Half-Life 2 tops the GDC Awards



Valve picked up the most awards at the Game Developers Choice Awards Wednesday night. Gabe Newell gave an Oscar-like statement regarding Half-Life 2 winning awards:
So awards like these are sort of a double-edged sword. On the one hand I think it's recognition for all the work that went into it. And I also think they're a little bit of a message that you guys better not f*** up your next one because we're all going to be watching.
Half-Life 2 won Best Game, Best Character Design, Best Technology, and Best Writing.[br]</br>For a full list of winners, visit this link.
Yeah...Gabe was all over that. Too bad they bleeped him out ;) All in all, they deserved every award.

Upon winning the top award, a slimmed-down Newell said, "So awards like these are sort of a double-edged sword. On the one hand I think it's recognition for all the work that went into it. And I also think they're a little bit of a message that you guys better not f*** up your next one because we're all going to be watching."
Slimmed down? I want pics! ;)
So the best game ever got all the top awards, no surprise there!
HL2 got the most prestigious awards too, but who doubted it in the first place? may be Gamespot ;)
Congrats to Valve and i agree with his statment.
Varsity said:
Slimmed down? I want pics! ;)

I bet HL2 stressed him out, so thats why he was in the shape he was, all that matters tho is Gabe is in good health and making some more kickass pc games. :cheers:
heema_khan said:
So the best game ever got all the top awards, no surprise there!

hahaha, best game of 2004 maybe, MAYBE, but clearly you haven't played Resident Evil 4, by far thats the BEST GAME EVER.

not to take away anything from valve, but re4 pwned it in every respect from graphics to gameplay, and proved you don't need havoc physics to make a goty.
polyguns said:
hahaha, best game of 2004 maybe, MAYBE, but clearly you haven't played Resident Evil 4, by far thats the BEST GAME EVER.

not to take away anything from valve, but re4 pwned it in every respect from graphics to gameplay, and proved you don't need havoc physics to make a goty.
Get off these forums! :hmph:
I have RE4 but Im not a huge fan of it, I even like that new brothers in arms game more than it and possibly half life 2.
polyguns said:
hahaha, best game of 2004 maybe, MAYBE, but clearly you haven't played Resident Evil 4, by far thats the BEST GAME EVER.

You are obviously blind then, Half-Life 2 won the most awards RE4 didn't. Go back to your hole and cry some more.
He is definattly slimmed :p

I think gamespot has a video of it. I saw it on, on the spot.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You are obviously blind then, Half-Life 2 won the most awards RE4 didn't. Go back to your hole and cry some more.

lol, resident evil 4 came out in 2005, it wasn't even in competition with hl2. go check the reviews.

most fun game ive ever played, beat it nearly 3 times in 10 days, its so awsome, people sat at my house for hours and hours just watching it being played. it'll be lead contender for goty, but yea, these are hl2 forums, go valve :angel:
polyguns said:
lol, resident evil 4 came out in 2005, it wasn't even in competition with hl2. go check the reviews.

most fun game ive ever played, beat it nearly 3 times in 10 days, its so awsome, people sat at my house for hours and hours just watching it being played. it'll be lead contender for goty, but yea, these are hl2 forums, go valve :angel:


I think this will be your site.
polyguns said:
lol, resident evil 4 came out in 2005, it wasn't even in competition with hl2. go check the reviews.

most fun game ive ever played, beat it nearly 3 times in 10 days, its so awsome, people sat at my house for hours and hours just watching it being played. it'll be lead contender for goty, but yea, these are hl2 forums, go valve :angel:

3 times in 10 days? It's not going to win any awards for game length...
Well, Resident Evil 4 is a technological and survival horror marvel, there is no doubt. However, you can not compare a FPS to a third person shooter. Granted, you can go into FPS when you snipe in RE4, but that's about it. As far as story, the story in RE4 was pretty good. It is, however, not even close to the same scope as the story in Half-Life 2. RE4 is like watching a movie unfold, whereas I felt like I was part of making the events in Half-Life 2 unfold. I can't say I liked it more than Half-Life 1's story, because at the time it was just so great.
well the first time i beat it, it took me 40 hours, the second time, was about 20 hours. so the second time through, it still had more gameplay then hl2 sp.
sry, im a modder, not a hl2 fanboi, im just here to get shit ingame, and i love posting on the forums esp when the flamers try to bash on amateurs, and its really alot of fun when everyone flips out at the mere suggestion that even the good Lord Jesus Christ is superrior to hl2.

at the end of hl2, i wasn't terribly impressed with the story, its a great game, def deserves a 9.2-9.5, re4 tho, and i will compare a first and third person game cause i judge quality based on fun not camera angle, i would agree 9.8- 10

for those of you who worship at the altar of valve, sorry to offend your god, or more like sorry it offends you to hear alternate points of view.

polyguns said:
for those of you who worship at the altar of valve, sorry to offend your god, or more like sorry it offends you to hear alternate points of view.


