Half Life success

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
I was wondering, when Half Life was first announced back in 1998, was people and the game community expecting it to be great and dying to play it like we are waiting for HL2, or was the game just released and caused great sensation? Like a Far Cry kind

I'm not sure on this, but if I remember right it wasn't really hyped up and all untill it was actually released.
well back then it was like SIN VS HALFLIFE like DOOM 3 VS HALF LIFE 2 presently
Adrien C said:
was people and the game community expecting it to be great and dying to play it like we are waiting for HL2[/URL]
There were probably some but it would have been miniscule compared with the people who are wanting to play HL2 now. Valve were a bunch no name hobos back then and when Half-Life did appear it was as if it appeared from no where.

The hype started from the magazine reviewers creaming their pants over it consistently.
Mr-Fusion said:
There were probably some but it would have been miniscule compared with the people who are wanting to play HL2 now. Valve were a bunch no name hobos back then and when Half-Life did appear it was as if it appeared from no where.

The hype started from the magazine reviewers creaming their pants over it consistently.

yeah.. nobody knew Valve since they didn't have a track record so the "pressure" was kinda off.. nobody was expecting the kind of success the HL series has attained.

so now i guess the "pressure" is on to deliver a sequel just as good as the first, if not better :)
Didn't they delay it 1 year? That's what i herd. I bet thats what is going to happen to HL2, same thing. Well not exactly one year but close, if they release it in September.
Well here's what happened, back in good ol 1997, Half life was going to be released in Nov. The date came and past, much like sep 30 for hl2, and valve kept quite. days, then weeks, and finally months passed until valve finally said they reworked most of the game and released the game a year later in nov 1998.
This caused somewhat of a public out roar, but not as much as the hl2 delay. The hl delay was due to a huge graphics overhaul, and reworking level design and even the story (can u believe that gordon was supposed to be a space trucker?)
In the end of it all Half life turned out to be a blast and earned over 50 awards to date. Pc gamer even called it the "Best Game of All Time". This proves how much better Hl2 could be, if only we could be patient.
Cutey_Kaite said:
well back then it was like SIN VS HALFLIFE like DOOM 3 VS HALF LIFE 2 presently

SIN has nothing on HL :)

And to the original question, there wasn't such a hype for HL, no, VALVe had never released a game, noone knew what to expect really.
Dead-Inside said:
SIN has nothing on HL :)

And to the original question, there wasn't such a hype for HL, no, VALVe had never released a game, noone knew what to expect really.

beleive it or not, many people thought SIN was going to *ahem* pwon half life for game of the year. To bad SIN was a medicore half assed game in the end, ahh the good ol times of poorly made games :LOL:
Space trucker?

Fewwww, that was close, if he was a space truker, I dont think we would be here. I read the artile about the re-doing the game, apperently it really sucked.

This proves that the delay of the game may be a good think, maybe we will be shoked again, I do hope so.

I know, though I enjoyed the action in SIN, but my comp at the time could only handle part of the first level. (I was a newbie when it came to computers overall back then :))
Cutey_Kaite said:
beleive it or not, many people thought SIN was going to *ahem* pwon half life for game of the year. To bad SIN was a medicore half assed game in the end, ahh the good ol times of poorly made games :LOL:

That is quite correct, in fact at the time SIN struck me as being the more interesting premise, future cop vs. the B SciFi Horror movie of Half life. But Halflife proved to be pure genius because in retrospect FPS and B Horror movies are a nearly perfect combo (actually, I am surpried someone hasn't made a classic zombie FPS before NMRIH, or did I miss one?). Never played Marathon, but Mac enthusist insist it is almost as good as HL yet came first.

For whatever reason some developers are getting the hang of making engaging FPS's, like NOLF (OMM famously rated it as better than HL!). Over all I am looking forward to HL 2 very much.
Adrien C said:
I heard to that they were hacked, they don't seem to lern the lesson...

You heard wrong.

Dead Inside said:
And to the original question, there wasn't such a hype for HL, no, VALVe had never released a game, noone knew what to expect really.

I distinctly recall the Quake community getting all frothy after seeing some of the videos that Valve released to show off HL. There was hype alright.

Titar said:
That is quite correct, in fact at the time SIN struck me as being the more interesting premise, future cop vs. the B SciFi Horror movie of Half life. But Halflife proved to be pure genius because in retrospect FPS and B Horror movies are a nearly perfect combo

HL "beat" SiN, because SiN was rushed to release in order to compete with it. This meant it was horribly, horribly buggy. A later patch fixed pretty much everything, but the damage was already done.
PiMuRho said:
You heard wrong.

I distinctly recall the Quake community getting all frothy after seeing some of the videos that Valve released to show off HL. There was hype alright.

HL "beat" SiN, because SiN was rushed to release in order to compete with it. This meant it was horribly, horribly buggy. A later patch fixed pretty much everything, but the damage was already done.

