The creature twitched involuntarily, scraping its back along the jagged wall at the bottom of the stinking fetid pit that it had, some days before, come to rest in. The creature itself was undoubtedly once human, that much you could tell by looking at it, though what remained of its humanity had doubtlessly fled long ago, when the pulsating mass of flesh fixed its mandibles into the skull, cracking it open with all the ease and grace of a coconut and a sledgehammer.
Muscles continued to twich, reacting to the complex flood of neurochemicals the headcrab had been pumping into it; soon its host would begin to respond to the commands of the headcrab, but not yet; the process had not finished, and, out here in the wasteland, to have survived this far without turning into a meal for some other disgruntled creature was a miracle in itself, and, if the creature could feel such things, would most likely be grateful its unfortunate host had, in a flurry of panic and disgust, tripped on a fallen tree root and fell through the old barricades of an abandoned mine shaft. The fall alone had killed the host, broken its back and both its legs before the lifeless body rolled to the bottom of the pit; undeterred, the headcrab, in its own obscene way, was healing the body, knitting broken bones and mending rended flesh; the mind it did not need, but the reanimation was taking longer than usual, abiet because of the shattered spine
But the headcrab didnt care, and soon it would begin to feed.....
Chapter 1 on the way
The creature twitched involuntarily, scraping its back along the jagged wall at the bottom of the stinking fetid pit that it had, some days before, come to rest in. The creature itself was undoubtedly once human, that much you could tell by looking at it, though what remained of its humanity had doubtlessly fled long ago, when the pulsating mass of flesh fixed its mandibles into the skull, cracking it open with all the ease and grace of a coconut and a sledgehammer.
Muscles continued to twich, reacting to the complex flood of neurochemicals the headcrab had been pumping into it; soon its host would begin to respond to the commands of the headcrab, but not yet; the process had not finished, and, out here in the wasteland, to have survived this far without turning into a meal for some other disgruntled creature was a miracle in itself, and, if the creature could feel such things, would most likely be grateful its unfortunate host had, in a flurry of panic and disgust, tripped on a fallen tree root and fell through the old barricades of an abandoned mine shaft. The fall alone had killed the host, broken its back and both its legs before the lifeless body rolled to the bottom of the pit; undeterred, the headcrab, in its own obscene way, was healing the body, knitting broken bones and mending rended flesh; the mind it did not need, but the reanimation was taking longer than usual, abiet because of the shattered spine
But the headcrab didnt care, and soon it would begin to feed.....
Chapter 1 on the way