Half-Life to be Updated with Source


May 29, 2003
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Eurogamer brings news that Half-Life, its two addons and some of its more popular mods, are to be updated with Half-Life 2's source engine. Valve's managing director, Gabe Newell, stated that they would not be free, instead they are to be released in shops and for payment downloading on Steam, at a probable budget price.

Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Opposing Force and Blue Shift are also expected to join Half-Life in the update, and can be expected for release at the end of Summer.

You can also check out their lengthy interview with Doug Lombardi here. They cover a wide range of topics, from movie talk to Half-Life 2's expansion pack plans.

UPDATE: Forum member d8cam confirms that Counter-Strike: Source will be seperate from Half-Life 2, during his short talk with Gabe Newell:

Counter-strike Source will be available separate from Half-life 2, but will come out the same day.
This begs the question; will the updated Half-Life (as well as Day of Defeat, Team Fortress Classic, Opposing Force and Blue Shift) be bundled with Half-Life 2, or will it be seperate like Counter-Strike: Source?
Sweet, I was just about to make a post asking if any mod teams planned on porting the original HL to the Source Engine. I still havn't played HL (for shame) but I will once they release the "redux".
Cool :) good thing you guys are keeping this site up to date :)
That is so cool =] cant wait this 1 either :E
Am I the only one that noticed where it said that it would be released at the same time as Half Life2, at THE END of the summer?
Needs some more info on this please :) Will it be similar to the graphics of CS:CZ (you know, simple texture-upgrades) or will it be similar to the graphics of HL2? There's a huge difference there ;)
Eh, I'm not too fond of Reduxes.

Call me a purist, but I stand by the original version always rather than having some "souped-up" version. Even the sub-par graphics and sounds by today's standards lends it the Half-Life experience we've come to love, it was its distinct style.
Like "remaking" Star Wars or the ET films, I wouldn't be surprised if I was disappointed because they threw the gameplay mechanics out the window in exchange for graphical hoopla (may or may not happen, hope not). And making it cost money just adds the burn.

Original Half-Life forever.
im iliterate on this so bear with me,how exactly you make a quake engine game into a source engine?
He actually said the FIRST HALF of the summer!! yay! Thats like... late June/early July...
wayne white said:
im iliterate on this so bear with me,how exactly you make a quake engine game into a source engine?
I believe Source will include tools to convert HL maps to HL2 maps automatically. Of course, it won't be as easy as that, as the maps will need some graphical improvements everywhere.

I like the redux idea, but I wish they would finish HL2 first and start thinking about additional stuff later.
Javert said:
Eh, I'm not too fond of Reduxes.

Call me a purist, but I stand by the original version always rather than having some "souped-up" version. Even the sub-par graphics and sounds by today's standards lends it the Half-Life experience we've come to love, it was its distinct style.
Like "remaking" Star Wars or the ET films, I wouldn't be surprised if I was disappointed because they threw the gameplay mechanics out the window in exchange for graphical hoopla (may or may not happen, hope not). And making it cost money just adds the burn.

Original Half-Life forever.

I'm with you on the movies, but I think the remake of an interactive game is a different beast. They could screw it up by adding a bunch of extraneous crap, but I think adding updated graphics, sounds, AI and so forth will only improve the things I liked about the game -- immersiveness, being the main one.

I do question Valve burning all the time and money to do it, but hey, it's their time and money. I wonder if they have a separate studio doing the work....?
i wanna know too if they´re gonna remake the textures and maybe models and stuff in HL when they remake it for the source-engine.. otherwise i bet it will look almost like HL, if they´re not puting in lots of new effects and stuff.
I think they must be reworking the textures and AI etc.

The footage of CS running on source is what I think/hope we can expect from all the updates.
haha... but the source engine is a quake engine!

apparently, the hl1 engine and hl2 engine are so similar, you can port code/maps/etc with little effort!
I hope that you ppl ar aware that there also is a video on that site. BT took me some time to download. But what can I say? It's awsome :D
One of they key differences between HL¹ and HL² is the development of the generic characters like the barneys and scientists into real participants in the storyline (Dr Kleiner, etc). If they have converted the original game to Source I hope they have taken this into account.

