Half-Life: Full-Life Consequences as drawn by me


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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For those that don't know what Half-Life: Full-Life Consequences is.

Here's my comic.

It's only a tiny bit but I hope to do the rest (Though I will be away for a while soon, d'oh!) and put it together much better than I have there. Those 4 panels were just slapped together without much thought to layout or anything (don't blame me, I've quite tired :() and I swear I'll do better with the rest. I want to play down the sillyness and stupidity of the original (eg, the enconter with the headcrab officer will be a tad different ;))

Anyway, tired, off to bed. Will read response in morning.

Edit: I just realised that I forgot to finish some of the details on the bike, and it also doesn't have a shadow. Oops. Will fix later.
This could be epic. But it could be fail. Full Life Consequences isn't known for its great storyline or compelling wordplay, so toning down the silliness might hurt it more than help.
True, I also don't know if I'm up to drawing everything as it is in my head
I guess we'll find out.
I might do part of this, later.
Where is the original flash that was made for this?
Where is the original flash that was made for this?
See signature.

Comic looks great Riom, but you have some panel ordering issues. It's generally accepted in the world of comics that two panels on top of eachother that fit in the same length as the panel next to it are read both before the big one. See picture:


Your page doesn't adhere to that.
I realised that but it wouldn't really fit together properly any other way without making the pictures different sizes to how I wanted them. That's already been addressed, I'm redoing that opening again.
I particularly like the reflection in his glasses. Good job Rim-Fire.
Very nice - a chuckle, hopefully we'll see some more!
I'm in London (Love the tube BTW :D) and won't be home till Thursday night/Friday morning. So nothing till then I'm afraid :(
OK, here's the offical part one:

I hope I didn't do any major cock-ups on it (I usually do). I'm going off to Turkey for a week tomorrow. I'll see if I can get part 2 done before then. If not, we'll just have to wait.
Love the Riom, love the Full Life!

Great combo
The next thing will (İf it goes as planned) not be part 2, but instead the cover page. ;)