HalfLife2.net Gangsta version

sorry, i think this has already been posted. still pretty funny though.
No offence but Ive seen quite a few of these so far. Bit repetitive.
A search returned nothing so I decided to post it :/
Valve has thrown anotha weekly progress update over Steam fo` us, mackin' tha Half-Life 2 deathmatch contest brotha as well as some doggy stylin' news involv'n Valve n certain mods fizzy tha community.

We've chosen tha three wanna be gangsta from tha Half-Life 2 fo' sheezy: Deathmatch map competizzle. It was tough going through n steppin' tha wanna be gangsta given tha quality of maps that tha community built, but we feel these three represent tha best of tha group . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. The clockin' maps wizzle be releazed sometime in March fo` everyone ta play , chill yo.

We've also been watch'n wizzle tha MOD community is produc'n lately, n there is some very promis'n projects underway . Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Recently, we had tha tizzle from Dystopia up ta Valve fo` a few days ta git they feedback on tha SDK n n help thizzem wit any technical issues they might be blunt-rollin'. Heezee over ta they website ta check out they wizzle in progress.

In news much drug deala ta home, we've been challenged ta a gizzle of Half-Life 2: Capture tha Flizzag by tha team thiznat created this mod . I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. We noticed on they website thizzay they wiznant ta "beat up on Valve" in a miznatch thiznat starts today at 6:00 pm PST. While our relatizzles wit tha MOD community usually involves us provid'n tools n support, we mizzy thizzan stoked ta gizzle them a beat'n in they own game.

To vizzy tha update, simply restart yo Steam client.

Valve Weekly news :)
Valve has releazed brotha update ta tha SDK yesterday, restart Steam n tha update wizzle be automatically applied fo my bling bling.

rofl :laugh:
The ever grow'n capture tha flizzag mod fo` Half-Life 2, has releazed a new beta available ta tha public . Snoop dogg is in this bitch.
The CTF team also siznent us this piece of tasty information:

We're host'n a very special CTF matchup tomorrow fo yo bitch ass! The guys at Valve have agreed ta play against tha bizzest n brightest CTF killa that we can bring nigga. Now's yo chance ta go up against tha Half-Life 2 creators in a CTF gizzy n show thizzay wizzle you've got . You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. We're anticipat'n a lot of thugz being interested in play'n in this match, so heezee over tha forums ta sign up. This match is going D-to-tha-izzown tomorrow (March 2) around 6pm EST n it's first come, fiznirst serve!

:laugh: :thumbs:
I Gizoogled this thread. That was pretty funny. linky

"sorry, i thiznink this has already been posted. stizzay pretty F-U-Double-Nizzy though."

EDIT The State of the Union is really funny.

"Mr. Wanna Be Gangsta Vizzy President Cheney, memba of Congress, fellow citizens fo' sho':
As a new Congress mother****a all of us in tha elected branches of government share a bootylicious privilege . Keep'n it gangsta dogg: We've been placed in office by tha votes of tha thugz we serve . Wussup to all my niggaz in the house."
In weed-smokin' mizzle you wizzy only be able ta use pistols n knife, n maintain it fo` a S-H-to-tha-izzort period of time. In walk'n mizzle you wizzle be able ta use mizzost brotha I suspect), all pistols, n knives. While sippin' you wizzy have good aim, yet a lot of recoil. While frontin' you can use almost every crazy ass nigga (rifle) n wizzle have low recoil n good accuracy . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Prone mizzle wiznill allow you ta use all weapons, n W-to-tha-izzill give you excellent accuracy n almost no recoil. Deploy'n yo bi pod while prone wizzy gizzy you even greata accuracy n baller recoil. The mizzay excit'n feature wiznill be tha dive, in whizzich tha nigga dives n rolls into a crouched position. We is hatin' ta include a lean'n system, which wizzle allow you ta look around killa n check fo` enemies, but that will most likely come in lata releazes.

Shakermaker said:
I Gizoogled this thread. That was pretty funny. linky

SimonomiS' post was the only one without gangsta words in it. He is immune.
translate it to binary and get a head ache :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Edit: the weekly steam news in binary

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