Another concern is whether the inclusion of a complex physics engine has had an impact upon the level design. It would be a pity if the conversion doesn't make use of it to some degree.
Alec_85 said:
Needs some more info on this please :) Will it be similar to the graphics of CS:CZ (you know, simple texture-upgrades) or will it be similar to the graphics of HL2? There's a huge difference there ;)
It will be the Source Engine, so HL2 graphics, pixel shaders, advanced rendering, etc. It is likely they will also be re-doing the levels (graphics), models, and textures.

Teddy said:
haha... but the source engine is a quake engine!

apparently, the hl1 engine and hl2 engine are so similar, you can port code/maps/etc with little effort!
Source is not a quake engine, it uses the same .bsp (and .map/.rmf) format though, so maps can be easily ported.

wayne white said:
im iliterate on this so bear with me,how exactly you make a quake engine game into a source engine?
There will be a conversion tool included in the HL2 SDK that will help convert most of the code for Source.
hmmm damn bittorent doesint show the HL2 CS demo.... :( wanna see how cs looks like...
I'm hoping all these remakes get bundled into the Collector's Edition. Now that would be a Collector's Edition!
Democritus said:
I'm with you on the movies, but I think the remake of an interactive game is a different beast. They could screw it up by adding a bunch of extraneous crap, but I think adding updated graphics, sounds, AI and so forth will only improve the things I liked about the game -- immersiveness, being the main one.

Yeah, most often when they remake a movie or a game, it isnt as good. Because like you and Javert said, they add a whole bunch of stuff and change it around.

If they dont change ANYTHING, and just add better graphics, it'll be really cool. But if they start changing the gameplay in any way, its not going to be the same. Although, it might be hard not to because of all the new physics stuff...
Hopefully they dont add even an extra crate to a room.... Then it'll be good, tho the monsters will act a bit different because of the new AI. Unless they can dumb down the AI... (hopefully)
That aztec remake looks pretty fooking sweet. It doesn't look they added/removed anything gameplay wise. Although it does change the way you play CS a bit, it's more realistic.

For instance bullets, rain and falling objects all make large splashes in the water, adds more of a distraction. Grenades now launch objects (barrels, bodies, guns etc) high into the air. So there's alot more things moving on the screen to distract you... CS players are gonna have to concentrate harder on their targets during battle.

I'm all for it though, CS is fun and all but it got dull for me a few months back, however seeing this makes me wanna play again. It will be a nice to hold us over until CS2 is released anyways.

However, I wont even be interested in all these other shenanigans until I've finished and beat HL2.
So Valve release yet another Half Life pack. Squeezing the stone to the last drop.
Hmm , not too keen on the $$$ for a HL 1 ported to the Source, was hoping it would be a freebie for old times sake. I mean I wouldn't mind seeing how much it changes HL, but I am not really concerned about playing HL from start to finish...I'll be playing HL 2.
Arno said:
I believe Source will include tools to convert HL maps to HL2 maps automatically. Of course, it won't be as easy as that, as the maps will need some graphical improvements everywhere.
I was afraid of that. So it looks like that minor glitches in TFC maps such as dustbowl, 2fort, warpath are here to stay. I'd prefer it if they would release a few Source-enhanced maps, rather than auto-converting everything.

I like the redux idea, but I wish they would finish HL2 first and start thinking about additional stuff later.

Same here.
I think it should be free to anyone who has those respective add-ons.

I dunno, I don't really wanna shell out $50 for HL1 and it's special mods HL2-ized. I did that already getting the Platinum collection.
i sure hope we have not been sitting on our asses for the past year waiting and being lead on for hl2, jsut so that they can get the add ons together to sell to us. im starting to think that might have been the case. damnitt i already bough hl2, they should be trying to get it to me ASAP, some customer service :(

Any of you guys gonna be doing the subscription thing through Steam to get all the HL1 Source injected goodness?

Works out cheaper in the long term.
I may consider it BlackHawk...
UPDATE: Forum member d8cam confirms that Counter-Strike: Source will be seperate from Half-Life 2, during his short talk with Gabe Newell:

Counter-strike Source will be available separate from Half-life 2, but will come out the same day.
This begs the question; will the updated Half-Life (as well as Day of Defeat, Team Fortress Classic, Opposing Force and Blue Shift) be bundled with Half-Life 2, or will it be seperate like Counter-Strike: Source?