Half-Life Let's Play

Dec 22, 2011
Reaction score
Greetings and Salutations, Everyone, I'm That Belgian Dude, and I'm here sharing my First Let's Play.
I decided to play through Half-Life 1, because I think that is still a great game, even though the other games improved the mechanic a lot.

Here's Part 1:
In Not-So Epic HD.

I begin a little awkward, but I'm still getting used with this. And the Title is just a joke I make on purpose. I don't die because of suckage. I show that you can die before even beggining the game.

Please watch, and help me improve by leaving comments. No need to like, subscribe or stuff like that. :)

I'm just a Geek Having Fun Playing Games, but thought I would like to share my experiences. Yay.
I'll upload a videogame episode per day, until I decide to change the schedule. But feel free to give ideas! :)
Half Life is my all time favorite game and never gets bored while playing it.