Half-Life Movie

Oct 21, 2007
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Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, "It would suck because video game based movies ALWAYS suck" and "how would they portray Gordon? He doesn't speak!" etc...

but I'm not talking about a movie based on Gordon's story.

What if they made our Half-Life movie about the 7 Hour War?

Simply entitled... "The Seven Hour War". That's all it would need.

The movie would be shot in a Saving Private Ryan type style, serious but with the classic Half-Life brand of dark humor. You wouldn't follow multiple story lines with beautiful people and intelligent/invincible scientists or military men... you'd follow the story of a couple people who just woke up into a world where strange aliens are appearing through portals, and shortly thereafter Combine forces begin to take over.

I think it would be pretty interesting.

I mean you couldn't really turn the Seven Hour War into a game, because you would lose the game after all lol... but I think a movie, if done right with the right screen play writer, would be pretty cool.
But thats not the case...Earth was being overrun by portal storms and Xen wildlife for at least a couple days or weeks before the Combine invade and force our surrender...

Personally, I'd like to see a film made about normal citizens going about their days when the portal storms open up and chronical their survival through the thing, perhaps ending with the start of the Combine invasion...
I think Half-Life could work as a miniseries not so much in film. A very high-budget miniseries mind you.
What ever happened to that guy who did a post-invasion movie?
Heheh... old idea. There was an image out ages ago of a movie cover entitles Half-Life.

7 Hour War sounds quite good. Like the idea.

And as LandStander says, it'd probably work best as a series
Acctually you can make a Seven Hour War game.

Where you escape for the combine.
You could make a pretty nifty movie centering around Eli's actions during the resonance cascade. You could see the Gman giving him the warning as this weird orange-suited guy pushes a cart into this nifty field, seen from awesome camera angles.
A prequel fan-made movie would be good too, explaining the background of the Black Mesa and their research (maybe a trip to border world Xen).
I actually like this idea of a seven hour war movie. I really do. I came into this thread thinking, "not another movie" thread, but this idea really set me thinking why not...
How 'bout a movie Not of Gordon, but of civilians who have witnessed the seven hour war. This way their visions and stories could be more direct, and would make a lot more sense than Alyx blabbing on about shit no one cares about anymore.
Acctually you can make a Seven Hour War game.

Where you escape for the combine.

I believe such a game has been suggested, if not half completed, which should satisfy this request.

How 'bout a movie Not of Gordon, but of civilians who have witnessed the seven hour war. This way their visions and stories could be more direct, and would make a lot more sense than Alyx blabbing on about shit no one cares about anymore.

Did you not read his post...??
All I'm going to say in respects to a Half-Life movie, is that it can't be done with real actors. It has to be done in CG.
All I'm going to say in respects to a Half-Life movie, is that it can't be done with real actors. It has to be done in CG.

Why not? If it does not involve any major character, it would be perfectly fine to produce.
Good idea. As long as it didn't involve the main characters too much i could see it working. I would go and see it, and i barely ever go to see movies.
I had thought about the 'prequel' idea for a fan-made movie or series before.

I thought of a kind of cool idea - Breen as administrator not of all of Black Mesa, but of another team of scientists that competed with Lambda Team at Black Mesa. Gamma Team, or something.

He and Mossman would've been old rivals with Eli and Kleiner, competing for scientific recognition and research grants.

Gamma Team would be the ones who originally explored Xen and are the source of the dead HEV-suited explorers you see on Xen and the secret research done on captured Xen-aliens.

He would be responsible for sabotaging the Lambda experiment and creating the resonance cascade, in order to stop them from surpassing his own research.

The reason I like this idea is because it would an additional reason why the rebels use the Lambda symbol as the symbol for the Resistance - as a huge '**** you!' to Breen.

It deviates from the canon story somewhat, but certain things work in cinema that don't work as well in gaming, and vice versa.
I just think it'd be safer to avoid using any characters from the games at all. That way, you really CAN'T disappoint fans, you know?

I'd just love to see the story line revolve around citizens of earth attempting to deal with the sudden invasion from multiple worlds. You'd get new characters to meet, and the occasional allusion to events from Half-Life would be a neat easter egg for fans of the games...
I had thought about the 'prequel' idea for a fan-made movie or series before.

I thought of a kind of cool idea - Breen as administrator not of all of Black Mesa, but of another team of scientists that competed with Lambda Team at Black Mesa. Gamma Team, or something.

He and Mossman would've been old rivals with Eli and Kleiner, competing for scientific recognition and research grants.

Gamma Team would be the ones who originally explored Xen and are the source of the dead HEV-suited explorers you see on Xen and the secret research done on captured Xen-aliens.

He would be responsible for sabotaging the Lambda experiment and creating the resonance cascade, in order to stop them from surpassing his own research.

The reason I like this idea is because it would an additional reason why the rebels use the Lambda symbol as the symbol for the Resistance - as a huge '**** you!' to Breen.

It deviates from the canon story somewhat, but certain things work in cinema that don't work as well in gaming, and vice versa.


Why would "gamma team" and lambda team compete when they are working for same facility and for same cause, besides sabotaging your own company while investigating anomalous crystal from space (other dimension?) is not the thing anyone would do at your job. Aperture Science maybe, but "gamma team" no!