Or you bringing in RE4 out of no where and starting a war, good job my friend, that will get you far on this forum. And no to the "flame on" comment, flaming other members can result in warnings and/or bans.
polyguns is increasingly showing himself to be a troll.


Tendency to come into threads where Valve are being praised and mention another game entirely.

When flamed in response, uses the word "fanboi" a lot

Claims that people are unwilling to see alternate points of view.

Hello? This is halflife2.net, not reasonedandimpartialgamingdiscussion.com
You're very obviously doing this to stir up trouble. Cease. Desist.
lol, dunno about doing it to stir up trouble, just expressing my view in a forum. how come its all my fault if i say imo re4 is the best game ever, but its not stirring up trouble if people absolutly trash you for expressing your opinion.

ive said it before, hl2 is a GREAT game, not the best game ever made in my opinion, but i also go to other game forums, and i wouldn't call them the best game ever. whats the big deal, how come someone who doesn't believe as most do on a forum has to be called a troll?

Ive spent prolly 1500 hours producing content for hl2 mods, i woldn't do that if i didn't like it, i wouldn't have beat the game if i didn't like it.

sorry for expressing a differing opinion and quoting my favorite fantastic four super hero :D

read through the forums, im not nearly as trollish as alot of posters, i spend alot of my time defending media posts made to the hl2 community that other members constantly trash on, but thats why everyone is in modding, to learn get stuff ingame and get better.

theres much worse imo things goin on here then not thinking or saying that hl2 isn't the best game. i understand that alot of people live their lives around it, thats ok, i do to, but it seems in this community if theres some thoughts you deviate from, you get an onslaught.

http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=forum I hope the internet doesn;t change that definition.

on a side note, this is a really neat thing i found while job hunting that most of you news posters will prolly miss since its very inconspicuous.


neat ain't it :bounce:
There's a big difference between
if i say imo re4 is the best game ever
hahaha, best game of 2004 maybe, MAYBE, but clearly you haven't played Resident Evil 4, by far thats the BEST GAME EVER.
not to take away anything from valve, but re4 pwned it in every respect from graphics to gameplay, and proved you don't need havoc physics to make a goty.

You're perfectly entitled to your own opinion, but the way you express it and the frequency with which you do it (this isn't the first "HL2 wins X Award" thread you've popped up in) is what makes you a troll. You know damn well that people are going to disagree with you, and then you start playing the "fanboi" or "pardon me for having a different opinion" cards.
sry man didn't mean to offend you. it's only a game. re4 made me really excited. and the great thing about games, is they'll alway get better and better as time goes on.

to be on topic, congrats on the award valve!
Come on. RE4 is overrated. I played it, and it is not as good as half of the reviewers say. It is the best RE game out there, but RE4 will NEVER stack up to the awards HL2 brought in. How dare you say the graphics in RE4 are better than HL2. HL2 beat them by a mile! Pwned it in every way possible? You are truely funny. RE4 will be forgotten about later this year. HL2 will be played and still talked about for years to come as was HL1.
polyguns said:
sry man didn't mean to offend you. it's only a game. re4 made me really excited. and the great thing about games, is they'll alway get better and better as time goes on.

to be on topic, congrats on the award valve!
Just don't say "fanboi", OK? I don't want to have to come over there and beat you down with my iron stick of justice.
Though I'm all for HL2 winning most of those awards, I disagree with the "Best Writing" award it received.

The storyline felt a little too derived from an amalgam of Battlefield Earth (Really short 'wars' tend to come off as too fanciful IMO),War of the Worlds & Independence Day (Do all aliens want to deplete our world's natural resources?).

I sure hope an expansion or third installment helps clarify the anticlimactic, aesthetically-stunning romp through SOURCE that was Half-Life 2.

Other than that: Go Valve!