Halflife2.net in custom PC magazine


Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
not much to say, but they gave half life 2 93%, and this (along with steam forums) has the best community around at the mo (well, in a nutshell i guess)

yay for us :thumbs:

also i saw random reviews of half life 2... in Stuff technology magazine, it got 5 out of 5, and a TV show called Gamer TV gave it 5 out of 5. \o/ woot
I ****ing rock peoples socks or somethin...Thanks lol.
mchammer75040 said:
lol your avatar kicks ass tr0n, dude you rock :cool:. Anyways ditto..yea...

that present he is holding is so blatantly for me! I'ts red and white, which was the colour of my very first avatar.

oh and i ditto the ditto of your mothers ditto. er... what's a ditto? i thought it was a pokemon.
Suicide42 said:
that present he is holding is so blatantly for me! I'ts red and white, which was the colour of my very first avatar.

oh and i ditto the ditto of your mothers ditto. er... what's a ditto? i thought it was a pokemon.
Yea it's for you...

It's a christmas bomb.Merry ****ing christmas! :thumbs:
Got a new avatar biatchs...done by shippi! :thumbs:
custom pc is a hardware/gaming modding all-round computer mag in the UK

and well they didnt really say it had the best community, but the largest:naughty: lol

and yea ditto is a pale-purple pokemon... ooo the days....
Ditto is the one that can change his shape into any other Pokemon?