halflifesource's song about HL2.net?


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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anyone remember it? way back from some live hlsource show where they did an awesome song with an acoustic guitar, basically just mocking hl2.net. Maybe someone here has it? just grasping at straws here since it was quite a while ago..

by the way, those shows were pretty cool.. the way they always said they had something awesome to reveal about HL2 but ended up talking about.. bullcrap for the entire show.
Haha, I want to hear it again. It was Andy Hodges singing, wasn't it?
That would probably be Sexy Josh.

He used to have a music page, not sure where it is. But here's his myspace, with other songs by him. All of them are meant for humor and stuff. If you do some snooping you can probably find the song you are looking for. I haven't heard the one about Hl.2net, would be interesting. http://myspace.com/sexyjoshmusic

Edit: Oh, here's his site. http://sexyjosh.tsfilms.com/?page_id=4

But I don't see it... Maybe Andy did sing it 0_0
Was that the one that provoked an INTERNETWAROMGLOL?
Whats even funnier is their all a bunch of douche's.

HLS isn't around anymore as you see, great people I tell you!
Feels like this is an appropriate time to state "Halflife2.net ****ing owns".
I can't find anything hl2.net related on the site Veggies posted
Which is odd because Sexy Josh makes all the acoustic guitar songs (which Crazy said it was) on Half-Life radio.
Perhaps he took it down because it was generating hate or something.
heh, I remember the little war we had with them. Good times. I also remember people digging up dirt about Andy Hodges, that was a tense time involving all sorts of trolls, flamers, and spies.

I miss having a good old internet war. :(
I used to listen to good old halflife radio all the time, hell short recoil still posts on thoose forums.
Half-life radio was a joke. Just like Andy Hodges. Goodtimes I tell ye!