I think that Half Life franchise is like a movie itself. To make HL movie you just need to remove interactivity, which is the one of the things that made the game so great!

I say NO! to the official HL movie, but I say YES! to HL Fan based movies (that have sense)!

Why would "gamma team" and lambda team compete when they are working for same facility and for same cause, besides sabotaging your own company while investigating anomalous crystal from space (other dimension?) is not the thing anyone would do at your job. Aperture Science maybe, but "gamma team" no!

Not 'competing' like two companies would compete, but 'competing' for recognition. Professional jealousy. The same way two employees that work side by side will jockey for promotion. Completely one-sided, of course, with Eli and Kleiner being all about the research for the sake of science, and Breen wanting recognition, power, 'tenure,' etc. It would fit with his character as the Administrator of City 17.
What happened to the C14 movies? I searched and couldn't find it on the boards.
The reason I like this idea is because it would an additional reason why the rebels use the Lambda symbol as the symbol for the Resistance - as a huge '**** you!' to Breen.

I like that idea. It's kinda clever :D

Um... have you ever competed with a friend...? It doesn't mean you hate each other or whatever. Just because someone works for the same overall company, it doesn't mean you can't compete. Competition can be healthy for a company. And it's evident everywhere.

Even when two groups are in different companies, competition is still a good thing.

Competition != Bad.

You == Fail.
Maybe not one movie, but a triology.

Firts one called "the portal storms" with xen wildlife starting appearing. We could follow a single person, and his family maybe. You know alot like the "War of worlds" with tom cruise. just in the hl univers.
Second one could be called "the 7 hour war". with the 7 hour war and how it affects our main character, with alot of human feelings, seeing humans beging "headcrapped" and so on.

The third could be called "The aftermath" including what happened after the 7 hour war, and how the life in while the combines are controlling eatrh. maybe not even going to end good, just a very sad and emotional ending. Like the ending of EP2 maybe.

Just my thoughts on it
I just realised... any half-life movie idea sucks... why...?

Because you can't kill the damn things! I'd just be pointing at my TV screaming "Die, Die, Die! Die Headhumper, Die! Bloody Combine! If I had my shotgun! Argh! Just give me a crowbar!!"

Maybe not one movie, but a triology.

Firts one called "the portal storms" with xen wildlife starting appearing. We could follow a single person, and his family maybe. You know alot like the "War of worlds" with tom cruise. just in the hl univers.
Second one could be called "the 7 hour war". with the 7 hour war and how it affects our main character, with alot of human feelings, seeing humans beging "headcrapped" and so on.

The third could be called "The aftermath" including what happened after the 7 hour war, and how the life in while the combines are controlling eatrh. maybe not even going to end good, just a very sad and emotional ending. Like the ending of EP2 maybe.

Just my thoughts on it
Def some good thoughts though.. I would watch it!
Def some good thoughts though.. I would watch it!

Would be awesome if it ended with Gordon getting off the tram and the main character warning him about the water. (Gordon not being fully visible).
Oh also, did you know Holywood came with a ton of movie scripts to Valve and they rejected them all?
When asked, they said "They all sucked."
Would be awesome if it ended with Gordon getting off the tram and the main character warning him about the water. (Gordon not being fully visible).

Sounds like Concerned...

Oh also, did you know Holywood came with a ton of movie scripts to Valve and they rejected them all?
When asked, they said "They all sucked."

I thought Holy Wood was destroyed...
Would be awesome if it ended with Gordon getting off the tram and the main character warning him about the water. (Gordon not being fully visible).
Oh also, did you know Holywood came with a ton of movie scripts to Valve and they rejected them all?
When asked, they said "They all sucked."

I'm not pretending to know what it takes to create a movie script, but maybe I'll give it a try. I've written more than my share of plays and skits for school, as well as a full fledged Murder Mystery Dinner event that got canceled for lack of participation...

I think the issue of the beginning Portal Storms could be handled by way of narrative. Not the typical "faceless voice talking to the audience"...

Like, say the "7 Hour War" movie starts and you're immediately thrust into the action, our main character and his friends simply trying to survive the fight going on around them as well as the creatures from Xen teleporting in. As a viewer who isn't familiar with the games, you have no idea what's happening. You're in the same mind set as the people in the movie. You'd learn as the movie progresses, through dialog, a rough idea of what is happening, though nothing is set in stone as there is no contact with Black Mesa, the source of all this madness.
I thought that it would be an awesome idea if they made a movie of what happened to Barney during Half-Life 2.
But what is Half-Life without Gordon Freeman? Its not Half-Life without the Freeman.
That guy from Heroes who plays Matt Parkman. He's the perfect Barney.
But what is Half-Life without Gordon Freeman? Its not Half-Life without the Freeman.

Then what was Opposing Force.. or Blue Shift. The references to "the Freeman" were minimal indeed.

Sure, it's not the same, but it's wouldn't be the same, period, because it's a film not a game.
I sent an e-mail to Gabe and Marc Laidlaw replied, saying that he was happy that the game inspired me to come up with my own creations but that they cannot accept anything from outside sources.

I figured as much, but at least now we know with 100% certainty.
Means they can't use fanfiction in their own creations.