Half Life2 Mod Makers...

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
so hey i was browsing through the Ebgames site looking for info on a game and what do i come across?

the Half Life2 Mod Makers Prima Strategy Guide!

heres a link Half Life2 Mod Makers Prima Strategy Guide

its interesting to know now theres strategy guides for making mods :LOL:
now if theres one for Half Life and this is old news, then please forgive me :eek:

i guess with such guides, its gonna be possible and more likely that we are gonna see alot mods just go by the way side smiply because only the quality mods will get played.

also the fear of a bunch of pple who don't know the first thing about modding, using this guide to create something that is beyond them.
Interesting, never heard of a Mod Making Guide before...
That's been around for a while. I've been wanting it since september. Looks as if the thing is done, but because anything relating to editing would involve spoilers it won't release till the game does.

Just like the SDK *sigh*
But yeah, old news...