Half-Life:Zero Looking for coders



The Half-Life:Zero Mod is looking for 2 decent and up coders. It doesnt matter what you use to code.. long as you can code in C++. Please Email [email protected], Message GaintSura on quakenet or Leave a post here. Please include what you have done and what you have done with the original Hl coding (if any)

If you would like to know what the Half-Life:Zero mod is about, please look here: http://arch.spiralwebs.com/HlZero/story.html

The Half-Life:Zero Mod Team
i read your story, u claim it takes place in the late 1940's
gordon was not born then, he is only 27 during HL1, that places him in the 1970's as a child.
your story is flawed and not possible, so i suggest u change the date and make a few modifications so it fits right ;)
He says Gerald Freeman...... Not Gordon. Perhaps his DAD?!!

So u play da game as Gordons Father......
Maxx I know... we are workin on correcting this, we added a new member to our team dedicated to workin and researchin stuff for the story.. also.. we are not gonna have gordon appear at all since black mesa research was around in the 50's.. and even then he wouldnt be alive.. We all realized this soon after I posted the story and didnt bother touching it
Originally posted by coolUK007
He says Gerald Freeman...... Not Gordon. Perhaps his DAD?!!

So u play da game as Gordons Father......

did you even read the story buddy? he said u gotta make your way back to the barracks for your wife and kids, including your son GORDON

GiantSura: I cant wait to play your mod, despite that little bug in the story, u fix that, and i think it will rock :)
Good idea, but kinda unoriginal, no offense.. But if Gordon's in it, it'll prolly be a good mod to see a little kid with a crowbar and a SMG dude.
hm.. can I just beat you over the head with a crowbar jhahn? I want to explain why the black mesa military installation became black mesa research.. there was no reason as to why.. and black mesa was converted in the early 50's, therefor Gordon will not be alive or appearing.. and as of yet.. (I keep watch on quite a few mods) I have not seen this storyline to any extent.. maybe you should think your posts out a bit more before you post