Well, I do remeber the reviewer who had seen HL liking it, but at the time I though it was just Hype because the premise seemed so, well, just like Doom. As for SiN, even without the bugs, for some reason it just never drew me in, then again it may just be a matter of taste.
only thing i remember from SIN was that rats level, it was pretty fun
i don't specifically ever really hearing about the hl1 at any given momment until that one day i went to a game shop and decided to buy a game nothing on the shelf was interesting enough, i see this lambda sign on an orange box with a rusted effect on it, i pick it up look at the back and see graphics that looked quiet decent for first time release (plus with its minimum reqs i could run the damn thing). , i go home install and start. I think i fell in love with the whole thing about when the train stops and barney greats you. just that ride alone was like daaamn thats the coolest way to start a game/story and introduce a character who apparently turns out to have to save the world from what he contributed to start. .
i heard about it from a friend who managed to describe the start of it so badly i had to buy it. He said there were security guards getting chopped in two by lazers and you had to escape the aliens that were chasing you.

This is in fact true but in the most bizarrely weighted and misinforming way, still, have to thank him i loved the game.
I had only seen a few magazine articles about it, and I remember back when PCPlayer (a danish magazine) previewed it, they said "It looks interesting" and that was about it. They only wrote half a page about it.
Then when I saw the review it got 10/10 and I was like "wow" because only Dungeon Keeper had managed to get this score before Half-Life, and then one of my friends got the game and BAM! I was hooked
I remember buying Sin after reading way too much reviews :) it started pretty good but most levels were f00ked and I had the feeling it was never used to its potential :/(especially those damn stealth levels), too bad tho hacking in someone elses bank account is fun =)

[edit] also the demo gave the wrong impression... [/edit]
Titar said:
(actually, I am surpried someone hasn't made a classic zombie FPS before NMRIH, or did I miss one?)

Neil Manke's They Hunger mods for Half-Life. There were three in all, and they were amazing.
yeah i remember that bug ridden unfinished, rushed piece of junk in a box called sin.

so much potential, i was realy looking forward to it, and the demo was good, i thought they would fix the bugs, but no.
I thought half-life would suck compared to sin, it was made by ritual and the story seemed to be good. In the end, half-life won.

...and 1998 was one helluva year....Grim fandango, Zelda: OOT, half-life, Metal gear solid...
i remember the first article i saw of hl... it was an entire page saying run,shoot,run,shoot... in the background was a bunch of the marines droping from one of the helicopter plains...
i remember my cousin mentioning it to me so i took his word and bought it. I'd never heard of it before but as soon as that disk spun up on my 300mhz IBM and my 4meg ATI rage pro had warmed up I was dumbfounded by the most amazing game ever. :eek:
I got pretty excited about hl after seeing some videos on the internet. I bought it as soon as I could (I was only 14 at the time) and fell in love with it :) had to buy 32mb of memory for my pc just so I could run the thing half decent (my p200 only had 16mb of ram) it was entirely worth it. it was the most engaging game I had ever played. I remember quick saving it before certain scripted events just so I could watch them over and over. :D
lol at ivan the space biker, if gordan looked like that, the game wouldnt be half as sucsessfull.
I remember my PC was too lame to play it. I went around a friends house and played the demo's of SiN and HL having heard good things about both. SiN crashed a lot and was boring but the HL demo (Uplink) blew me away. And I couldn't kill the headcrabs!! Haha.

Those were the days.
burnzie said:
lol at ivan the space biker, if gordan looked like that, the game wouldnt be half as sucsessfull.

I wonder who's evil abomination was that...probably Marc Laidlaw looked like that before a shave.
Ha ha, gordon as a 'space biker', sounds like someone with hairy arms and misspelled tatoos. Could anything be further from the glasses-wearing nerd we know and love?

Plus his head looks like a badly-made ice cube.
I remember looking through a magazine with a HL review in it, it had pretty decent specs and was supposed to run on my pc (barely) so I bought it, but hey I was only 11 so I didn't understand much of PC's. When I got home, it turned out I couldn't even install (it required a whopping 400 megs of space!!!) so I threw it in a corner and forgot about it. But I had a friend who bought a new Pentium 2 300 MHz and wanted a game to test it, and I brought HL with me which we played after Unreal. It was beautiful! And we only played it on the Software renderer. But we never really played it in a serious way though.
But then I got a PC decent enough to run it in 2000 (P3 800 with 128 MB RAM) and I was blown away by it.

I will also never forget that sound it played with the installation to make sure your PC could play WAV files... ah memories...
Dead-Inside said:
SIN has nothing on HL :)

And to the original question, there wasn't such a hype for HL, no, VALVe had never released a game, noone knew what to expect really.
And Doom 3 has nothing to do with HL2, whats your point?
There was actually a very big Hl1 community. The print magazines were always hyping up HL and everyone knew it would be awesome, so the fan base grew quickly.
I remember that unreal was supposed to be better then Half life
Yeah I know you all shun SIN but Elexis Sin was absolutely stunning she is far sexier then Lara Croft :p
lol... yeah but lara croft is mingin.... unless your talkin about the 17 yr old model who "played" her recently... (im 21 im allowed)