Halflife2.net Interview with Valve's Chet Faliszek at Eurogamer Expo

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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This weekend I managed to pop down to the Eurogamer Expo in London to chat with Chet about Left 4 Dead 2, Scavenge mode & to see if I could get any other information out of him![br]
[br]Chet spoke about how realism mode works, what kind of things we can expect from the Hard Rain campaign, how scavenge mode came to exist & how he works stays in touch with the community and forums. Also it seems that Valve are busy back in Bellevue. Being mad hatters. Check out the interview with Chet Faliszek here, which also includes my thoughts on playing with the new special infected in scavenge mode! Gameplay videos I took from the expo are below:
Bill has red eyes in first image. He's pissed off, because they didn't put him in L4D2.
Yes this is great and all but WHEN IS EPISODE 3 COMING OUT?!?! :naughty:

Glenn: So what else is going on / in the pipeline?

Chet: I've been on the road! I have no idea what anyone is working on!

Glenn: Well they can't just be sitting there doing nothing! Come on, they're working...

Chet: They're getting massages. Well no...there is plenty of TF stuff going on, it takes like 30 people to make a hat!
FUUUUUU at least he tried.
Glenn: Do you think we will see the original L4D maps appear in L4D2 to make use of the weapons and game modes?

Chet: Well the weapons are here to see (on the build at Eurogamer expo, I did see them!). But...we'll see, that's something on the road we're looking at.

I was there too, and got a little bit more out of Chet regarding this. He explained that they're considering releasing a free "Asset Pack" for people who don't own L4D1 so that players are able to play custom campaigns made for the first game, in the second game.
Bill has red eyes in first image. He's pissed off, because they didn't put him in L4D2.
Actually my eyes are red because I just worked out I can no longer afford a copy of L4D2 due to the travel and ticket expenses.

I dressed like a tit for nothing!
Glenn: A HEV helmet / hat?

Chet checks his iPhone ignoring me
This was a LOL-worthy piece of journalism.

Anyhow, nice read. Interesting question about him visiting HL2.net.
I was there too, and got a little bit more out of Chet regarding this. He explained that they're considering releasing a free "Asset Pack" for people who don't own L4D1 so that players are able to play custom campaigns made for the first game, in the second game.
That's really great, I really hope they get past considering it and look more at implementing it! It must be a tricky thing to do otherwise they would have done it by now.
Actually my eyes are red because I just worked out I can no longer afford a copy of L4D2 due to the travel and ticket expenses.

I dressed like a tit for nothing!
Hey Bill! I'm glad you found the site, thanks for interrupting my interview you swine! If I held the grudge I could have just left and not told you where to find your picture with international superstar, Chetski.
Great work Glenny, though would have loved to see a happy snap of you, Jeru/Bill and Chet at once...
I was there too, and got a little bit more out of Chet regarding this. He explained that they're considering releasing a free "Asset Pack" for people who don't own L4D1 so that players are able to play custom campaigns made for the first game, in the second game.
I'm not sure how the specific dialogue triggers would work if you're playing a L4D campaign with L4D2 characters though. Personally I'm mostly concerned about what cross-play will entail, HOPEFULLY it will essentially just be running a new exe for L4D2 but also sharing all the assets and files from your L4D installation such that when you bring up your online lobbies you have Heavy Rain alongside No Mercy and it just loads up all the old files and director settings as easily as the L4D2 campaigns. Any kind of switching or flicking between programs or having to go out of your way to check if there are L4D lobbies running is going to make people less inclined to play it as much as they play 2.

Also I'd had hoped they'd have done something about the mod community and support in game as there's a lot of brilliant campaigns but few games playing them because if you don't have the mod it gives you a l4dmaps.com url usually, and unless you pay for their premium servers you are not going to be able to even download a 50mb campaign before the game ends. There's also no real way to see what people have been playing that week/month in game, and any kind of statistics like if it's a five map campaign or unfinished or what people have thought of it. I can't say any of this is helpful as it's purely moaning and not offering any solutions or ideas, but at the very least when I click the links I'd like it to open the web panel in my steam overlay rather than alt tabbing me out of the game.
Hectic Glenn said:
Hey Bill! I'm glad you found the site, thanks for interrupting my interview you swine! If I held the grudge I could have just left and not told you where to find your picture with international superstar, Chetski..
The guy I saw on the way in who wanted to interview me about what I thought of L4D2 after I'd played it I never saw again, so I guess that's karma.
the interview said:
Well we've actually changed versus as well, there is a difference in scoring and also it's harder for survivors now. We've made it easier for the infected, they are a little more powerful,
Translation: we listened to the community about what need to be done in order to make versus worth playing, then we decided to put it in the sequel and not fix it in the first one.
Excellent interview and impressions Glenn, that's some real content right there. Cheers!
Scavenge mode is awesome! Nice short rounds so its easy to pick up and play :)

Grenade launcher is also nice, and not too overpowered which is what I was worried about.