Halflife2.net Servers


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
We currently have 1 Team Fortress 2 servers!

A private [hl2.net] clan server:

[hl2.net] Cry some more! (USA)
(provided by Cyberpitz and Pesmerga) 2Fort only. Password is 'hl2net'.

I'm incredibly thankful to those who have used their own money to provide gaming servers for the community to use. Thanks chaps :)
:) You're welcome. Glad to help this out. Pesh and I are really wanting to get this clan thing going. We are trying!! :D
I'm going to screw with Pitzy on his home turf next chance I get...

Cheers mate.
:) You're welcome. Glad to help this out. Pesh and I are really wanting to get this clan thing going. We are trying!! :D

I notice the private server is in USA, i'll likely get a slow ping to that from UK right?

I'm damn interested in joining HL2 clan, just to play as part of a solid team has to be miles better than a bunch of randoms. Just gotta wait for new system to arrive.
I notice the private server is in USA, i'll likely get a slow ping to that from UK right?

I'm damn interested in joining HL2 clan, just to play as part of a solid team has to be miles better than a bunch of randoms. Just gotta wait for new system to arrive.

You'll get around a 100-150 ping. That's not totally unplayable. really, most cases it's hard to notice.
A little bit higher. 198 for the private server, and 76/84 for the 2 public servers.

Was lower for all 3 earlier, so I imagine at times it could well be higher.
Gonna see if I get to join you guys at the hl2 servers, playing with others than whining kids sounds fun ;)
Update the UK #2 server please!
For us newbs at this, you just gotta restart the server for that to update, or what do we do?
How do I add the servers using the Ip addreses? I can't find it with the filter search because I don't know where it is... UK is Europe, right? :/
Steam > servers > favorites > add a server

It's not that hard ....
Server #2 updated fine last night FYI.

I couldn't even get in the server for a while it was so full!
Gief 2x Dustbowl in the rotation, often especially awesome games on that map imo.
Do you think it's ok to play with 300 ping? :/
Jints - 300 plays fine, but try to get it down to about 200 and you'd be better.
I saw a full HL2.net server earlier today. I left it on auto-join for about half an hour before giving up and joining another server.

Way to go. D:<
If you find yourself unable to get onto G-dubs TF2 server you'll find my clan (www.clancro.co.uk) have a nice 24 man 100 tick TF2 server going as well:-

Team Fortress 2
Address: cro1.clancro.co.uk:27040
Players: 24

We also have a bunch of other servers for other Source games:-

CS:S Standard
Address: cro1.clancro.co.uk:27015
Players: 24

CS:S Gungame
Address: cro1.clancro.co.uk:27020
Players: 24

CS:S DeathMatch
Address: cro1.clancro.co.uk:27025
Players: 24

CS:S WC3 mod
Address: cro1.clancro.co.uk:27030
Players: 24

Add to favorites, we like competitive players who enjoy gaming, but aren't too serious about it. :D

Edit: updated server listing

Kadayi|SV|Black Flagg!!!!
holy shameless plug, batman :p

Why not, no real harm in it (the servers are free) and if HL2 community members want to use them regularly as a meeting point we are more than happy to accommodate them. As it is, even with the games we are presently running we are barely tapping the capacity of the 2 servers we have, so we might well add another TF2 into the mix later on, as well as a few mod ones as and when they emerge (Insurgency beta 2 is a certainty).

I did PM Munro about making our TF2 one a HL2.net community one, but as he hasn't gotten back to me in a week, I thought I'd take the initiative. Save yourselves the trouble of waiting for a slot to open up on G-Dubs if it's full and jump on ours.

Kadayi|Black Flagg!!!
G-Dub's server just died on me for the second time today ;(
How about a game today
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Bloody join them then you tart.
What's the point of bloody joining them if there're no people around?
What's the point of bloody joining them if there're no people around?

You join the server, all the people in Steam chat and all your friends (if you have any!) see you join the server and think "hey, look it's The Monkey playing! let's go frag the wanker!" and go play on it too! And thus everyone is happy :D