Half-life 2: Wars released!

I enjoyed playing the demo.

However, the bugs were pretty game breaking. When trying to rescue the civilians in the tutorial, my men (and women)automatically down the civilians as soon as they arrived on the 2nd floor. Also, the deployment of special abilities was maddening, so I just resorted to spamming the basic infantry soldier. And there were some engagement issues with the AI, where no one would attack each other, and the control point could not be capped, no matter how I tried to take out the last guy (antlions seemed to exacerbate this problem).

But I liked the COH vibe of the mod, with the HL2 universe as a hook.
Gonna try it when I get back home :)
man there are so many bugs in this but i like the concept of it. its very good.
Meh, too lazy for this. Maybe if it is patched together, I might download it.
Keep in mind that this is a deo when reading this post, but it really, really drives you nuts.
Mission one: training
you start out with 2 guys. fair enough. you kill some zombies. It's all pretty impressive. there's a little bit of pathfinding bugs, but that's alright.It's a demo. You kill some more zombies and rescue some people. it's quite fun. Then you go to a rebel base and you gain the ability to make soldiers, and you're told the combine are incoming. I figure since it's training, so they wouldnt be sending gunships or whatever straight off, so I build a bunch of rebels and 2 rocket rebels just in case (the high cost for rocket rebels only really allowed me to get 2 anyway). suddenly, the dropship cometh. and it has a gun. Dropships aren't meant to have guns. The thing is offscreen, so my rocket rebels cant fire at it, while its long range gun rapes the turrets I set up and some of my troops while my guys just sit there like a bunch of complete twunts doing nothing. The dropship continues to hover just outside my field of vision, and it kills any rocket rebels that I send towards it. Then it moves into my field of vision yet the rocketeers STILL refuse to do anything.I try and tell them to fire at it, to no avail. occasionally they shoot off a rocket, but their aim is terrible and the rocket flops all over the place like a fat man in a paddling pool. suddenly combine troops appear from some part of the forest that I thought was completely inaccessible and rape the spot Im meant to be holding.
Failure. the screen goes black and tells me why I failed. Usually it would load up a save at this point, but for some ****ing reason the game decides to assume that I have the reading speed of a turtle on tranquilisers and the screen remains black for a good 3-4 minutes before it even STARTS loading the save game (not an exaggeration). I quit and loaded up the second mission.

Mission 2:
I decide to look at the map for a minute before making my first guy.
I decide to make him a combine elite, because they're ****ing awesome. I put five in the building queue. The first one gets built, gets viciously murdered by an antlion right away, and the mission ends for some ****ing reason.
a few minutes of blackscreen later I'm back, and I start straight off with a bunch of shotgun combine because they would be good in close combat with antlions. They are, and after a brief fight I hold the first point. I build a small squad of elites to go scout out the other points and soon find a rebel base with at least 2-3 rocket rebels who can actually fire their guns, much to my misfortune, and a bunch of ordinary rebels. The elites are killed in seconds. I see the rebel building for creating troops, so I build a gigantic army and move straight for it. The rocket rebels start seriously murdering my army, and nothing really happens to the rebel building. I don't think it even has a health bar. I think I'm meant to capture it by taking the point nearby, but that's impossible. I would have to kill the large amount of rebels guarding it, a big enough task alone, then guard it against the new rebels that will undoubtedly spawn from the building AND the antlion attacks.
I give up and write a stupid pointless angry review on hl2.net.
Honestly, it's not like Company of Heroes didn't do everything this mod is trying to accomplish. But I definitely enjoyed seeing a familiar universe in this light.

I would like to play 1v1 multiplayer of this in the future.
Dropships do have guns.
I had no problems in the first mission but the second seemed boring.

The mods looks really promising and I enjoyed the first level,Source looks awesome from above.
Sounds like there's a lot to work on. Not going to download for now, need to conserve my bandwidth for another mod.
Been waiting for one of these for ages. Gave it a try, and it has promise.

Honestly, it's not like Company of Heroes didn't do everything this mod is trying to accomplish. But I definitely enjoyed seeing a familiar universe in this light.

Different universe, different engine, and you have no idea what he's trying to "accomplish" anyways.

I cannot wait for this to reach the next version. I do, however, find it really weird how quickly the rebels can kill the Combine soldiers though. And IIRC, Combine are cheaper than Rebels (assuming to simulate the mass numbers the rebels don't have). I'm glad the focus was on infantry units though I do wonder what's next. Cool thing is how the Rebels have specialist units and Combine have pure combat only units. The frags where nice, too.