Half Life 2: Weird Texture on cliff


Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
I was noclipping around the coast (the semi final bit where you go to vortigaunt camp) and on the cliff behind you when you start with the lighthouse on it, theres this

In case you cant read this, it says "Nodraw" over and over. what the hell is this?

EDIT: i think it had something to do with mapping.
The nodraw texture tells the engine not to render that particular brush so as to save memory. You shouldn't see the texture, but I have seen it in-game on one occasion.
Perhpas it renders in developer mode?
nodraw is a brush based entity used in maps to prevent the player from leaving a specific area.

It shouldnt appear when ingame, sometimes noclipping can cause strange glitches, its most likely that.
nodraw is a brush based entity used in maps to prevent the player from leaving a specific area.

No, nodraw is a texture that is applied on every face of a brush that wont be seen by the player at all in-game, unless they use noclip. Its basically an invisible texture that you can see right through when in-game. The reason valve does this to surfaces you cant see (ie. a back side of a cliff or brush that you cant go behind), is because its less information for your computer to load up, so the maps runs a little bit smoother and also makes the memory size of the bsp much smaller.

Im a mapper and im pretty strict about his :thumbs:
thanks everyone! but why would it show up wouldnt it just be invisible normally?
No idea... Perhaps this is a telltale sign that he has a pirated version?