Halflife2.net Vanilla Team Fortress 2 Community Server

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
We seem to have a large community love for Team Fortress 2 (and hats) so Halflife2.net have partnered up with INX-Gaming to bring you guys a 24 slot, European based, vanilla Team Fortress 2 server.

Anyone is free to play on the server, however Halflife2.net members will get preference if you help us to develop the server community. How you may ask?[br]We will be looking to recruit community admins to look after the server as well as providing dedicated slots. All we ask of the community is to help fill the servers up by organising games through our Steam community chat. Our chat officers will monitor helpers and assist with announcements.<h2>Server IP:</h2> [Vanilla TF2 - Sourcemod admin / rockthevote (rtv) / team scramble vote (!scramble)]
Lets just hope they don't put a ping limit on it and we can try to battle lag...
Had a laugh earlier, shall pop on every so often :)
Ping to server: 365ms. Bad but I'll still check it out when people are on.
Added to favourites. Will join in when I can.
Added, thanks! I'm looking forward to another attempt to get some sort of team together, but I imagine it's a little early for that now. I also need to see what kind of ping I'll have across the pond. I will be in this server today after work.
The one thing that puts me off is the 24 player limit. I nearly always play on 32 player servers these days.
Awww, I want to be in an allchat TF2 server with you guys :( Stupid different continent ...