I'm stuck on the part around the train yard when Barney is suppose to throw Gordon his crowbar. Barney just keeps on saying, "Hey Gordon" no matter where I move to. Any ideas on how to get past this?
No, it's just that problems with the AI / NPC scripting often have to do with the person playing a pirated copy, so I was just checking (because I am not going to bother helping someone who pirated the game - it's our policy to ban these users).
The only think I can think of is to open console (~ key, you have to enable it in Options->Controls->Advanced->Enable Developer Console first) and type in:
ai_disabled 0
and hit enter. Probably that won't help though.
Your best bet is to try this: first of all, right click on Half-Life 2 in the Steam library and go to Properties, click on the Local Files tab and press the "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" button. If that doesn't fix it, you should delete the game and redownload/reinstall it.
If that still doesn't work, come back and we'll try to figure it out. I'm guessing it has to do with the game cache, because at that spot in the game Barney should say "Hey Gordon, I think you left this back in Black Mesa" and toss you the crowbar, so my thought is it isn't working right because it's missing one of the sound files or something.
You could also just load the game at the next map. You'll skip a bit of it (whatever was left in that particular level). If you open console, you can type:
map mapname
(or alternately changelevel mapname) where mapname is one of the values on the following list:
I think that is in alphabetical order, not necessarily the order they are in in the game... try the first trainstation map and work your way up until you pass the point you were at.