Halflife2.net Diablo 2 LOD game.


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score

Diablo II : LOD

No going beyond the max group level, Act, or difficulty.
No cheating / hacking
Must complete each quest for every Act.

The team will consist of anyone who frequents Halflife2.net and can play Diablo II : LOD. You can't play if you're more than 8 levels below the max level. Level up on your own time until you hit the max.

Anyone can start a game given there are enough people for a full game currently on. Please don't start a game with one other person and then get to level 90 while everyone else is enjoying a life; we'll just kick you out. Or something.

You can be what you want, but pay attention to the main group's classes. We don't want a bunch of Barbs running into physical immunes.

Use xfire to setup games.

Basically, anyone can play as long as they're high enough level. Don't go leveling your character if you're past the max level. Name your character appropriately so we know who you are. Don't be a dick. Don't stray from the group. The max level is determined by the highest leveled character in the game and posted on the forums with a date.
Awesome man, il join in. Have a great smiter that can help anyone out on any act on any difficulty. I traded my enigma for a CoH though so i cant tele anymore. (i want CoH so i can do Ubers better)

my Xfire: polygonist

my diablo name is Uber-Strogg

lvl 88 i think
Awesome man, il join in. Have a great smiter that can help anyone out on any act on any difficulty. I traded my enigma for a CoH though so i cant tele anymore. (i want CoH so i can do Ubers better)

my Xfire: polygonist

New characters only, homey..

Added on Xfire
OMG, I need to try this. I remember we had a similar thread long ago but it didn't really work out too well. Hopefully this will.

Xfire: fastson
If I somehow get my hands on LoD again, I'll join in. Dunno how long it's gonna hold my interest this time though :)
Just for an FYI...my Xfire is CyberPitz

if you didn't already know.
I don't want to download Xfire, could someone AIM me when there's a game happening?

Also, what's the max level?
I don't want to download Xfire, could someone AIM me when there's a game happening?

Also, what's the max level?

Basically, anyone can play as long as they're high enough level. Don't go leveling your character if you're past the max level. Name your character appropriately so we know who you are. Don't be a dick. Don't stray from the group. The max level is determined by the highest leveled character in the game and posted on the forums with a date.
We need 1 more person


According to Pesh we are starting in 1 hour
Come on everybody, lets go.
[14:22] Peshbuddy: tell them that anyone who wants to play can sign up now
[14:23] Peshbuddy: playing either in an hour or later tonight
that was fun. Now i dont know why we are rerolling again lol...
yay 4 being restricted from realm after bnet crashes.
I'll play with you all on Thursday as I'm stuck on dial-up until then.

Nice "unofficial", Cyber.
I thought you guys were going to wait until I got back from christmas. :-P

But, that's cool... cause I'm going to be playing Diablo 2 over at my cousins house on a lan. Five of us.
Que-Ever, we're gonna use Hamachi so you won't drop, SO GET ON XFIRE
All my D2 accounts have expired, especially my one with a level 30 with level 80 runes! LOL, yay for internet shops!! Full IK armor, AND I CAN'T EVEN USE IT! When is the next game happening? I'll pick up a D2 after X-mas. Hell, I could go get one right now.
I installed the latest update and it fixed it! :D

I'm ready to play whenever you guys are, except for tonight.
You're not allowed to use the HL2.net name! Even if you say unofficial! People will still associate you with this site! Omg!


Anyway, my Diablo II CD shattered in the drive while I was playing over a year ago, and I don't have LOD. Boo :(
I'm in, but I'll probably lag.

Also, I won't be able to play all the time.