HalfLife2.net Community Mod


May 13, 2003
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For those of you that aren't regular visitors of the General Editing forum, I'd like to draw your attention to the HalfLife2.net Community Mod project. Visit #hl2mod on irc.quakenet.org if you think you can help out or are just interested. Thanks! :)

Original Thread - http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=18210
I like the idea. I allready posted one concept in the other thread. Unfortunatly... no one apears to have seen it..... or at least they don't like it and are offended so much they don't want to reply lol.

Anyway. Common people. Lets hear those opinions!
so.. I posted 2 ideas allready..
yours sounds too common and generic that any other game/engine could probably pull off..
It was a joke and I was trying to get people to look at the other thread. Theres no need to take offence. Anyway I have to work. I will comment of your ideas later. :)

And btw, I never said that my idea was brilliant or beter than yours or somthing. We aint in competition remember....
just curious, do u guys have the talent to go about it? And if so, who is doing what?
The idea is to get every member here who has any skills at all to contribute.

I just posted my idea a minute ago.
I think it's got potential.

Also: this is a damn good idea!
I can contribute by making gun models, i'm particularly good at the big black dildo.
I would contribute any way i could just because its somthing Ive always wanted to get into. Not that that would be much but this is defintitly a great idea to do the community mod thing
"just curious, do u guys have the talent to go about it? And if so, who is doing what?"

Yes, we have the talent :)
I've been coding hl mods for a few years, Pi's been mapping/modelling for aaages, longer than whenever worldcraft was for sale. Along with us, there are many talented people in this community, and I think we can do a great job :)
I can do concept drawings, I'm a pretty good drawer.. Check my webpage if you need proof :P
i've read through the thread. it's a bit exhaustive. you're going for a multiplayer mod? well my advice: keep it simple. stuff like Natural Selection only works after a few revisions. something like this needs to be simple but needs to hit a point with everyone, example: Desert Combat for BF1942. simple concept, everyone loves it. some of the ideas might work but don't rule out something completely stupidly obviously simple.

good luck and stuff. :)