Halflife2.net in 2000

" yoooooooooooooooooo the site is launched, no, actually its not, but this is just a test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test lalalalalalaaaaaaa!@# weeeeeeeee! =) "

Munro wrote that ?
That's before Munro owned the domain.
whoa, the only person I recognise from there is Shippi.
Skaadi said:
whoa, the only person I recognise from there is Shippi.

I think I've seen a few of Munro's posts, but Shippi's the only other one. How odd.
DannyC. said:
I think I've seen a few of Munro's posts, but Shippi's the only other one. How odd.

The other traitors left...............traitors.
Doom³ vs Halo 2 vs HL2 discussions were allowed back then :(