Halflife² Multiplayer Habitat for Humanity (pics inside)


Jun 16, 2004
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Well be and a few fellas were playing a custom map on hl2dm called "buildingblocks" where you can spawn tons of barrels and boxes and such to build stuff. We had two wonderful wooden houses for the homeless with a outdoor recreation ramp, and even a "pull" shoot the explosive barrel game. I can't wait to see some of the mods some people will make :-P

Construction begins

Me and my helper start on level 2, one person on top the other hands the supplies

Construction is coming along nicely, although jweez and his crew seem to be more experienced :(

Third and final layer in position and lookin' good

Time to take a break and help roof jweez's house

A little sv_gravity 100 helps with those tricky spots :-P

Time to start roofing our house with the metal sheets

That should keep the rain out! ;)

This is where a front door would go if we could spawn one

Jweez and his team decided to start over on his roof

Me and a fellow worker fighter over which table we should use

Our houses are complete! Complete with furnishes for hobos of any flavor.

What housing project would be complete without recreational facilities?

Get into position and start yer' engines!

I'm losing!

Hobo Racing for teh win!

After a hard day of work nothing beets a little shoot the barrel duck hunt style :D


We managed to crash the game once after the two houses were built... i guess the physics got to be to much but i'd say the engine did great! Look for a server playing the buildingblocks map and join in on the fun :-P... its best with 6 players max otherwise it just gets to rowdy :-P

You can download the map here:
http://halflife2.filefront.com/file... a_1_Map;33436
I think I'll just make my own construction map with even more material options... one version for DM and one version for SP with the PhysGun mod. I'll get to work on that as soon as I fix the swing set in the latest version of dm_playground. My favorite feature in that map is the button that spins the little carousel incredibly fast for about 10 seconds, either killing or ejecting anyone unlucky enough to be on it at the time of activation.
you should make a house with the concrete blocks :D
THe physics start messing up after we got those houses though... i wonder if there's a way to extend it
i think thats the correct one, i just downloaded it and its different form yours, mine only has 4 spawn points, can you find where you downloaded it, or host it for me on yousendit.com?
nice post i can see this take off ,so ill wait for a bigga map to turn up
yeh i feel a stunt mod coming along, just by seeing the ramp :cool:
Great job! I envision LARGE outdoor maps where to teams have to "build" their bases / forts and then spawn vehicles and assault the other base.
The materials we had to use wern't the greatest but if somebody made some custom materials (ie... drywall, etc) then we should make a real house... might hafta use physgun mod
Yes, that was fun. I am the admin to that server and the name is "BUILD STUFF WIT PHYSICS!" its quite fun! but i need help setting the max players
and also the spawn stations is not 4! its like 12! wtf are guys talkin bout, download the beta 2 file! its alot cooler, or just download off of my server
I left out some really good ones like the corrugated metal sheets, the bigger metal things I used to make the DEATHCAR3000 with, harpoons, cinder blocks, saw blades, etc. I'll have to go back and add more props... maybe even another building with 28 more items (for a grand total of 56). Yes, that sounds good... but it will have to wait until tomorrow, because I've been awake for nearly 24 hours.
OcybermanoO... another thing you should do is add a picture above each spawn station of what each thing is... like for explosive barrels have a pic of an explosive barrel... etc... be especially helpful if you had tons of prop spawns...

jweez, go download the hl2dm multplayer mod screen where you can set how many peple you want
Have you played the map? It's very easy to use. When you hop in you should see a bunch of actual props (28, to be exact) suspended in glass behind little control panels. You find the one you want and hit the closest little orange button. Then, you just wait for the teleporter (at the back wall, in the middle) to do its magic... which takes about three seconds.

Most likely, the only changes I'll be making in the second version are:
1) more items!
2) a higher invisible ceiling in the outdoor area, because it's too easy to launch things all the way to the top...
3) something to make the outdoor part look less bland...
i get this when i try to run on linux:
Executing dedicated server config file
./srcds_run: line 423: 27880 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
cat: hlds.27862.pid: No such file or directory
email debug.log to [email protected]

this is what i'm running from command line:

./srcds_run -game hl2mp -port 27020 +map buildingblocks_b2 -debug

any ideas? thnx