HalfLife2.net US Counter-Strike: Source Servers Now Online


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Our US East Coast and Central US server sponsor, Leetnet, has just finished uploading the rest of Counter-Strike: Source 1.0 on to our servers. Please join us on there as soon as you can, and remember to give our sponsors a visit.
Halflife2.net CS NY #1 | 12 slots |[br]
[LeetNet.com] Halflife2.net CS NY #2 | 12 slots |[br]
[LeetNet.com] Halflife2.net CS TX #1 | 20 slots |
i'll play as soon as retail comes out and i install it :-D
i'll be sure to drop by and t-bag a few regulars in there :E
Thank you Icarus and HalfLife2.net for choosing us to host your US servers!
Soooo... what's everyone think of CS:Source? (Those of you who have played it.) I got it running last night and played for a few hours, and it looks and sounds incredible and runs beautifully. The Source engine seems absolutely fantastic at first blush; I spent some time shooting and nudging barrels and other objects just to watch the physics in action. The models look great, the textures, even set on medium, are amazing, and it increases my anticipation of Half-Life 2 even more.

Of course, it's still very much the same old CS in a lot of ways. The difficulty of finding a nice, even match, tons of unfriendly, juvenile pinheads on the servers, the old problem of a round winding up with only one player left on each side, each creeping slowly around on opposite ends of the map, while everyone waits for the remaining three and a half minutes to pass.

What does everyone else think?
STILL WAITING FOR THE WEST COAST (preferably one in my home town haha :p) SERVER!!
Sorry For The Double - Posting

notmydesk said:
Soooo... what's everyone think of CS:Source? (Those of you who have played it.)

For the 20 minutes I've played it (been too busy lately to play a full hard core review) I loved it.

Sure on any server/game there will be immature nublets that are AFK or TKers or what-have-ya but its part of the experience I guess :laugh: .

The sounds are amazingly crisp (except the dull footsteps). The physics are incredibably, well, true to physics (except shooting a 100lb flower vase with a 9mm round and it knocked over without breaking)

ONE GRIPE: Whats with the name changes of the guns??!! When did this happen ???! My first impression was that they changed every single gun to some little known third world arsenal quickly to realize that they were the real old guns renamed stupendously wrong. Schmidt ?

"Ya, dude that Schmidt gun r0x0r!" ;(

All in all, for the 20 min I played CS:S, I give it a *** (outta 4)

-poofy :x
We're happy to be able to provide the East Coast and Midwest CS:S servers for HL2.net. If anyone has any issues with these servers, feel free to let me know. And of course, if you are interested in a server, contact me as well, or go to the website.
Well now I'll have a good ping but it seems like I might not go onto it because everyone from Europe will be on the other ones.
Everytime I've gone on it it's been the same map.
Are you guys just partial to that map or what?
Why doesn't anyone ever seem to be in one of the other 2 servers everytime I go to play?

I agree with allot of the reviews as far as the game goes, same game prettied up with allot of the same 1337 morons from regular CS.

Does hieghten the anticipation for HL2 though.
Dunno about these Leetnet servers but the b33f one's do not have the flashlight on. Plz allow it? :) It's so cool.
Two words: Friendly Fire
Two more: Team Kill

not cool, i was killed six or seven times today by shall we say, those of lesser brain function. If FF were turned off on the servers I, and I am sure many others, would be very happy.

oooh, and the flashlight.

I think it would be appropriate if some of the hl2.net peeps were awarded admin rights, that's really up to leetnet, but there have been many instances where admin action should have taken.

That about sums it up.
Hmm... Daegon was this on the NY servers?

I went on there this morning to turn FF off.
HL2.net has full access to change anything you like on the servers provided by us. I'll even make the changes if they request me to. But I'm just the host here, look at this as their servers pretty much...they are the admins.

Also, there is a documented issue with the cs:s servers that causes them to stop responding and utilize 99% of the box's CPU that they are on. If you see one offline, this is probably why. My scripts that look for dead servers to restart don't catch it because it's technically still running. I'm looking forward for an update soon! If it looks like it's going to take a long time for the update I'll write a script to monitor cpu utilization and kill and start the server based on that.
Too bad most of us aren't part of the staff then. Well not that bad in some cases ;)