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Please can anyone help me? I've covered a lot of the game in half life 2, brilliant game! But now I'm stuck. I've got as far as the alien station, I've made my way to the top of this tower, where this scientist guy who wants to destroy the world is in this teleport thing, I've destroyed the two alien helicopters. I've got alyx behind me, she is just above me. What do I have to do from here coz I keep dying & cant work out what I have to do next to get on? Can anyone please advise me??
First off, wrong section. This is for people looking for help in relation to modding, or recruitment for mod teams.

Secondly, in answer to your question, you must use the Blue Gravity Gun (which you have) to fire those energy balls into the spinning wall things around the centre of the teleporter. Each time you hit one it will fall off. Once they have all fallen off, launch an energy ball into the teleporter.
Highlight this text for help.

Chapter 13: Our Benefactors [HL.06.14]

You'll find yourself outside the citadel. The only way down is by jumping from
rock to rock. Watch out for a Headcrabs. Ah, who cares, there is health nearby
anyway. Find a way in. Just keep going (you can't get lost), until you find
the same capsules as Eli was captures in. There are 2 each time, but the right

one will lead to dead. Not something you want, right? Sprint to the other side
of the room, and use the capsule that goes away from the electric zapper (or
whatever it is). By using it, you'll enter it.


Enjoy your trip. You're safe for now. After a while, you'll fall down.


All your weapons will be taken from you, but your Gravity Gun will be
upgraded. You can now use it to lift heavy things and kill enemies. It gives
quite a lot of fun. Continue, and you'll find a charger. This charger will
heal you, and also charge your suit (to 200 points). While you keep going,
Dr. Breen will give various speeches. Listen to them, and keep going.

Eventually, you'll end up in a room with a beam. Note how much fun it is to
throw a Combine in there. Find the elevator here and use it. You'll end up in
a room with a force field. You can pull the cores of the generators towards
you, and fire them off. Do so. This will kill the Combines, and disable the
power field. Continue.


Just keep going, and you'll end up in a new room. Find the switch to call the
elevator. While you are waiting, defend yourself. It's never been so much fun
with the new gun. When the elevator arrives, step onto it, and go up. You'll
have to defend yourself from attacks. When you are all the way at the top,
remove the core to lower the field.

Once again, just keep going, until you see a long hall below you. Jump down,
and move towards the end of the hall. You'll see a strider, but at the very
end, you'll also see cores. Remove the cores and quickly enter the room below,
once the field is down.


Heal and recharge if needed, and continue. You'll find a capsule. Use it, and
enjoy the ride. Note you'll see things you never saw before (like the real
Combine, which looks like a big fat slug). You'll go all the way to the top
of the citadel.

Chapter 14: Dark Energy [HL.06.15]

A lot of yadayada from here. Dr. Mossman will save the day, and Dr. Breen will
take your Gravity Gun, and shoot at you. This causes you to get free. Wait a
bit longer, and Alyx will open the elevator. Follow her.

You'll end up in a room with panels. More talking, and I won't spoil it this
much for you. Grab your Gravity Gun back. Alyx will tell you to destroy the
core of the generator, and she'll open the lift for you. Take the lift down.

From here, it's hard to describe what to do. You'll need to walk around, and
use moving platforms to get up. Don't worry, I don't think you can be too
slow (I'm sure that a relief for some of you =p). Once you reached the top,
the teleportation will start. First, shoot the choppers that are flying around
with the cores. Once they are destroyed, shoot cores towards the teleporter.
You'll need to shoot away all the shields, and then shoot the light. This will
cause the teleportation to be destroyed, and you finished the game.

G-man will stop time, and you'll see how the generator explodes. I guess Alyx
will die, but who knows. G-man will put you to sleep again, and tells you
he'll wake you for your next assignment. End of game.

Note: You can re-watch the credits by opening chapter 15.

"Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice, I will take the liberty
of choosing for you... if and when your time comes round again."