Half-life 2 vs HL2

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I hope your not the Devilphish of Halo 2

HL2 looks a lot better IMO, but halo 2 will be cool
The title looks like Half-Life 2 versus Half-Life 2. :rolleyes: And the actual post makes no sense at all.
HL2 because it's shorter. Half-Life 2 because it's more in-depth to what the game is.
Half-Life 2 vs HL2? So Half-Life 2 versus itself? Halo 2 will be alright. I think it's just going to be more of the same stuff from Halo. The gameplay from Halo was very repetitive but it was pretty fun in small doses.
OMG! Leave Master Chief. We don't like pointless threads and people who are Halo 2 fanboys.
Doesn't your post mean Half-life 2 vs HL2 (Half Life 2)????!!
Why don't you just spell out Halo?
brink's said:
I hope your not the Devilphish of Halo 2

At least he had valid arguments on the engine - but this guy (Master Cheif) seems a total bona-fied fanboy! :thumbs:

Also, the thread title is well.... :hmph:
Master Chief said:
Halo 2 will pwn this game of course

Gabe Says:

Lavrik said:
I agree with gabe. ((Cool pic btw))

I found it at a place that involves the word "world" and "Hl2."

Darn censorship :D .
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