatever happened in city 17 after the citadel blew up. And you won't be needed for awhile
Why is City 17 the "capital"? I know its because it has the Dark Fusion Reactor (i think) but why would the seventeenth City have it? Random selection or real meaning behind it? Or did they just build cities one after the other and the DFR was ready when they built City 17. I was expecting City 1 to be the big huge main uber capital city. Bit like 01 in The Matrix, logical numerical name for the first and main city would be "1". Im going off topic now...
i rekon in real life wed absolutely rip through the combine. i mean it only tkas a couple of rpgs to kill a strider and america has some beasty weapons at their hands.

but i guess they sorta caught us of guard by teleporting in massive citadels.
A mod the take place during the 7-hour war would definitely be badass.
SimonomiS said:
Why is City 17 the "capital"? I know its because it has the Dark Fusion Reactor (i think) but why would the seventeenth City have it? Random selection or real meaning behind it? Or did they just build cities one after the other and the DFR was ready when they built City 17. I was expecting City 1 to be the big huge main uber capital city. Bit like 01 in The Matrix, logical numerical name for the first and main city would be "1". Im going off topic now...

thats not how it works, the real city 17 (it has since been renamed, i'll edit if i remember the same) is called that because noone bothered to name it, it is 17KM southwest of..... i belive vladivostok....

city 17 doesnt mean its the 17'th city in a series, its 17KM from the nearest major city...

city 14 is 14KM from the nearest major city, ect....
heres my idea.....(note i dont have HL2 yet as i dont have a comp good enough to play it, its on the way) so dont spoil stuff for me. Corporal Shepard is placed by the man in Chicago, where the national gaurd, army etc fight the combine invasion. (makes for some sweet war, teamplay, co-op, mp) with air strikes and junk. After 4 hours game time, the army gets wiped out and yougo into gurilla warfare with otis (no relation), and some army teamates,3 of them. Using alien and manhack infested tunnels to pop up and surprise the combine postions. As more resistence piles up, the combine pull out and your'e isolated. 30 seconds game time later your teleported into a combine prisoner transport plane over the atlantic. You see a big white flash overtake downtown manhattan. The flash catches the plane, and you black out. You wake up in Nova Prospekt. (**dont know if this fits in to HL2 at all**) gordon/resistance somehow inadvertantly free you from the prison. You join the underground resistance... fighting lone ranger and with teamates a la HL2. Keep goin on with that until you fight some big boss with at least 30 teammates at your side. The combine come in from dropships, bring in striders and helicopters, going againt your old soviet tanks. The dust clears, and the G-man appears, bringing you some bad news... (hopefully that makes sense with HL2 somehow)
There was some posts in the speculation forum about City 17's origin and someone came up with that from a website. Appears to be pretty accurate, but I think its more likely that the combine just renamed all the cities to help destroy human culture.
We have knowledge of a short war, a city(17), the combine, the zen and countless other spieces and time-space travle. How about a more unorthadox approch to the half life story line. Shepard moves back in time(using a modified portal) to the seven day war to get info to be used to further the story in the half life 2 era and also give back story to what the hell really happened. Then his mission is to get back to the portal and use the info gathered to win a major campaing for the resistance back in the half life 2 era. This leaves more than enough room for half life 3 and you really havent progressed any further you have just given the story more depth. Also you can elude to the gman manipulating the portal to giude you on you journy or something like that. Easy, fun, kind of in the spirit of th HL series and we get more explainations without running in to Freeman.
Reaperman said:
thats not how it works, the real city 17 (it has since been renamed, i'll edit if i remember the same) is called that because noone bothered to name it, it is 17KM southwest of..... i belive vladivostok....

city 17 doesnt mean its the 17'th city in a series, its 17KM from the nearest major city...

city 14 is 14KM from the nearest major city, ect....

This theory is based on the numbered cities in the old Soviet Union. The numbered cities didn't, technically, exist...they were specifically built for different secret Soviet military projects. They were named by their distance from the nearest major city. Since City 17 is somewhere in eastern Europe/former Soviet Union...