Halflife2.net Interviews Troy: Divine Playground

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
We spoil you guys too much, sometimes. Once again I'm reporting news of another well written interview from Gothax?. Gothax? recently spoke to the Troy: Divine Playground mod about various topics and the following is a short preview:
Halflife2.net: Following my previous question, properly creating a MOD such as Troy: Divine Playground is a hard thing to accomplish. How do you think the development team is handling the situation?
Kiroke: The coding part is a well understood part for the core team: We are used to dealing with software projects such as this one. Managing a project with external resources from around the world is quite a different game though; you cannot make precise estimates as to when a particular task is to be finished. We are thus looking for partnerships with art schools. Students that are credited to work on a project have a deadline, plus they have an additional motivation to do a great job (their final score).
So if you want to read the rest of the interview then head on over to it here.
As always, if you have any constructive feedback on the interviews then please post your questions either directly to writer of the interview by posting comments to this news post here or by using their e-mail address which can be found in the article itself.
You do spoil us, thats alot of modification update news in the last few days with interviews. And all the links work in this one so far :) Cheers!
Hectic Glenn said:
You do spoil us, thats alot of modification update news in the last few days with interviews. And all the links work in this one so far :) Cheers!
I actually checked the HTML code this time :o

Hope you enjoy! :D